2012-02-27 10:07 htc开发 阅读(1647) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
(1) 下面我们看一下Dispatcher类的主要接口。
1)gotoNext & gotoPrev:这两个接口分别从当前安装步骤前进(后退)到下一个(上一个)具有用户界面的安装步骤,在图形界面安装模式下,由InstallControlWindow类调用,在字符模式下,由InstallInterface类(在text.py和cmdline.py中)调用。这两个函数只是简单的设置安装方向,然后调用moveStep函数,其核心操作是moveStep。
另外,Dispatcher类的主要接口还有skipStep(self, stepToSkip, skip = 1, permanent = 0)是跳过安装步骤的函数。setStepList(self, *steps)是安装步骤设置函数,主要由安装类型实例调用,每个安装类型会根据自身的特点设置安装步骤。这些接口的实现逻辑都比较简单,这里不一一给出分析了。
(2) 核心是字符安装模式的InstallInterface类和图形安装模式InstallControlWindow类的实现。看InstallControlWindow中的接口。
2)run: 启动图形安装界面的入口函数。该函数调用了setup_window接口,该接口调用gtk"绘制"图形安装界面的主窗体,然后控制权交给了gtk。
3)nextClicked & prevClicked:这两个接口分别执行从当前图形安装界面向前(向后)到下一个图形安装界面的操作,我们可以想象安装过程中当用户点击"下一步" 或"上一步"按钮时,这两个函数被调用。这两个函数首先调用主流程控制Dispatcher实例向前(向后)前进到下一个图形安装界面,然后调用setScreen函数设置图形界面。
(3)anaconda主程序: 图形环境运行是建立在X Server基础上的,对于图形模式,anaconda需要先运行X服务器,然后启动图形模式安装过程。而对于字符模式,anaconda的主执行体就作了一件事,启动字符模式安装过程。
主要工作包括引用模块路径设置、参数解析、设置log、内存检测、安装类型设置,然后调用pyanaconda/类创建主执行体实例anaconda,接着解析kickstart文件,调用/usr/bin/Xorg(位于解开后的install.img中)程序启动X server,调用Anaconda类的initInterface()初始化界面,调用intf(是InstallInterface类的实例)的run()启动安装过程。对于字符安装模式,是直接调用InstallInterface实例的run接口。而对于图形安装模式,则是由InstallInterface实例的run接口间接的调用installcontrolwindow实例的run接口,从而启动图形界面。
(4)pyanaconda/ 里面有Anaconda类,负责具体的启动安装过程。前面说过,安装的流程由Dispatcher控制,对于图形模式,图形模式的前端显示及与用户的交互由InstallControlWindow调度,而字符模式的前端显示层由InstallInterface调度。因此,启动安装过程,实际就是创建主要控制类的实例,调用实例的接口,启动安装过程,然后再由这几个主要的控制类的实例创建具体安装界面,创建安装行为类的实例,调用具体的函数完成具体的安装过程。
整个Anaconda的运行流程如下图: 图2 Anaconda运行流程
1)gotoNext & gotoPrev:这两个接口分别从当前安装步骤前进(后退)到下一个(上一个)具有用户界面的安装步骤,在图形界面安装模式下,由InstallControlWindow类调用,在字符模式下,由InstallInterface类(在text.py和cmdline.py中)调用。这两个函数只是简单的设置安装方向,然后调用moveStep函数,其核心操作是moveStep。
- def moveStep(self):
- if self.step == None:
- self.step = self.firstStep
- else:
- if self.step >= len(installSteps):
- return None
-"leaving (%d) step %s" %(self._getDir(), installSteps[self.step][0]))
- self.step = self.step + self._getDir()
- if self.step >= len(installSteps):
- return None
- while self.step >= self.firstStep and self.step < len(installSteps) \
- and (self.stepInSkipList(self.step) or self.stepIsDirect(self.step)):
- if self.stepIsDirect(self.step) and not self.stepInSkipList(self.step):
- (stepName, stepFunc) = installSteps[self.step]
-"moving (%d) to step %s" %(self._getDir(), stepName))
- log.debug("%s is a direct step" %(stepName,))
- rc = stepFunc(self.anaconda)
- self._setDir(rc)
-"leaving (%d) step %s" %(self._getDir(), stepName))
- # if anything else, leave self.dir alone
- self.step = self.step + self._getDir()
- if self.step == len(installSteps): # 安装过程完成,退出循环
- return None
- if (self.step < 0):
- # pick the first step not in the skip list
- self.step = 0
- while self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[self.step][0]):
- self.step = self.step + 1 # 步数加一,向前
- elif self.step >= len(installSteps):
- self.step = len(installSteps) - 1
- while self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[self.step][0]):
- self.step = self.step - 1
-"moving (%d) to step %s" %(self._getDir(), installSteps[self.step][0]))
- def currentStep(self):
- if self.step == None:
- self.gotoNext()
- elif self.step >= len(installSteps):
- return (None, None)
- stepInfo = installSteps[self.step]
- step = stepInfo[0]
- return (step, self.anaconda)
(2) 核心是字符安装模式的InstallInterface类和图形安装模式InstallControlWindow类的实现。看InstallControlWindow中的接口。
1)数据结构stepTopClass: 该字典中记录了安装过程中所有的具有图形用户界面的安装步骤。
- stepToClass = {
- "language" : ("language_gui", "LanguageWindow"),
- "keyboard" : ("kbd_gui", "KeyboardWindow"),
- "filtertype" : ("filter_type", "FilterTypeWindow"),
- "filter" : ("filter_gui", "FilterWindow"),
- "zfcpconfig" : ("zfcp_gui", "ZFCPWindow"),
- "partition" : ("partition_gui", "PartitionWindow"),
- "parttype" : ("autopart_type", "PartitionTypeWindow"),
- "cleardiskssel": ("cleardisks_gui", "ClearDisksWindow"),
- "findinstall" : ("examine_gui", "UpgradeExamineWindow"),
- "addswap" : ("upgrade_swap_gui", "UpgradeSwapWindow"),
- "upgrademigratefs" : ("upgrade_migratefs_gui", "UpgradeMigrateFSWindow"),
- "bootloader": ("bootloader_main_gui", "MainBootloaderWindow"),
- "upgbootloader": ("upgrade_bootloader_gui", "UpgradeBootloaderWindow"),
- "network" : ("network_gui", "NetworkWindow"),
- "timezone" : ("timezone_gui", "TimezoneWindow"),
- "accounts" : ("account_gui", "AccountWindow"),
- "tasksel": ("task_gui", "TaskWindow"),
- "group-selection": ("package_gui", "GroupSelectionWindow"),
- "install" : ("progress_gui", "InstallProgressWindow"),
- "complete" : ("congrats_gui", "CongratulationWindow"),
- }
2)run: 启动图形安装界面的入口函数。该函数调用了setup_window接口,该接口调用gtk"绘制"图形安装界面的主窗体,然后控制权交给了gtk。
- def run (self):
- self.setup_theme()
- self.setup_window(False)
- gtk.main()
- def prevClicked (self, *args):
- try:
- self.currentWindow.getPrev ()
- except StayOnScreen:
- return
- self.anaconda.dispatch.gotoPrev()
- self.setScreen ()
- def nextClicked (self, *args):
- try:
- rc = self.currentWindow.getNext ()
- except StayOnScreen:
- return
- self.anaconda.dispatch.gotoNext()
- self.setScreen ()
- 4)setScreen: 用于设置图形界面。代码如下:
- def setScreen (self):
- # 取得当前安装步骤信息
- (step, anaconda) = self.anaconda.dispatch.currentStep()
- if step is None:
- gtk.main_quit()
- return
- if not stepToClass[step]: # 不在其中,则直接跳到下一步
- if self.anaconda.dispatch.dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD:
- return self.nextClicked()
- else:
- return self.prevClicked()
- (file, className) = stepToClass[step] # 获得图形界面类所在模块及其类名
- newScreenClass = None
- while True:
- try:
- found = imp.find_module(file, iw.__path__)
- moduleName = 'pyanaconda.iw.%s' % file
- loaded = imp.load_module(moduleName, *found) # 载入该图形界面模块
- newScreenClass = loaded.__dict__[className]
- break
- except ImportError, e:
- stdout_log.error("loading interface component %s" % className)
- stdout_log.error(traceback.format_exc())
- win = MessageWindow(_("Error!"),
- _("An error occurred when attempting "
- "to load an installer interface "
- "component.\n\nclassName = %s")
- % (className,),
- type="custom", custom_icon="warning",
- custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"),
- _("_Retry")])
- if not win.getrc():
- msg = _("The system will now reboot.")
- buttons = [_("_Reboot")]
- MessageWindow(_("Exiting"),
- msg,
- type="custom",
- custom_icon="warning",
- custom_buttons=buttons)
- sys.exit(0)
- ics = InstallControlState (self)
- # 设置是否是可以返回上一步
- ics.setPrevEnabled(self.anaconda.dispatch.canGoBack())
- self.destroyCurrentWindow() # 销毁原来的图形安装界面
- self.currentWindow = newScreenClass(ics) # 创建新的图形安装界面并设为当前界面
- new_screen = self.currentWindow.getScreen(anaconda) # 生成安装步骤的界面
- # If the getScreen method returned None, that means the screen did not
- # want to be displayed for some reason and we should skip to the next
- # step. However, we do not want to remove the current step from the
- # list as later events may cause the screen to be displayed.
- if not new_screen:
- if self.anaconda.dispatch.dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD:
- self.anaconda.dispatch.gotoNext()
- else:
- self.anaconda.dispatch.gotoPrev()
- return self.setScreen()
- self.update (ics)
- self.installFrame.add(new_screen)
- self.installFrame.show_all()
- self.currentWindow.focus()
- self.handle = gobject.idle_add(self.handleRenderCallback)
- if self.reloadRcQueued:
- self.window.reset_rc_styles()
- self.reloadRcQueued = 0
(3)anaconda主程序: 图形环境运行是建立在X Server基础上的,对于图形模式,anaconda需要先运行X服务器,然后启动图形模式安装过程。而对于字符模式,anaconda的主执行体就作了一件事,启动字符模式安装过程。
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- setupPythonPath()
- # ......
- # 解析启动本脚本时传入的参数
- (opts, args) = parseOptions()
- from pyanaconda.flags import flags
- if opts.images:
- flags.imageInstall = True
- # 设置log
- import logging
- from pyanaconda import anaconda_log
- anaconda_log.init()
- log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
- stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
- # ......
- from pyanaconda import Anaconda
- anaconda = Anaconda() # 创建主执行体实例
- warnings.showwarning = AnacondaShowWarning
- iutil.setup_translations(gettext)
- # ......
- # 检测内存,现在只用在文本模式下
- check_memory(anaconda, opts, 't')
- if opts.unsupportedMode:
- stdoutLog.error("Running anaconda in %s mode is no longer supported." % opts.unsupportedMode)
- sys.exit(0)
- # ......
- # kickstart文件解析
- if opts.ksfile:
- kickstart.preScriptPass(anaconda, opts.ksfile)
- anaconda.ksdata = kickstart.parseKickstart(anaconda, opts.ksfile)
- opts.rescue = opts.rescue or anaconda.ksdata.rescue.rescue
- # ......
- # 如果没有X server,使用文本模式
- if not flags.livecdInstall and not iutil.isS390() and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK):
- stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation is not available. "
- "Starting text mode."))
- time.sleep(2)
- anaconda.displayMode = 't'
- # ......
- # 启动本地的X server
- if anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and not flags.preexisting_x11 and not flags.usevnc:
- try:
- # start X with its USR1 handler set to ignore. this will make it send
- # us SIGUSR1 if it succeeds. if it fails, catch SIGCHLD and bomb out.
- def sigchld_handler(num, frame):
- raise OSError(0, "SIGCHLD caught when trying to start the X server.")
- def sigusr1_handler(num, frame):
- log.debug("X server has signalled a successful start.")
- def preexec_fn():
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_IGN)
- old_sigusr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler)
- old_sigchld = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler)
- xout = open("/dev/tty5", "w")
- # 启动X server
- proc = subprocess.Popen(["Xorg", "-br", "-logfile", "/tmp/X.log",
- ":1", "vt6", "-s", "1440", "-ac",
- "-nolisten", "tcp", "-dpi", "96",
- "-noreset"],
- close_fds=True, stdout=xout, stderr=xout,
- preexec_fn=preexec_fn)
- signal.pause()
- os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":1"
- doStartupX11Actions()
- except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
- stdoutLog.warning(" X startup failed, falling back to text mode")
- anaconda.displayMode = 't'
- graphical_failed = 1
- time.sleep(2)
- finally:
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, old_sigusr1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, old_sigchld)
- set_x_resolution(opts.runres)
- # ......
- # 初始化UI界面
- anaconda.initInterface()
- anaconda.instClass.configure(anaconda)
- # ......
- # 启动安装过程
- try:
- except SystemExit, code:
- anaconda.intf.shutdown()
- if anaconda.ksdata and anaconda.ksdata.reboot.eject:
- for drive in
- if drive.type != "cdrom":
- continue
-"attempting to eject %s" % drive.path)
- drive.eject()
- del anaconda.intf
(4)pyanaconda/ 里面有Anaconda类,负责具体的启动安装过程。前面说过,安装的流程由Dispatcher控制,对于图形模式,图形模式的前端显示及与用户的交互由InstallControlWindow调度,而字符模式的前端显示层由InstallInterface调度。因此,启动安装过程,实际就是创建主要控制类的实例,调用实例的接口,启动安装过程,然后再由这几个主要的控制类的实例创建具体安装界面,创建安装行为类的实例,调用具体的函数完成具体的安装过程。
- class Anaconda(object):
- def __init__(self):
- import desktop, dispatch, firewall, security
- import system_config_keyboard.keyboard as keyboard
- from flags import flags
- # ......
- # 创建dispatch实例
- self.dispatch = dispatch.Dispatcher(self)
- # ......
- # ......
- intf = property(_getInterface, _setInterface, _delInterface)
- # ......
- def initInterface(self):
- if self._intf:
- raise RuntimeError, "Second attempt to initialize the InstallInterface"
- # 设置图形模式需要的链接
- if self.displayMode == 'g':
- (_("Starting graphical installation."))
- try:
- from gui import InstallInterface
- except Exception, e:
- from flags import flags
- stdoutLog.error("Exception starting GUI installer: %s" %(e,))
- # if we're not going to really go into GUI mode, we need to get
- # back to vc1 where the text install is going to pop up.
- if not flags.livecdInstall:
- isys.vtActivate (1)
- stdoutLog.warning("GUI installer startup failed, falling back to text mode.")
- self.displayMode = 't'
- if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ.keys():
- del os.environ['DISPLAY']
- time.sleep(2)
- if self.displayMode == 't':
- from text import InstallInterface
- if not os.environ.has_key("LANG"):
- os.environ["LANG"] = "en_US.UTF-8"
- if self.displayMode == 'c':
- from cmdline import InstallInterface
- self._intf = InstallInterface() # 创建InstallInterface实例
- return self._intf
整个Anaconda的运行流程如下图: 图2 Anaconda运行流程