




template<class T> class shared_ptr

    // Borland 5.5.1 specific workaround
    typedef shared_ptr<T> this_type;


    typedef typename boost::detail::sp_element< T >::type element_type;
    shared_ptr() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ), pn() // never throws in 1.30+

#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_NULLPTR )

    shared_ptr( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ), pn() // never throws

    template<class Y>
    explicit shared_ptr( Y * p ): px( p ), pn() // Y must be complete
        boost::detail::sp_pointer_construct( this, p, pn );

    // Requirements: D's copy constructor must not throw
    // shared_ptr will release p by calling d(p)

    template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr( Y * p, D d ): px( p ), pn( p, d )
        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, p );

#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_NULLPTR )

    template<class D> shared_ptr( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t p, D d ): px( p ), pn( p, d )


    // As above, but with allocator. A's copy constructor shall not throw.

    template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr( Y * p, D d, A a ): px( p ), pn( p, d, a )
        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, p );

#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_NULLPTR )

    template<class D, class A> shared_ptr( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t p, D d, A a ): px( p ), pn( p, d, a )


//  generated copy constructor, destructor are fine...


// ... except in C++0x, move disables the implicit copy
    shared_ptr( shared_ptr const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( )


    template<class Y>
    explicit shared_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r ): pn( ) // may throw
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        // it is now safe to copy r.px, as pn( did not throw
        px = r.px;

    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r, boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag )
    BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ), pn(, boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag() )
        if( !pn.empty() )
            px = r.px;

    template<class Y>

    shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible<Y,T>::type = boost::detail::sp_empty() )


    shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r )

    BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( )
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

    // aliasing
    template< class Y >
    shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( p ), pn( )


    template<class Y>
    explicit shared_ptr( std::auto_ptr<Y> & r ): px(r.get()), pn()
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        Y * tmp = r.get();
        pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );

        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, tmp );


    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr( std::auto_ptr<Y> && r ): px(r.get()), pn()
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        Y * tmp = r.get();
        pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );

        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, tmp );


    template<class Ap>
    explicit shared_ptr( Ap r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_auto_ptr<Ap, int>::type = 0 ): px( r.get() ), pn()
        typedef typename Ap::element_type Y;

        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        Y * tmp = r.get();
        pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );

        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, tmp );



#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_SMART_PTR ) && !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES )

    template< class Y, class D >
    shared_ptr( std::unique_ptr< Y, D > && r ): px( r.get() ), pn()
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        typename std::unique_ptr< Y, D >::pointer tmp = r.get();
        pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );

        boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, tmp );


    // assignment
    shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return *this;

#if !defined(BOOST_MSVC) || (BOOST_MSVC >= 1400)

    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr<Y> const & r) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return *this;



    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr & operator=( std::auto_ptr<Y> & r )
        this_type( r ).swap( *this );
        return *this;


    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr & operator=( std::auto_ptr<Y> && r )
        this_type( static_cast< std::auto_ptr<Y> && >( r ) ).swap( *this );
        return *this;


    template<class Ap>
    typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_auto_ptr< Ap, shared_ptr & >::type operator=( Ap r )
        this_type( r ).swap( *this );
        return *this;



#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_SMART_PTR ) && !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES )

    template<class Y, class D>
    shared_ptr & operator=( std::unique_ptr<Y, D> && r )
        this_type( static_cast< std::unique_ptr<Y, D> && >( r ) ).swap(*this);
        return *this;


// Move support


    shared_ptr( shared_ptr && r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn()
        pn.swap( );
        r.px = 0;

    template<class Y>

    shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> && r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible<Y,T>::type = boost::detail::sp_empty() )


    shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> && r )

    BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn()
        boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();

        pn.swap( );
        r.px = 0;

    shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr && r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        this_type( static_cast< shared_ptr && >( r ) ).swap( *this );
        return *this;

    template<class Y>
    shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr<Y> && r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        this_type( static_cast< shared_ptr<Y> && >( r ) ).swap( *this );
        return *this;


#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_NULLPTR )

    shared_ptr & operator=( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT // never throws
        return *this;


    void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT // never throws in 1.30+

    template<class Y> void reset( Y * p ) // Y must be complete
        BOOST_ASSERT( p == 0 || p != px ); // catch self-reset errors
        this_type( p ).swap( *this );

    template<class Y, class D> void reset( Y * p, D d )
        this_type( p, d ).swap( *this );

    template<class Y, class D, class A> void reset( Y * p, D d, A a )
        this_type( p, d, a ).swap( *this );

    template<class Y> void reset( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p )
        this_type( r, p ).swap( *this );
    // never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT)
    typename boost::detail::sp_dereference< T >::type operator* () const
        BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
        return *px;
    // never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT)
    typename boost::detail::sp_member_access< T >::type operator-> () const 
        BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
        return px;
    // never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT)
    typename boost::detail::sp_array_access< T >::type operator[] ( std::ptrdiff_t i ) const
        BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
        BOOST_ASSERT( i >= 0 && ( i < boost::detail::sp_extent< T >::value || boost::detail::sp_extent< T >::value == 0 ) );

        return px[ i ];
    element_type * get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return px;

// implicit conversion to "bool"
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/operator_bool.hpp>
    bool unique() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn.unique();
    long use_count() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn.use_count();
		 template <class T> void swap ( T& a, T& b )
  		T c(a); a=b; b=c;
    void swap( shared_ptr & other ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        std::swap(px, other.px);

    template<class Y> bool owner_before( shared_ptr<Y> const & rhs ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn <;

    template<class Y> bool owner_before( weak_ptr<Y> const & rhs ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn <;

    void * _internal_get_deleter( boost::detail::sp_typeinfo const & ti ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn.get_deleter( ti );

    void * _internal_get_untyped_deleter() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return pn.get_untyped_deleter();

    bool _internal_equiv( shared_ptr const & r ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return px == r.px && pn ==;

// Tasteless as this may seem, making all members public allows member templates
// to work in the absence of member template friends. (Matthew Langston)



    template<class Y> friend class shared_ptr;
    template<class Y> friend class weak_ptr;

    element_type * px;                 // contained pointer
    boost::detail::shared_count pn;    // reference counter

};  // shared_ptr
template<class T, class U> inline bool operator==(shared_ptr<T> const & a, shared_ptr<U> const & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return a.get() == b.get();

template<class T, class U> inline bool operator!=(shared_ptr<T> const & a, shared_ptr<U> const & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return a.get() != b.get();

#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 96

// Resolve the ambiguity between our op!= and the one in rel_ops

template<class T> inline bool operator!=(shared_ptr<T> const & a, shared_ptr<T> const & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return a.get() != b.get();


#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_NULLPTR )

template<class T> inline bool operator==( shared_ptr<T> const & p, boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return p.get() == 0;

template<class T> inline bool operator==( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t, shared_ptr<T> const & p ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return p.get() == 0;

template<class T> inline bool operator!=( shared_ptr<T> const & p, boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return p.get() != 0;

template<class T> inline bool operator!=( boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t, shared_ptr<T> const & p ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return p.get() != 0;

template<class T, class U> inline bool operator<(shared_ptr<T> const & a, shared_ptr<U> const & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return a.owner_before( b );

template<class T> inline void swap(shared_ptr<T> & a, shared_ptr<T> & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
template<class T, class U> shared_ptr<T> static_pointer_cast( shared_ptr<U> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    (void) static_cast< T* >( static_cast< U* >( 0 ) );

    typedef typename shared_ptr<T>::element_type E;

    E * p = static_cast< E* >( r.get() );
    return shared_ptr<T>( r, p );

template<class T, class U> shared_ptr<T> const_pointer_cast( shared_ptr<U> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    (void) const_cast< T* >( static_cast< U* >( 0 ) );

    typedef typename shared_ptr<T>::element_type E;

    E * p = const_cast< E* >( r.get() );
    return shared_ptr<T>( r, p );

template<class T, class U> shared_ptr<T> dynamic_pointer_cast( shared_ptr<U> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    (void) dynamic_cast< T* >( static_cast< U* >( 0 ) );

    typedef typename shared_ptr<T>::element_type E;

    E * p = dynamic_cast< E* >( r.get() );
    return p? shared_ptr<T>( r, p ): shared_ptr<T>();

template<class T, class U> shared_ptr<T> reinterpret_pointer_cast( shared_ptr<U> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    (void) reinterpret_cast< T* >( static_cast< U* >( 0 ) );

    typedef typename shared_ptr<T>::element_type E;

    E * p = reinterpret_cast< E* >( r.get() );
    return shared_ptr<T>( r, p );

// get_pointer() enables boost::mem_fn to recognize shared_ptr

template<class T> inline typename shared_ptr<T>::element_type * get_pointer(shared_ptr<T> const & p) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return p.get();

// operator<<

#if !defined(BOOST_NO_IOSTREAM)

#if defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_IOSTREAMS) || ( defined(__GNUC__) &&  (__GNUC__ < 3) )

template<class Y> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, shared_ptr<Y> const & p)
    os << p.get();
    return os;


// in STLport's no-iostreams mode no iostream symbols can be used

// MSVC6 has problems finding std::basic_ostream through the using declaration in namespace _STL
using std::basic_ostream;
template<class E, class T, class Y> basic_ostream<E, T> & operator<< (basic_ostream<E, T> & os, shared_ptr<Y> const & p)
# else
template<class E, class T, class Y> std::basic_ostream<E, T> & operator<< (std::basic_ostream<E, T> & os, shared_ptr<Y> const & p)
# endif
    os << p.get();
    return os;


posted @ 2015-09-14 14:44  hrhguanli  阅读(811)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报