
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE__cwmp__Download
#define SOAP_TYPE__cwmp__Download (82)
/* cwmp:Download */
struct _cwmp__Download
    char *CommandKey;    /* required element of type cwmp:CommandKeyType */
    char *FileType;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    char *URL;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    char *Username;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    char *Password;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    unsigned int FileSize;    /* required element of type xsd:unsignedInt */
    char *TargetFileName;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    unsigned int DelaySeconds;    /* required element of type xsd:unsignedInt */
    char *SuccessURL;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
    char *FailureURL;    /* required element of type xsd:string */
int main()
      struct _cwmp__Download DownloadRequest ;
   return 0;


posted on 2023-06-15 17:26  lydstory  阅读(6)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
