
* typedef: struct GT_VTU_ENTRY
* Description: VLAN tarnslaton unit Entry
* Each field in the structure is device specific, i.e., some fields may not
* be supported by the used switch device. In such case, those fields are
* ignored by the DSDT driver. Please refer to the datasheet for the list of
* supported fields.
* Fields:
* DBNum - database number or FID (forwarding information database)
* vid - VLAN ID
* vtuData - VTU data
* vidPriOverride - override the priority on any frame associated with this VID
* vidPriority - VID Priority bits (0 ~ 7)
* sid - 802.1s Port State Database ID
* vidPolicy - indicate that the frame with this VID uses VID Policy
* (see gprtSetPolicy API).
* vidExInfo - extanded information for VTU entry. If the device supports extanded
* information, vidPriorityOverride and vidPriority values are
* ignored.




posted on 2023-03-29 02:04  lydstory  阅读(48)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
