python 装饰器

函数是 object 对象。此外,函数还:

  • 可以像变量一样赋值

  • 可以在另一个函数内部定义

def getTalk(kind='shout'):
    # 我们临时定义一个函数
    def shout(word='yes'):
        return word.capitalize() + '!'
    def whisper(word='yes'):
        return word.lower() + '...'
    # 然后我们返回上面两个函数中的一个
    if kind == 'shout':
        # 我们并没有使用 '()' 。因此我们并没有调用函数;
        # 相反,我们返回了函数对象  
        return shout  
        return whisper
# 你该怎样使用这个奇怪的功能呢?
# 调用这个函数,然后把结果赋值给一个变量 
talk = getTalk()      
# 你可以看到 `talk` 是一个函数对象:
print talk
#outputs : <function shout at 0xb7ea817c>
# The object is the one returned by the function:  
# 这个对象是由一个函数返回的
print talk()
#outputs : Yes!
# 如果你觉得奇怪的话,你甚至可以直接使用它
# 你甚至还可以把函数作为参数进行传递
print getTalk('whisper')() #outputs : yes...

好,你已经掌握了装饰器所需的全部知识。正如你所见,装饰器是“包装器”,也就是说 它们允许你在它们装饰的函数的前面和后面运行其他代码 ,而不必修改函数本身。


# 装饰器是把其他函数作为参数的函数
def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate):
    # 在装饰器内部,装饰器临时创建了一个函数:包装器。
    # 这个函数把原来的函数包装起来
    # 因此它可以在原函数的前面和后面执行其他代码。
    def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function():
        # 把你想在原函数被调用前执行的代码写在这里
        print 'Before the function runs'
        # 在这里调用原函数(使用括号)
        # 把你想在原函数调用后执行的代码写在这里
        print 'After the function runs'
    # 到目前为止,`a_function_to_decorate` 还从未执行过。
    # 我们返回刚刚创建的包装器
    # 包装器中包含了原函数和在原函数之前/之后执行的代码。现在已经可以使用了!
    return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function
# 现在想象一下你创建了一个函数,你不想再改动它了。
def a_stand_alone_function():
    print 'I am a stand alone function, don’t you dare modify me'
#outputs: I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me  
# 好的,你可以装饰这个函数来扩展它的功能
# 只需要把它传递给装饰器,之后就会动态地包装在你需要的任何代码中,然后返回一个满足你需求的新函数:
a_stand_alone_function_decorated = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)
#Before the function runs
#I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me
#After the function runs



def another_stand_alone_function():
    print 'Leave me alone'
#Before the function runs
#Leave me alone
#After the function runs


def bread(func):
    def wrapper():
        print "</''''''\>"
        print "<\______/>"
    return wrapper
def ingredients(func):
    def wrapper():
        print '#tomatoes#'
        print '~salad~'
    return wrapper
def sandwich(food='--ham--'):
    print food
#outputs: --ham--
sandwich = bread(ingredients(sandwich))
# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~


def sandwich(food='--ham--'):
    print food
# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~


# 这并不是黑魔法,你只是让包装器传递参数而已
def a_decorator_passing_arguments(function_to_decorate):
    def a_wrapper_accepting_arguments(arg1, arg2):
        print 'I got args! Look:', arg1, arg2
        function_to_decorate(arg1, arg2)
    return a_wrapper_accepting_arguments
# 因为当你调用装饰器返回的函数时,实际上你在调用包装器,把参数传递给包装器,这也就完成了把参数传递给装饰器函数
def print_full_name(first_name, last_name):
    print 'My name is', first_name, last_name
print_full_name('Peter', 'Venkman')
# outputs:
#I got args! Look: Peter Venkman
#My name is Peter Venkman


def wrapper(self, lie): #定义类方法加self
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): #创建通用的包裹器



def decorator_maker():
    print 'I make decorators! I am executed only once: '+\
          'when you make me create a decorator.'
    def my_decorator(func):
        print 'I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.'
        def wrapped():
            print ('I am the wrapper around the decorated function. '
                  'I am called when you call the decorated function. '
                  'As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.')
            return func()
        print 'As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.'
        return wrapped
    print 'As a decorator maker, I return a decorator'
    return my_decorator
# 让我们创建一个装饰器。本质上是一个新函数  
new_decorator = decorator_maker()       
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
# 然后我们装饰下面这个函数
def decorated_function():
    print 'I am the decorated function.'
decorated_function = new_decorator(decorated_function)
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function
# 调用这个函数
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.


def decorated_function():
    print 'I am the decorated function.'
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.


def decorator_maker_with_arguments(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2):
    print 'I make decorators! And I accept arguments:', decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2
    def my_decorator(func):
        # 传递参数的能力来自于闭包
        # 如果你不了解闭包,那也没关系,
        # 或者你也可以阅读  
        print 'I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments:', decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2
        # 不要混淆装饰器参数和函数参数!
        def wrapped(function_arg1, function_arg2):
            print ('I am the wrapper around the decorated function.\n'
                  'I can access all the variables\n'
                  '\t- from the decorator: {0} {1}\n'
                  '\t- from the function call: {2} {3}\n'
                  'Then I can pass them to the decorated function'
                  .format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2,
                          function_arg1, function_arg2))
            return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)
        return wrapped
    return my_decorator
@decorator_maker_with_arguments('Leonard', 'Sheldon') #带参数的装饰器
def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
    print ('I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: {0}'
           ' {1}'.format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
decorated_function_with_arguments('Rajesh', 'Howard')
#I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. 
#I can access all the variables 
#    - from the decorator: Leonard Sheldon 
#    - from the function call: Rajesh Howard 
#Then I can pass them to the decorated function
#I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: Rajesh Howard


# 至于调试,stacktrace 输出函数的 __name__
def foo():
    print 'foo'
print foo.__name__
#outputs: foo
# 有了装饰器之后,有点混乱   
def bar(func):
    def wrapper():
        print 'bar'
        return func()
    return wrapper
def foo1():
    print 'foo1'
def foo2():
  print 'foo2'
print foo1.__name__ #outputs: wrapper
print foo2.__name__
#重复 output: wrapper报错
# `functools` 可以解决上面的情况 import functools def bar(func): # 我们认为 `wrapper` 正在包装 `func` # 神奇的事情发生了 @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(): print 'bar' return func() return wrapper @bar def foo1(): print 'foo1'
def foo2():
   print 'foo2'
print foo1.__name__ #outputs: foo1
print foo2.__name__
#outputs: foo2


def benchmark(func):
    import time
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        t = time.clock()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print func.__name__, time.clock()-t
        return res
    return wrapper
def logging(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print func.__name__, args, kwargs
        return res
    return wrapper
def counter(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        wrapper.count = wrapper.count + 1
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print '{0} has been used: {1}x'.format(func.__name__, wrapper.count)
        return res
    wrapper.count = 0
    return wrapper
def reverse_string(string):
    return str(reversed(string))
print reverse_string('Able was I ere I saw Elba')
#reverse_string ('Able was I ere I saw Elba',) {}
#wrapper 0.0
#wrapper has been used: 1x 
#ablE was I ere I saw elbA




@property : 使调用的类方法像引用类的字段属性一样。getter()和setter()方法,修改私有变量。





<a href="">@bread</a>@ingredientsdef sandwich(food='--ham--'):    print foodsandwich()#outputs:#</''''''\># #tomatoes## --ham--# ~salad~#<\______/>
posted @ 2019-05-29 12:08  热之雪  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报