Java Basic&Security Tools

JDK Tools and Utilities

Basic Tools

These tools are the foundation of the JDK. They are the tools you use to create and build applications.

Tool Name Brief Description
appletviewer Run and debug applets without a web browser.
extcheck Utility to detect Jar conflicts.
jar Create and manage Java Archive (JAR) files. See Java Archive Files page for the JAR specification.
java The launcher for Java applications. In this release, a single launcher is used both for development and deployment.The old deployment launcher, jre, is no longer provided.
javac The compiler for the Java programming language.
javadoc API documentation generator. See Javadoc Tool page for doclet and taglet APIs.
javah C header and stub generator. Used to write native methods.
javap Class file disassembler
jdb The Java Debugger.See JPDA for the debugger architecture specifications.
jdeps Java class dependency analyzer

Security Tools

These security tools help you set security policies on your system and create applications that can work within the scope of security policies set at remote sites.

Tool Name Brief Description
keytool Manage keystores and certificates.
jarsigner Generate and verify JAR signatures.
policytool GUI tool for managing policy files.

These security tools help you obtain, list, and manage Kerberos tickets.

Tool Name Brief Description
kinit Tool for obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the kinit tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the kinit reference page.
klist Command-line tool to list entries in credential cache and key tab. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the klist tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the klist reference page.
ktab Command-line tool to help the user manage entries in the key table. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the kadmin tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the kadmin reference page.
posted @ 2018-12-01 23:48  Hopkins'Cybernetics  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报