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How Project Guideline gave me the freedom to run solo


  ①Editor's Note: At Google Research, we’re interested in exploring how technology can help improve people’s daily lives and experiences. So it’s been an incredible opportunity to work with Thomas Panek, avid runner and President & CEO of Guiding Eyes for the Blind, to apply computer vision for something important in his everyday life: independent exercise. Project Guideline is an early-stage research project that leverages on-device machine learning to allow Thomas to use a phone, headphones and a guideline painted on the ground to run independently. Below, Thomas shares why he collaborated with us on this research project, and what the journey has been like for him.

  编者标注:在谷歌研究汇总,我们伫立于展现怎样的技术可以帮助人们提高日常生活和经验。因此这是难以置信的机会去和Thomas Panek工作,渴望奔跑者,校长兼任盲人眼睛指导的CEO,为了应用计算机视角在替身他的每一天生活:自立经验。指导方针计划是早期的研究计划平均水平的机械学习允许Thomas去使用手机,耳机和指导方针感应在地面上去独立的奔跑,下面Thomas分享他在这个实验中的体验。

  ②I’ve always loved to run. Ever since I was a boy, running has made me feel free. But when I was eight-years-old, I noticed that I couldn’t see the leaves on a tree so well, and that the stars in the night sky began to slowly disappear—and then they did forever. By the time I was a young adult, I was diagnosed as legally blind due to a genetic condition. I had to rely on a cane or a canine to guide me. For years, I gave up running.


  ③Then I heard about running with human guides, and I decided to give it a try. It gave me a sense of belonging, holding a tether and following the guide runner in front of me. I even qualified for the New York City and Boston Marathons five years in a row. But as grateful as I was to my human guides, I wanted more independence. So in 2019, I decided to run the first half-marathon assisted only by guide dogs.


  ④But I know it’s not possible for everyone to have a brilliant, fast companion like my guide dog, Blaze. I run an organization called Guiding Eyes for the Blind, and we work tirelessly to help people with vision loss receive running guide dogs that can help them live more active and independent lives. The problem is that there are millions more people with vision loss than there are available guide dogs. So I started asking a question: “Would it be possible to help guide a blind runner, independently?” 


  ⑤In the fall of 2019, I asked that question to a group of designers and technologists at a Google hackathon. I wasn’t anticipating much more than an interesting conversation, but by the end of the day they’d built a rough demo that allowed a phone to recognize a line taped to the ground, and give audio cues to me while I walked with Blaze. We were excited, and hopeful to see if we could develop it into something more.


  ⑥We began by sketching out how the prototype would work, settling on a simple concept: I’d wear a phone on a waistband, and bone-conducting headphones. The phone’s camera would look for a physical guideline on the ground and send audio signals depending on my position. If I drifted to the left of the line, the sound would get louder and more dissonant in my left ear. If I drifted to the right, the same thing would happen, but in my right ear. Within a few months, we were ready to test it on an indoor oval track. After a few adjustments, I was able to run eight laps. It was a short distance, and all with my Google teammates close by, but it was the first unguided mile I had run in decades.


  ⑦Our next step was to see if the tech could work where I love running most: in the peace and serenity of a park. This brought a whole new batch of challenges to work through: variables in weather and lighting conditions and the need for new data to train the model, for starters. After months of building an on-device machine learning model to accurately detect the guideline in different environments, the team was finally ready to test the tech outside for the first time.


  ⑧I’d been waiting 25 years to run outdoors, on my own. I stood at the start of the guideline, hopping up and down with excitement. When the team gave me the go-ahead, I began sprinting on my toes, as fast as my legs could carry me, down the hill and around a gentle bend in the road. As I tightened my form, my stride was getting more confident and longer with every step. I felt free, like I was effortlessly running through the clouds.


  ⑨When I arrived at the finish line, I was completely overcome with emotion. My wife, Melissa, and my kids hugged me. My guide dog Blaze licked the salt off of my hand. They were happy for me, too. For the first time in a lifetime, I didn’t feel like a blind man. I felt free.


  ⑩Today, we’re testing this technology further. I’ll be attempting to run NYRR’s Virtual Run for Thanks 5K along a line temporarily painted in Central Park in New York City. I want to thank NYRR, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, Central Park Conservancy, NYPD, NYC Department of Sanitation and the NYC Department of Transportation for helping to make today’s 5K run possible. We want to see how this system works in urban environments, just one of the many challenges to complete before it can be used more widely. 


  (⑩+①)Collaborating on this project helped me realize a personal dream of mine. I’m so grateful to the Google team, and whoever came up with the idea of a hackathon in the first place. I hope there will be more runs with Project Guideline in my future, and for many other runners as well.


  (⑩+②)By sharing the story of how this project got started and how the tech works today, we hope to start new conversations with the larger blind and low-vision community about how, and if, this technology might be useful for them, too. As we continue our research, we hope to gather feedback from more organizations and explore painting guidelines in their communities. To learn more, please visit: goo.gle/ProjectGuideline.

   通过分享这个项目是如何开始的,以及这项技术现在是如何运作的,我们希望能与更大的盲人和低视力群体展开新的对话,讨论这项技术如何以及是否对他们也有用。随着我们研究的继续,我们希望从更多的组织中收集反馈,并在他们的社区中探索绘画准则。要了解更多,请访问:goo.gle/ projectguide。



  编者按:在谷歌研究,我们感兴趣的是探索技术如何帮助改善人们的日常生活和体验。所以这是一个和Thomas Panek一起工作的好机会,他是一个狂热的跑步爱好者,也是盲人眼睛导航公司的总裁兼首席执行官,将计算机视觉应用到日常生活中重要的事情上:独立锻炼。项目指南是一个早期研究项目,利用设备上的机器学习让Thomas使用电话,耳机和画在地上的指南独立运行。下面,托马斯分享了他和我们合作这个研究项目的原因,以及他在这个过程中的感受。














  通过分享这个项目是如何开始的,以及这项技术现在是如何运作的,我们希望能与更大的盲人和低视力群体展开新的对话,讨论这项技术如何以及是否对他们也有用。随着我们研究的继续,我们希望从更多的组织中收集反馈,并在他们的社区中探索绘画准则。要了解更多,请访问:goo.gle/ projectguide。




posted @ 2020-11-27 23:21  叁三彡  阅读(498)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报