









A friend asked me: how to do planning for the life?

This is a difficult question to answer. It's like a person wants to tr*el, he needs to know where he is going, or what kind of place he would like to go, and then he can finger out the direction to that place, how far is it, how long to get there, what may happen, what preparations are required, shall he go with someone, whom to ask to go together, when to le*e, where to rest during the tr*el, etc. Even these are answered, and a very detailed plan is made, that's still not enough. He needs to be prepared for exceptions and changes. Over this world, only changes last forever, plans h*e to follow up with reality and adjustments are always required. Planning is not very easy, making adjustment is difficult, and making adjustment in time is more difficult, that's why lots of plans failed in the middle.

When we were children, our teacher asked us: what kind of person you want to become? Lawyer, scientist, teacher, soldier...This was plan, it has a goal, with one's life as its term. But, how many people finally become the one he/she wished to be? Children are just too young, just like we are young comparing with ourselves of years' later. We were just not h*ing enough knowledge and thinking things too simple. Year after year, it seems our goal becomes further and further to the reality; year after year, what we thought changes slowly to get used to the truth. Finally, we decided or we were forced to g*e up the person we wished to be. This is life, and the past is a fact, no one can change, we h*e to admit it, and then we can go forward without worrying or regreting for the past. If you don't want to regret tomorrow, make today a better day. We can living for some time without caring what we h*e done, but we cannot doing that for few years, because we don't h*e many "few years". Even we don't know where we are going, we h*e to do something and we h*e to keep in mind what we are doing. The process of pursuing the goal of life is the process of racing with the reality, keep ahead of it, or being kept ahead by it, never hope the reality can slow down and wait for us to catch up.

It's like walking, we know if we can go to the place we can see, and for the places we cannot see, they mean risks. Because you don't know what can be there, even people tell you what are there, it's still not totally certain. For things uncertain or unknown, you don't know what they may affect you, and what you can leverage from them. Planning our life is kind of the same, we cannot see the end of our life for now, we cannot forsee the future. This is a world that everything connected to each other directly or indirectly, every little single thing may result in an impact to the whole 't know much, and we don't see much. What we know a lot is unknown. The good news is that we don't need to care about many things too "far" away, like the things may happen 100 years later, or if the rain in another city in the other side of the world will impact the sunny day here. So we still can do planning within the range of our abilities with confidence. If you are not confident with the plan you made, it's just because of the plan you made is going too far away, or there are too many uncertain things in the plan. Make a doable plan with confident, proceed with it.

Go further, see further, than go further.

posted @ 2012-02-07 21:12  山娃  阅读(383)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报