12 2022 档案
摘要:Words exciting Sally was very excited because she had never traveled on a train before. An exciting trip. exciting news. receive accept I received an
摘要:Words send send, sent, sent send a card send me a card. =send a card to me. spoil 精神上的损坏 damage 可修复的损坏 destroy 大规模的损坏 ruin 一点一点损坏 public the museum is
摘要:Words until until lunchtime until now until recently until the last moment. outside out side inside upside downside ring ring, rang, rung sing, sang,
摘要:Words private a private school privacy theatre go to the theatre angry adj. angrily adv. the angry boy shouted angrily. [生气的孩子生气地喊] loudly loud rudely
摘要:Words surround sur- surname surcoat surface surpass be surrounded by... the village is surrounded by many trees. wood. forest wood floor. beauty spot.
摘要:Words excited exciting interested, interesting moved, moving surprised, surprising amused, amusing embarrassed, embarrassing He was excited. It was su
摘要:Words extra extra work 996 ot do some extra work I have to do some extra work. the boy has a lot of extra classes. engineer an engineer overseas an ov
摘要:Words football pool singapore pool win win, won, won I win. you lose world hello world. in the world he is the shortest man in the world. poor rich de
摘要:Words future do you really care about your future? she is his future wife get married They got married last year. marry married married Will you marry
摘要:Words reporter report weekly report journalist someone whose job is to write for newspapers or magazines. reporter: a person who gathers news for radi
摘要:Words Egypt abroad ab road go abroad 出国 travel abroad live abroad worry don't worry worry about me Her mother worries about her marriage. Content Don'
摘要:Words wave wave, waved, waved wave to sb. She is waving to us. track the race track mile 1 mile = 1.6 km sea mile overtake overtake, overtook, overtak
摘要:Words famous a famous actor a famous teacher actress actor ess host - hostess waiter - waitress at least It's at least 9:00. She is at least 30. We sh
摘要:Words water water [水,浇水] dust [灰尘,擦掉灰尘] air [空气,通风] book [书,预定] water the flowers air the bedroom dust the table book a ticket. terribly terrib I'm te
摘要:Words during during that time during my summer holiday trip one-day trip two-day trip travel traveling I love traveling. offer offer sb. sth. offer st
摘要:Words customer forget forget - forgot, forgot forget sth./sb. forget to do ... don't forget your friends when you become rich. I forget to lock the do
摘要:Words story two stories tell a story a true story a love story happen happen to sb. it happened to my sister. thief thief - thieves enter go into ente
摘要:Words dining room coin note mouth a big mouth swallow: [吞下,燕子] he tried to swallow the apple. later toilet Content Timmy's breakfast When my husband w
摘要:Words anyone knock knock at knock at the door everything everything is ok. quiet everything is quiet. impossible possible everything is possible. impo
摘要:Words conductor [售票员] fare [车费] the bus fare the train fare the airfare Tickets, please. fare, please change can you change a ten-pound note? where ca
摘要:Words model afford afford + n afford to do I can afford the car. I can afford to buy the car. deposit : [预付定金] pay a deposit of 首付 I paid a deposit of
摘要:Words idea a good idea a bad idea I have no idea a little teaspoonful tea spoon -ful a teaspoonful of sugar two teaspoonfuls of milk less a few pity w
摘要:Words madam as well also too either as well The shop sells food for the babies too. The shop also sells food for babies. The shop sells food for the b
摘要:Words spell how to spell your name? spell spelt spelt intelligent clever brilliant talented smart mistake a mistake two mistakes make a mistake he mad
摘要:Words exam examination examination room test have a test TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language IELTS: International English Language Testing Sy
摘要:Words Scotland The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland card business card credit card bank card id card youth young hostel [招待所,旅馆] h
摘要:Words ow slip be careful slippery floor caution wet floor downstairs go downstairs hurt hurt hurt hurt back my back the back door strand up help let m
摘要:Words leave leave left left He has left BJ. Please leave the door open. I left my bag on the train. describe Please describe the person you like best.
摘要:Words return return tickets single ticket return label easy returns train platform platform A platform B line 1 line 2 room 123 plenty plenty of plent
摘要:Words pilot [飞行员] return redo rewrite remarry review go back from/to return from/to He will go back from NY next month. He will return from NY next mo
摘要:Words still adv. He is still there. I still stay in SG. She still loves you. move move to... She moved to SG last year. move into... he has moved into
摘要:Words believe think feel hold consider may how long How long have you lived in SG? How long are you going to stay here? How long does this train stop
摘要:Words attendant [接待员] An attendant is someone whose job is to serve or help people in a place such as a car park or a cloakroom. bring [带来,送来] take [带
摘要:Words Paris cinema film movie go to the cinema watch a film watch a movie beautiful nice smart lovely good-looking gorgeous beauty city New York City
摘要:Words mess Excuse the mess. messy pack pack the books into the case suitcase leave left left He left yesterday already Content Going on holiday Hello,
摘要:Words bath have a bath He had a bath at 11:00 PM last night. shower have a shower nearly near I'm nearly ready. I nearly die. ready Dinner is ready. W
摘要:Words shopping go shopping shopping mall window shopping I really enjoy window shopping. list a name list a shopping list vegetable veget- vegetarian
摘要:Words appointment appoint make an appointment date have a date have an appointment with the doctor at 10:30 urgent urgency In case of urgency, call th
摘要:Words ago a week ago one year ago a month ago buy bought He bought a car yesterday. pair a pair of shoes a pair of socks a pair of glasses a pair of c
摘要:Words week this week last week next week London sudden suddenly bus stop bus station smile [微笑] laugh[大笑] He said and smiled. She is telling me a stor
摘要:Words awful he is awful. Quiet, you awful man. tele telephone television time what time is it? one time = once two times = twice three times answer an
摘要:Words year in 1999 in 2019 the year of the snake the year of the monkey this year next year last year It is the year of the pig. It was the year of th
摘要:Words greengrocer green grocer at the greengrocer's at the butcher's at the doctor's absent ab sent He is absent today. He is absent from school today
摘要:Words Dad key value the key to the door the key to the car. the color of the book baby kid child teenager baby, honey, sweetheart hear Listen, can you
摘要:Words better good well certainly get up go to bed go to sleep yet You can't go to work yet. He can't drive yet. rich rich food a rich man, rick silk r
摘要:Words feel v. I feel cold She feels hot. look v. She looks pretty. must call v. Please call the teacher. doctor telephone television call sb. phone sb
摘要:Words envelope writing paper a piece of writing paper shop assistant size small medium large extra small extra large pad glue water a bottle of glue c
摘要:Words o'clock three o'clock shop the book shop a duty-free shop a dress shop a toy shop store department store moment at the moment = now She is learn
摘要:单词 live live at 23 Haidian Streat.[小地方] live in Singapore. [大地方] stay stay at home stay at hotel stay in Singapore. arrive arrive at hotel arrive in S
摘要:单词 Australia Australian Austria Austrian Canada Canadian China Chinese Finland Finnish Turkey Turkish Korea Korean Poland Polish Thailand Thai 内容 评率副词