
C++类的复制控制 笔记

2009-08-15 10:36  htc开发  阅读(122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

vector<string> svec;


编译器首先使用 string 默认构造函数创建一个临时值来初始化 svec,然后使用复制构造函数将临时值复制到
 svec 的每个元素。


The parameter of the copy constructor does not strictly need to be const, but it does need to be a reference. Explain the rationale for this restriction. For example, explain why the following definition could not work.
复制构造函数的形参并不限制为 const ,但必须是一个引用。解释这个限制的基本原理,例如,解释为什么下面的定义

Sales_item::Sales_item(const Sales_item rhs);
注意:这样的拷贝构造函数为什么行不通     提示:形参的初始化是怎样的

因为复制构造函数的形参并不限制为 const ,但必须是一个引用,而这里这个函数并没有覆盖默认的构造函数,所有编译器会自动生成一个合成的复制构造函数,在形参初始化的时候,它是利用合成的复制构造函数,所以在这个过程中会产生一个死循环.故产生错误.

赋值操作符的返回类型应该与内置类型赋值运算返回的类型相同(第 5.4.1 节



A useful rule of thumb is that if a class needs a destructor, it will also need the assignment operator and a copy constructor. This rule is often referred to as the Rule of Three, indicating that if you need a destructor, then you need all three copy-control members.



An important difference between the destructor and the copy constructor or assignment operator is that even if we write our own destructor, the synthesized destructor is still run. For example, we might write the following empty destructor for class Sales_item:

例如,可以为 Sales_item: 类编写如下的空析构函数:

class Sales_item

          // empty; no work to do other than destroying the members,
          // which happens automatically
           ~Sales_item() { }
          // other members as before

撤销 Sales_item
成析构函数调用 string 析构函数来撤销 string 成员,string 析构函数释放了保存 isbn 的内存。
units_sold 和 revenue 成员是内置类型,所以合成析构函数撤销它们不需要做什么。