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The U.K.'s top nostalgic films: Access now on Pixel's 5G


  With so many countries now returning to various forms of lock down, and winter steadily drawing in, many of us are turning to our favorite films and movie moments to find some familiarity in a time of uncertainty. 


  In other words, we’re embracing nostalgia.


  And why not? The movies we love are usually steeped in happy memories, attached to dreamy locations or feature music that temporarily transports us out of the present moment. They bring us joy and a sense of change, breaking up some of the monotony of life in lock down.


  We asked Dr. Wing Yee Cheung, a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Winchester, about this, and learned that films are a great way to relive memories of happier times. “Movies are embedded with sensory memories of when we first watched them and whom we watched them with,” she writes. “Sensory inputs and social interactions are two key triggers of nostalgia. Watching these can be a way to walk down memory lane and reminisce [about] the way life used to be, what we used to do, and the people surrounding us.”


  And because it’s the season of giving, we have our own gift for you: If you’re in the U.K., you can download classic films, such as "Four Weddings and a Funeral" or "Monty Python’s Life of Brian," all from a unique Google Map, now until Dec. 10. Transport yourself to a world of nostalgia by searching the map for symbols that represent the films in relevant locations. If you find one, you’ll receive a code to rediscover and enjoy the movie in Google Play*1. 


  Anyone in the U.K. can take part, regardless of what type of phone you have—but of course if you do happen to own a new Pixel 5G-enabled device, you’ll be able to start your viewing party in a matter of seconds1. Thanks to movies on-demand combined with the technology of 5G networks2, you can choose your film, download1 it and settle in on the couch, all while the popcorn is still warm. Currently, 5G2 is one of the fastest ways to download a movie on any device. Both Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a with 5G2 enable you to download a film in seconds1. Whether you’re curled up on your sofa, pottering around the house, or outside on a walk, Pixel with 5G2 gives you access to the stories and characters you know and love, on the go; the speed of a 5G2 device immediately transports you to where you want to be.


  So let’s lean into the nostalgia. As Dr. Cheung notes, it actually helps us cope with uncertainty: “Immersing ourselves in nostalgic moments is not about hiding our heads in the past. On the contrary, it can create new memories which can feed into future nostalgic experiences.”


  It’s a great way to spend lock down with your family: Watching much-loved classics is a natural way for parents to share their experiences with their children and to make new memories together. And even if you’re physically on your own, you can use Google Duo on Pixel 5 to share your screen and watch your favorites with socially distant family and friends3. 


  “An old movie that makes us feel nostalgia can inject us with a complex range of emotions,” concludes Dr. Cheung. “We feel sentimental, predominantly happy, but with a tinge of longing.” And that’s something we can probably all relate to right now. 


  *Offer begins on 25th November 25, 2020 and ends 10th December 10, 2020.  Limited number of codes available. Subject to availability. Terms Apply. See here for full terms. 


  1.  Testing based on download speeds for content file sizes between 449MB and 749MB at off-peak times. Average download time was twenty seconds or less. Download speed depends upon many factors, such as file size, content provider and carrier network connection and capabilities. Testing conducted by Google on pre-production hardware in the UK in August 2020. Actual download speeds may be slower.  


  2. Requires a 5G data plan (sold separately).  5G service and roaming not available on all carrier networks or in all areas and may vary by country. Contact carrier for details about current 5G network performance, compatibility, and availability. Phone connects to 5G networks but, 5G service, speed and performance depend on many factors including, but not limited to, carrier network capabilities, device configuration and capabilities, network traffic, location, signal strength and signal obstruction. Actual results may vary. Some features not available in all areas. Data rates may apply. See g.co/pixel/networkinfo for info.


  3. Requires a Google Duo account. Screen sharing not available on group calls.  Requires Wi-Fi or 5G internet connection.Not available on all apps and content. Data rates may apply. 5G service, speed and performance depend on many factors including, but not limited to, carrier network capabilities, device configuration and capabilities, network traffic, location, signal strength, and signal obstruction.


  *Promotional code offer is provided by Google Commerce Limited (Google) for use on Google  Play Store UK only, and subject to the following terms. Offer begins on 25th November 2020 and ends 10th December, 2020 (‘Offer Period’). One (1) promotional code per user per film release, and up to a maximum of five (5) promotional codes per User during the Offer Period. Limited number of codes available. Subject to availability.


  Available only to Users 18 or older with a delivery and billing address in the United Kingdom. Users must have internet access and must have or add a form of payment at checkout . Promotional codes cannot be used with Guest checkout, Users must be signed-in to their Google account to redeem the code. 


  Promotional codes can be redeemed by visiting play.google.com/redeem or the Google Play Store app and entering the 16 digit code to receive a £5 or £10 discount for purchase or rental of any product on the Google Play Store UK. The discount will be applied at checkout. Promotional code must be redeemed by 31st December, 2021 or it will expire. Promotional codes may only be used once and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Any unused promotional balance will be applied to the associated Google account. Users may continue to use the unused promotional balance for Google Play purchases until such balance is £0, or any remaining promotional balance expires. Promotional codes are a discount off price for up to the promotional amount, are for one-time use only, cannot be transferred to other users, are not reloadable, cannot be exchanged for cash. Google and its third party partners if applicable, are not liable for lost or stolen promotional codes, or for expired promotional codes that are not redeemed within the redemption period. Terms subject to applicable laws. Void where prohibited.







  关于这个问题,我们询问了温彻斯特大学的心理学高级讲师Wing Yee张博士,我们得知电影是重温快乐时光的好方法。她写道:“电影中嵌入了我们第一次看电影时以及和谁一起看的感官记忆。”“感官输入和社会互动是怀旧的两大诱因。观看这些节目可以成为一种回忆的方式,回忆过去的生活,我们过去做的事情,以及我们周围的人。”

  因为这是送礼的季节,我们有自己的礼物送给你:如果你在英国,你可以从谷歌独家地图下载经典电影,比如《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》(Four wedding And a Funeral)或《巨蟒剧团的布莱恩的一生》(Monty Python’s Life of Brian),现在到12月10日为止。在地图上寻找在相关地点代表影片的符号,让自己进入一个怀旧的世界。如果你找到一个,你会收到一个代码重新发现和享受电影在谷歌播放*1。

  在英国,无论你的手机是什么类型,任何人都可以参加。当然,如果你碰巧有一台支持Pixel 5g的新设备,你可以在几秒钟内开始你的观看盛宴。由于电影点播与5G网络技术相结合,你可以选择、下载并躺在沙发上看电影,而爆米花还热着。目前,5G2是在任何设备上下载电影最快的方式之一。5G2的5像素和4a像素都能让你在秒内下载电影。无论你是蜷缩在沙发上、在屋子里闲逛,还是在户外散步,Pixel with 5G2都能让你在旅途中接触到你熟悉和喜爱的故事和人物;5G2设备的速度可以马上把你送到你想去的地方。


  这是和家人一起度过美好时光的好方法:观看深受喜爱的经典作品是父母与孩子分享经历、共同创造新回忆的一种自然方式。即使你独自一人,你也可以在Pixel 5上使用谷歌Duo,与社交关系疏远的家人和朋友分享你的屏幕,观看你喜欢的节目。



  1. 在非高峰期,根据下载速度测试大小在449MB到749MB之间的内容文件。平均下载时间为20秒或更少。下载速度取决于许多因素,如文件大小、内容提供商和运营商的网络连接和能力。谷歌于2020年8月在英国对预生产硬件进行了测试。实际下载速度可能会更慢。

  2. 需要5G数据计划(单独销售)。5G服务和漫游并非在所有运营商网络或所有地区都可用,可能因国家而异。有关当前5G网络性能、兼容性和可用性的细节,请联系运营商。手机连接到5G网络,但是,5G服务、速度和性能取决于很多因素,包括但不限于,运营商网络能力、设备配置和能力、网络流量、位置、信号强度和信号障碍。实际结果可能有所不同。有些特性并非在所有领域都可用。可以应用数据速率。参见g.co/pixel/networkinfo获取信息。




  促销码可通过访问Play . google.com/赎取或谷歌游戏商店应用程序兑换,并输入16位数字代码即可获得在英国谷歌游戏商店购买或租用任何产品的5英镑或10英镑折扣。折扣将在结帐时使用。促销码必须在2021年12月31日前赎回,否则将失效。推广码只可使用一次,不得与任何其他优惠或推广同时使用。任何未使用的促销余额将应用于相关的谷歌帐户。用户可以继续使用未使用的促销余额购买谷歌游戏,直到余额为£0,或任何剩余的促销余额到期。优惠码是优惠价格,优惠金额不超过优惠金额,只供一次性使用,不能转让给其他用户,不能重新载入,不能兑换现金。谷歌及其第三方合作伙伴(如适用)对促销码的遗失或被盗,或已过期但未能在赎回期内兑现的促销码不承担任何责任。适用法律的条款。法律禁止的地方无效。




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