KEEP GOING表达产品想法, 探讨产品问题, 倾听可能性问题。一次就做好, 有成果展示, 主动展示先确立图, 后确立代码。Hold dream, and never let it go (FOCUS ON MEETING, and think product)MORE motivation t... 阅读全文
KEEP GOINGThink more product when face differenceCheck value null when insert/remove/update/add childrenFocus more on detail , success will be and MUS... 阅读全文
KEEP GOINGThink more product when face differenceCheck value null when insert/remove/update/add childrenFocus more on detail , success will be and MUS... 阅读全文
NEW STARTKEEP GOINGThink more product when face differenceCheck value null when insert/remove/update/add childrenFocus more on detail , success will b... 阅读全文
更改license 步骤:How to change the product key for Office XP, for Office 2003, and for the 2007 Office systemhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/895456可用keycode:CTKXX-M97FT-89PW2-DHKD3-74MYJ——这个密钥属于VOL(大客户)激活序列号。用此进行安装,无需任何破解,即可自行激活并成功通过微软正版验证(与正版别无二致)。 阅读全文