My Site Cleanup Job


The My Site of Linda Wang ??? is scheduled for deletion in 3 days. As their manager you are now the temporary owner of their site. This temporary ownership gives you access to the site to copy any business-related information you might need


1、Remove user profiles that are queued for deletion.
2、If those users have a My Site, assign the user’s manager as the secondary site owner. Email the manager letting them know that the user’s My Site will be deleted in 14 days.
3、Exactly 11 days after the first notification, email the manager again letting them know that the My Site will be deleted in 3 days.
After a period of 14 days, delete the My Site.


posted @ 2016-03-14 11:21  Jason.Bird  阅读(174)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报