
(function initJParticle( $ ){

    "use strict";

    var createParticlesSandbox, Utils;

    Utils = {};

     * Create jParticle animation.
     * @param {Object} options Few jParticle options.
     * @return {Object} jQuery object for chaining.
    $.fn.jParticle = function jParticle( options ){
        this.each(function( _, el ){

            if ( typeof el.sandbox === 'object' ) {

                $( el ).removeJParticle();

            el.sandbox = createParticlesSandbox( el, options );
        return this;

     * Remove jParticle canvas.
     * @return {Object} jQuery object for chaining.
    $.fn.removeJParticle = function removeJParticle(){

        this.each(function( _, el ){

            if ( el.sandbox ) {

                delete el.sandbox;

        return this;

     * Freeze jParticle animation.
     * @return {Object} jQuery object for chaining.
    $.fn.freezeJParticle = function freezeJParticle(){

        this.each(function( _, el ){

            if ( el.sandbox ) {


        return this;

     * Unfreeze jParticle animation.
     * @return {Object} jQuery object for chaining.
    $.fn.unfreezeJParticle = function unfreezeJParticle(){

        this.each(function( _, el ){

            if ( el.sandbox ) {


        return this;

     * Create a particles sandbox instance.
     * @param {Object} element Element for the sandbox.
     * @param {Object} params Few sandbox's params.
     * @return {Object} Particles sandbox object.
    createParticlesSandbox = function createParticlesSandbox( element, params ){

        var ParticlesSandbox, createParticle;

        ParticlesSandbox = {};
        ParticlesSandbox.canvas = {};
        ParticlesSandbox.mouse = {};
        ParticlesSandbox.particles = [];

        ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated = false;

         * Initialize the sandbox
         * @param {Object} element Element for the sandbox.
         * @param {Object} params Few sandbox's params.
        ParticlesSandbox.initialize = function initialize( element, params ){

            ParticlesSandbox.initParams( params );
            ParticlesSandbox.initHTML( element );

         * Initialize sandbox's params.
         * @param {Object} params Few sandbox's params.
        ParticlesSandbox.initParams = function initParams( params ){

            if ( params && params.color && (!params.particle || ( params.particle && !params.particle.color ) ) ) {

                if ( !params.particle ) {

                    params.particle = {};

                params.particle.color = params.color;

            ParticlesSandbox.params = $.extend({
                particlesNumber: 100,
                linkDist: 50,
                createLinkDist: 150,
                disableLinks: false,
                disableMouse: false,
                background: 'black',
                color: 'white',
                width: null,
                height: null,
                linksWidth: 1
            }, params );

         * Initialize the sandbox's html.
         * @param {Object} element Element for the sandbox.
        ParticlesSandbox.initHTML = function initHTML( element ){

            var canvas;

            canvas = ParticlesSandbox.canvas;

            canvas.container = $( element );
            canvas.element = $('<canvas/>');

            canvas.context = canvas.element.get(0).getContext('2d');

            canvas.container.append( canvas.element );

            canvas.element.css( 'display', 'block' );

            canvas.element.get(0).width = ( ParticlesSandbox.params.width ) ? ParticlesSandbox.params.width : canvas.container.width();
            canvas.element.get(0).height = ( ParticlesSandbox.params.height ) ? ParticlesSandbox.params.height : canvas.container.height();

            canvas.element.css( 'background', ParticlesSandbox.params.background );

         * Resize canvas.
        ParticlesSandbox.resize = function resize( width, height ){

            if ( width ) {

                canvas.element.get(0).width = width;

            if ( height ) {

                canvas.element.get(0).height = height;

         * Create all particles in the sandbox.
        ParticlesSandbox.initParticles = function initParticles(){

            var i, count;

            i = 0;
            count = ParticlesSandbox.params.particlesNumber;

            for ( ; i < count; i += 1 ) {

                ParticlesSandbox.particles.push( createParticle(
                ) );

         * Initialize the sandbox's events.
        ParticlesSandbox.initEvents = function initEvents(){

            ParticlesSandbox.canvas.element.mouseenter(function mouseEnterCallback(){

                ParticlesSandbox.mouse.hoverCanvas = true;

                if ( !ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated ) {


            ParticlesSandbox.canvas.element.mouseleave(function mouseLeaveCallback(){

                ParticlesSandbox.mouse.hoverCanvas = false;

            ParticlesSandbox.canvas.element.mousemove(function mouseMoveCallback(e){

                ParticlesSandbox.mouse = $.extend( ParticlesSandbox.mouse, Utils.getMousePosition( e, ParticlesSandbox.canvas.element[0] ) );

         * Initialize the sandbox's animation.
        ParticlesSandbox.initAnimation = function initAnimation(){

            window.requestAnimFrame = 
                window.requestAnimationFrame || 
                window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
                window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
                window.ORequestAnimationFrame || 
                window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||

                function requestAnimFrame( callback ){

                    setTimeOut( callback, 1000/60 );

            ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated = true;


         * Draw the sandbox canvas.
        ParticlesSandbox.draw = function draw(){

            var i, j, count, canvas, particle, particle2;

            i = 0;
            count = ParticlesSandbox.particles.length;
            canvas = ParticlesSandbox.canvas;

            canvas.context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.element.get(0).width, canvas.element.get(0).height );
            for ( ; i < count; i += 1 ) {

                particle = ParticlesSandbox.particles[i];

                if ( ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated ) {



                if ( !ParticlesSandbox.params.disableMouse && ParticlesSandbox.mouse.hoverCanvas ) {

                if ( !ParticlesSandbox.params.disableLinks ) {

                    for ( j = i+1; j < count; j += 1 ) {

                        particle2 = ParticlesSandbox.particles[j];


            ParticlesSandbox.requestID = window.requestAnimFrame( ParticlesSandbox.draw );

         * Draw a link between two particles.
         * @param {int} x First object abscissa coords.
         * @param {int} y First object ordered coords.
         * @param {int} x2 Second object abscissa coords.
         * @param {int} y2 Second object ordered coords.
        ParticlesSandbox.drawLink = function drawLink( x, y, x2, y2 ){

            var context;

            if ( Utils.getDistance( x, y, x2, y2 ) <= ParticlesSandbox.params.createLinkDist ) {

                context = ParticlesSandbox.canvas.context;


                context.lineWidth = ParticlesSandbox.params.linksWidth; 
                context.moveTo( x, y );
                context.lineTo( x2, y2 );
                context.globalAlpha = ParticlesSandbox.getOpacityLink( x, y, x2, y2 );
                context.strokeStyle = ParticlesSandbox.params.color;
                context.lineCap = 'round';


         * Get opacity for link two particles.
         * @param {int} x First object abscissa coords.
         * @param {int} y First object ordered coords.
         * @param {int} x2 Second object abscissa coords.
         * @param {int} y2 Second object ordered coords.
         * @return {int} 0 <= opacity <= 1
        ParticlesSandbox.getOpacityLink = function getOpacityLink( x, y, x2, y2 ){

            var dist, opacity, linkDist, createLinkDist;

            dist = Utils.getDistance( x, y, x2, y2 );
            linkDist = ParticlesSandbox.params.linkDist;
            createLinkDist = ParticlesSandbox.params.createLinkDist;

            if ( dist <= linkDist ) {

                opacity = 1;
            } else if ( dist >  createLinkDist ) {

                opacity = 0;
            } else {

                opacity = 1 - ( ( ( dist - linkDist ) * 100 ) / ( createLinkDist - linkDist ) ) / 100;

            return opacity;

         * Freeze the animation.
        ParticlesSandbox.freeze = function freeze(){

            if ( ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated ) {

                ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated = false;

         * Unfreeze the animation.
        ParticlesSandbox.unfreeze = function unfreeze(){

            if ( !ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated ) {

                ParticlesSandbox.isAnimated = true;

         * Remove the animation's canvas.
        ParticlesSandbox.remove = function remove(){


         * Create a particle instance.
         * @param {Object} canvas DOM element.
         * @param {Object} params Few particle's params.
         * @return {Object} Particle object.
        createParticle = function createParticle( canvas, params ){

            var Particle;

            Particle = {};

            Particle.canvas = {};
            Particle.vector = {};

             * Initialize the particle.
             * @param {Object} canvas DOM element.
             * @param {Object} params Few particle's params.
            Particle.initialize = function initialize( canvas, params ){

                Particle.params = $.extend({
                    color: 'white',
                    minSize: 2,
                    maxSize: 4,
                    speed: 60
                }, params );

                Particle.setCanvasContext( canvas );


             * Initialize particle's position.
            Particle.initPosition = function initPosition(){

                Particle.x = Utils.getRandNumber( 0 + Particle.radius, Particle.canvas.element.width - Particle.radius );
                Particle.y = Utils.getRandNumber( 0 + Particle.radius, Particle.canvas.element.height - Particle.radius );

             * Initialize particle's size.
            Particle.initSize = function initSize(){

                Particle.size = Utils.getRandNumber( Particle.params.minSize, Particle.params.maxSize );
                Particle.radius = Particle.size / 2;

             * Initialize particle's vectors for speed.
            Particle.initVectors = function initVectors(){

                do {
                    Particle.vector.x = Utils.getRandNumber( -Particle.params.speed / 60, Particle.params.speed / 60, false );
                    Particle.vector.y = Utils.getRandNumber( -Particle.params.speed / 60, Particle.params.speed / 60, false );

                } while ( Particle.vector.x == 0 || Particle.vector.y == 0 )

             * Set the context to draw particles.
             * @param {Object} canvas Canvas.
            Particle.setCanvasContext = function setCanvasContext( canvas ){

                var context;

                Particle.canvas.element = canvas;
                context = canvas.getContext('2d');

                if ( typeof context === 'object' && typeof context.canvas === 'object' ) {

                    Particle.canvas.context = context;
                } else {

                    throw "Error: Can't set canvas context to Particle because context isn't a CanvasRenderingContext2D object.";

             * Draw particle.
            Particle.draw = function draw(){

                var context = Particle.canvas.context;

                context.arc( Particle.x, Particle.y, Particle.size /2, 0, Math.PI*2 ); 
                context.fillStyle = Particle.params.color;

             * Update the particle's position.
            Particle.update = function update(){

                Particle.x += Particle.vector.x;
                Particle.y += Particle.vector.y;

                if ( 0 > ( Particle.x - Particle.radius ) || ( Particle.x + Particle.radius ) > Particle.canvas.element.width ) {

                    Particle.vector.x = -Particle.vector.x;

                if ( 0 > ( Particle.y - Particle.radius ) || ( Particle.y + Particle.radius ) > Particle.canvas.element.height ) {

                    Particle.vector.y = -Particle.vector.y;

             * Return position of particle.
             * @param {string} axis Optionnal axis.
             * @return {int|Object} Return object if axis is not defined, else return int.
            Particle.getPosition = function getPosition( axis ){

                if ( typeof axis === 'string' && ( axis != 'x' && axis != 'y' ) ) {

                    axis = null;

                return ( typeof( axis ) === 'string' ) ? Particle[ axis ] : { x: Particle.x, y: Particle.y };

            Particle.initialize( canvas, params );

            return {
                getPosition: Particle.getPosition,
                update: Particle.update,
                draw: Particle.draw

        ParticlesSandbox.initialize( element, params );

        return {
            remove: ParticlesSandbox.remove,
            freeze: ParticlesSandbox.freeze,
            unfreeze: ParticlesSandbox.unfreeze,
            resize: ParticlesSandbox.resize

     * Get rand number between x and y.
     * @param {int} x Minimal number.
     * @param {int} y Maximal number.
     * @param {Boolean} round True is value shouldn't be round.
     * @return {int} Rand number.
    Utils.getRandNumber = function getRandNumber( x, y, round ){

        var value;

        if( x == null ) {

            x = 0;

        if( y == null ) {

            y = 10;

        if( round == null ) {

            round = true;

        value = Math.random() * ( y - x ) + x;

        return ( round ) ? Math.round( value ) : value;

     * Get distance between to cartesian points.
     * @param {int} x First object abscissa coords.
     * @param {int} y First object ordered coords.
     * @param {int} x2 Second object abscissa coords.
     * @param {int} y2 Second object ordered coords.
     * @return {int} Distance.
    Utils.getDistance = function getDistance( x, y, x2, y2 ){

        return Math.sqrt( Math.pow( x2 - x, 2 ) + Math.pow( y2 - y, 2 ) );

     * Get mouse position.
     * @param {Object} event The HTML DOM events.
     * @param {Object} element The DOM element.
     * @return {Object} x/y position.
    Utils.getMousePosition = function getMousePosition( event, element ){

        var rect;

        if ( typeof element === 'undefined' ) {

            element = $('body')[0];

        rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();

        return {
            x: event.clientX - rect.left,
            y: event.clientY - rect.top

})( jQuery )



<div class="layui-canvs"></div>


        background: "#141414",
        color: "#E6E6E6"

注意:需要先设置 canvas的宽高

posted @ 2018-07-24 14:56  二月花开  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报