theoritical neuroscience 阅读笔记chsyrapter1




1.1 introdunction

  neuros represent and transmit information by firing sequences of spikes in various temporal patterns, whereas neural coding/decoding involes relationship between stimulus and spikes.

  neural encoding:stimulus->response  neural decoding:response->stimulus

[properties of neuron]

neuron := (input->)dendrites->cell->axon->synapses(->output)

process of a neuron: ion channels, membrane potential, hyperpolariztion and depolarization, action potential, synapse with neurotrasmmiter

[recording neuronal responses]

[from stimulus to response]

it tells natural coding is difficult for relationship is complex and variable.

  neurons response= f ( stimulus, intrinsic dynamics, others)

  even same stimulus, trial of response may different.

population coding


1.2 sipke trains and firing rates

p(t), r(t), r, <r> := neural response function, firing rate, spike-count rate(1.6), trial average rate(1.7)

[measuring firing rates]

there are some methods for approxing firing rates from some trials.

[tuning curves]

tuning curve is a function from stilunus sttributes to response attributes like frequency.

[spike-count variability]


1.3 what makes a neuron fire

[describe the stimulus]


1.4 spike train ststistics


posted on 2014-11-09 19:50  xiahong  阅读(250)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报