S1 - Lesson 87 - 88


attendant [接待员]

An attendant is someone whose job is to serve or help people in a place such as a car park or a cloakroom.


bring [带来,送来]

take [带走]

bring sth./sb. to...

take sth./sb. to...

bring your new girlfriend to me.

He took this ring to his wife.

May I bring my boyfriend here next time?

The young man takes flowers to the girl every day.





a car crash

an air crash






repair my car



try to ...

I try to finish it.

I try not to miss him.

try one's best to ...

He tried his best to study English.

I try my best to forget him.




 A car crash

Is my car ready yet?

I don't know, sit.

What's the number of your car?

It's LFZ 312 G.

When did you bring it to us?

I brought it here three days ago.

Ah yes, I remember now. 

Have your mechanics finished yet?

No, they're still working on it. Let's go into the garage and have a look at it.

Isn't that your car?

Well, it was my car.

Didn't you have a crash?

That's right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can you mechanics repair it?

Well, They're trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car.


He is not ready yet.

I haven't really got into my new job yet.

Not yet.


What's the number of your car?

=what's your car number?


I remember now.


They are still working on it.

Have you finished the book?

Not yet. I'm still working on it. 


have a look

have a try

have a taste.

I want to have a look at your new car.

Can I have a taste of your cheese?


To tell you the truth.


He has got married.

He got married in 2010.

I have graduated.

I graduated in 2006.

I have finished Book 1.

I finished book 1 last week.

I have been to New York.

I went to New York in 2010.  


 have you met Mrs. Jones yet?

Yes, I have.

When did you meet her?

I met her two weeks ago.

Has the boss left yet?

Yes, he has.

When did he leave?

He left ten minutes ago.

Where did he go?

He went home.


Have you had breakfast yet?

Yes, we have.

When did you have it?

We had it at half past seven.

What did you have?

We had some eggs and a cup of coffee.

Where did you have it?

We had it at home.


 do did done

read read read

cut cut cut

let let let

put put put

cost cost cost

set set set 

hurt hurt hurt


fly flew flown

draw drew drawn

grow grew grown

know knew known


begin began begun

drink drank drunk

sing sang sung

swim swam swum

ring rang rung


feel felt felt 

keep kept kept

leave left left

sleep slept slept

sweep swept swept


catch caught caught

teach taught taught


meet met met

get got got

hold held held

sit sat sat

win won won


build built built

send sent sent

spend spent spent

make made made

hear heard heard


posted @ 2022-12-11 21:15  Hongten  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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