#include <iostream> #include <string> // using string constructors int main() { using namespace std; string one("Lottery Winner!"); cout << one << endl; // string two(20, '$'); // two初始化为由20个字符串组成 cout << two << endl; string three(one); // cout << three << endl; one += " Oops!"; // overloaded += cout << one << endl; two = "Sorry! That was "; three[0] = 'P'; string four; // ctor #4 four = two + three; // overloaded +, = cout << four << endl; char alls[] = "All's well that ends well"; string five(alls,20); // 输出前20个字符 cout << five << "!\n"; string six(alls+6, alls + 10); // 数组名相当于指针,指向第一个元素地址,等同于six(alls,6,10) cout << six << ", ";//输出第7和第11地址之间的元素 string seven(&five[6], &five[10]); //等同于seven(alls+6, alls + 10) cout << seven << "...\n"; string eight(four, 7, 16); // ctor #7 cout << eight << " in motion!" << endl; // std::cin.get(); return 0; }