




时\态 一般 进行 完成 完成进行
现在 一般现在 现在进行 现在完成 现在完成进行
过去 一般过去 过去进行 过去完成 过去完成进行
将来 将来一般 将来进行 将来完成 将来完成进行
过去将来 过去将来一般 过去将来进行 过去将来完成 过去将来完成进行



时\态 一般 进行 完成 完成进行
现在 study/studies am/is/are studying has/have studied has/have been studying
过去 studied was/were studying had studied had been studying
将来 will study will be studying will have studied will have been studying
过去将来 would study would be studying would have studied would have been studying



时\态 一般 定义 动词  
现在 一般现在

1. 表示客观存在/永恒真理,不受时间限制

2. 表示现在的状态,情况(一段时间之内持续的状态)

3. 表示习惯性,反复发生的动作(经常和频率副词always, often, usually连用, 通常出现be后动前)

4. 表示正在发生的动作(解说体育赛事,演示说明)

5. 表示将来发生的动作

6. 表示过去发生的动作(说话人的重点是后面从句部分,以至于前面动词的时态可以被忽略, tell, say, hear, learn), 新闻标题,引用已故者的评论或言论, 文学作品中的戏剧性描绘。



It rains in summer.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. (滚石不生苔)

The sun rises in the east.

Knowledge is power.

They said the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

One of the girls has a red T-shirt.



They study at the same university.

He is a lawyer.

The soup tastes great.

He speaks four languages.

You look terrific today.

Bill works in a school. His parents work in a supermarket.



He gets up at 6:30 in the morning.

She is always on time for her class.

My father doesn't smoke.

Do you often listen to the morning news?

I usually go to work by subway.

Bob usually plays games in the evening.

Colin likes music and often listens to music.



Bob takes the ball forward quickly, passes it to John; John shoots and yes, it's a goal!.

Look, I now take this end of the rope, place it under the bottle, and I put the other end...

Here comes the bus. (Here, there之后,表示动作正在发生)

There goes the bell.



I will let Bob know if I see him tomorrow. (条件状语从句, 虚拟语气中条件从句时态往前推一个时态,本来是将来,往前推一个时态,应该是现在 If I see)

We will go shopping if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

He will talk about it with you when you meet. (时间状语从句)

The plane leaves in 30 minutes. (表示按规定,计划会发生的事情)

I hope/bet that you get better soon. (特殊句式)

I'll make sure/make certain/see to it that this doesn't happen again. (特殊句式)



Tina tells me you're going to leave Beijing next month.

I learn/say/hear that he is on his vacation in South Africa.

He says he will come to visit me this afternoon.

Peace Talks Fail. 

Isaac Newton says: ...

The storyteller said, "suddenly the door opens and a masked man enters"

The police warned the workers. However, these unarmed workers press on and on.

过去 一般过去

 1. 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态(常与过去时间连用)

2. 表示过去习惯动作

3. 口语中某些场合 下表示委婉的语气

Note: 一般过去时所表示的时间于现在不发生关系,动作或状态都已经成为过去不复存在



He visited our school last Friday.

She left 20 minutes ago.

How did you get the news?

Some of them were students at that time.

The party was a great success.


- He didn't go shopping with you yesterday, did he?

- Yes, he did

-No, he didn't 


A. Yes, no 后面句子是否统一,yes, he did. no, he didn't.

B. 时态是否一致



The boy sold cigarettes for a living.

We often played basketball together.

My grandfather lived a simple life.

We always discussed these problems till midnight at that time.



I wondered if you could give me some help.

Could you pass the book to me please?

Would you do me a favor?

I thought you might like some cakes.

将来 将来一般

 1. 由will引导,表示对将来的预测

2. 由be going to 引导,表示预测

3. will 于 be going to 区别

3.1. will -- 说话者的个人预测,be going to -- 通常有较明显的证据或迹象表明某事将要发生

3.2. be going to 可以表示马上就发生,无力阻止的事情,而will 没有这个含义

3.3. 在条件或时间状语从句中,通常用will

4. 其他可以表示一般将来时态的用法

4.1. 现在进行时表示将来(通常带有明显的时间状语,比be going to更为确定)。 确定程度排序: be doing > be going to > will

4.2. 一般现在时表将来

4.3. be to do/ be about to do/ be due to等结构


will study


We will know the results next Monday.

Will you be there this afternoon?

What will you do when you meet him?

I won't tell anybody about this. (will 的否定形式 won't)

Charlie won't work here next month.

There is going to be a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

There is going to be a talk show here tomorrow evening.



Look at the clouds. It's going to rain.

It's 8 o'clock now. I am going to be late.

According to the current status, we are going to meet the deadline without any problem.

Look! He is going to fall.



I think he will come back.(我推测他将要回来,个人主观推测)

I think he is going to come back.(我之前有和他聊过,他将要回来)

Based on these facts, I believe we are going to make a good profit.



Look! He is going to fall.



You will make it if you try really hard.

You will know when you get there.

I will take the project if you also think it's feasible.



They're having a party this Sunday.

He is flying to Paris tomorrow.

I'm leaving soon.



The plane leaves in 30 minutes.



Who is to pay for the damage?

I'm about to leave at 4 o'clock.

Jason is due to graduate next year.


过去将来 过去将来一般

 1. 从过去的观点看将要发生的事情, would + 动词原形

2. was/ were going to do

3. 过去进行时

4. was/ were to / about to / due to do

would study


I thought that probably he would join us.

We expected that you would go with us.

He told me that he would come.

He said he would never go there again.

Tom said he would be happy if Lily came to see him next month. (主将从现)



I thought there was going to be a storm soon.

She said she was going to start off immediately.

She said she was leaving at 6pm the next day.



He said the train was leaving at 5am the next day.

She said she wasn't going out that night.



I was about to leave when I met him.

The plane was due to land in 30 minutes.

They were to leave for Shanghai that afternoon after our meeting.





时\态  进行  定义 动词   
 现在 现在进行 

1. 基本结构: am/is/are + doing(表示说话时正在进行的动作)

2. 表示现阶段持续的动作

3. 表示变化的过程,用于含有'变化'意义的词(get, change, come, become, grow)

4. 表示将来确定的安排

 am/is/are studying


Hi, what are you doing?

I'm doing my laundry.

The phone is ringing.

I'll get it. 

Listen! Mat is playing the piano in his room now.



What are you doing recently?

I'm working on a new project.

Where are you living?

I'm living near the train station and will move to the suburb next month.

They are planting trees along the road these days.



Let's hurry up. It's getting dark.

Their attitude toward this issue is changing.

His American dream is coming true.



I'm getting married next month.

We're watching movies tonight. I've already got the tickets.

They're having a party this Sunday.

He is flying to Paris tomorrow.

I'm leaving soon.

He is going abroad in a few days.

过去  过去进行 

1. 基本结构: was/were +doing(表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作)

2. 表示过去某个阶段持续的动作

3. 表示过去将来时间的动作(参考一般过去的将来)

4. 描绘景象,设置故事背景

5. 口语中用来表达婉转语气

6. 过去进行时与一般过去时

6.1. 一般过去时->动作已完成, 过去进行时->动作在持续

6.2. 一般过去时->一次动作, 过去进行时->反复动作

was/were studying 


What were you doing at 10am last Friday?

He was working overtime last night at the same time.

I was doing my homework when the telephone rang.

She was so scared because someone was following her.

As she was cooking the dinner, her son fell asleep.



From 2001 to 2005, I was working for ABC company.

They were preparing for the exam last month.

He was thinking of you all those days.

During that period, I wasn't doing anything.

The first time I met Jane was last winter. She was working as a receptionist at the time.



It was getting dark, The boy was playing football with his classmates on the playground. Suddenly...

It was raining. The old servant was sitting at the window and watching people on the street. All of a sudden...



I was wondering if you could let me know the details.

I was hoping that you would like to lend me your book.

I was thinking that maybe you could go there by bus.



He wrote a letter to his father last night.[已经写完]

He was writing a letter to his father last night.[昨晚正在写,并未写完]

The cake was made by my mother this morning. Would you like to have some?



She waved to me.[一次动作,就结束]

She was waving to me.[持续]

将来  将来进行 

1. 基本结构:will be + doing(表示将来某个时间正在进行的动作)

2. 口语中可表示将来计划好的事情(表示将来计划好的事情,一般可与现在进行时互换)

3. 口语中表示礼貌委婉/客观描述,与will do 区别开来

will be studying 


We will be flying to London next Monday.

This time tomorrow we will be sitting in the classroom and having an English class.

Do you think you will be working here in two years' time?

You can't miss him. He will be wearing a black suit and white shirt waiting for you.



I'll be meeting my dentist tomorrow afternoon.

I'm going to meet my dentist tomorrow afternoon.

He will be taking his final exam next week.

Mr. Park will be giving a speech at the ceremony.

I can take these books to Mr. Smith's office for sure. I will be having a meeting with him at 2pm today.



How long will you be staying here?[要更委婉一些]

How long will you stay here?

When will you be returning the book?

When will you return the book?

He will not be sending the paper to you.[不会]

He will not send the paper to you.[根本不]

过去将来  过去将来进行  1.基本结构:would be + doing(表示从过去视角看将来正在进行的动作) would be studying 


I think James will be taking care of this issue.

I thought James would be taking care of this issue.

He doesn't know when she will be seeing him again.

He didn't know when she would be seeing him again.


时\态 完成 定义 动词  
现在 现在完成

1. 基本结构: have/has + done(表示过去的动作或状态一直延续到现在(有可能刚刚结束,也有可能会持续下去)

1.1. 特点:动词需要有延续性

1.2. 特点:通常会跟延续性的时间状语

2. 表示动作在过去已经完成,并没有延续到现在,对现在有影响(通常没有延续性时间状语,但是一般有上下文语境)

3. 现在完成时与一般过去时

3.1. 有明确的过去时间,通常只用一般过去时

3.2. 如果时间状语不明确,现在完成时用来表达对现在的影响,一般过去时存粹说明过去,与现在无关

4. 其他

4.1. have been to(已经去过了,现在回来了) 与 have gone to(已经去了,不在这里)

4.2 have got(短语) = have

4.3. have got to = have to 

4.4. 特殊句式下的出现(表示频率,重复性)This/ It/ That + 序数词/最高级 + 名词 + that 从句

4.5. 时间或条件句中代替将来完成时


has/have studied


I have been a teacher for 10 years.

He has been in love for 5 years.

The old lady has lived here for over 30 years.[已经有30年,可能会继续住下去,也可能刚刚搬走]



He has been asleep for 3 hours.

She has been married for over 3 years.


1.2.1. since + 时间/从句

He has taught us English since 2010.

I have worked in this company since I graduated from school. (since后动词多为短暂,一般过去时)[我一毕业都在那个公司工作,可能会继续工作,也可能会离开]

It's been 2 years since I worked in this company. [我已经离开那个公司2年了]

It's been 2 years since I was in this school. [离开有2年时间了]


1.2.2. for + 时间段

They have been in Singapore for 10 days.


1.2.3. until now/ so far/ up until now...

1.2.4. in/ over/ during /for + the last/ past several months/ years...



I have lost my mobile phone. [我丢了我的phone, 现在不能打电话,对现在的影响]

Jason has cleaned his room. [打扫了房间,现在很整洁,对现在的影响]

The elevator has broken down.

Have you had your lunch yet?

Yes, I have.


2.1. 经常于just, already, yet(只用于疑问,否定句), never, lately, ever等时间状语连词

Have you ever worked in a cafe?

Has it stopped snowing yet?

He has already arrived.



I finished the report last Friday.

She was here 1 hour ago.

I had my lunch at 1pm yesterday.



I have had my hair cut. [有语境,我剪了头发,强调对现在的影响,e.g 我现在感觉很凉爽]

I had my hair cut. [调到我剪了头发]

I have just had my lunch in the new restaurant. [有上下文]

I had my lunch in the new restaurant.

--Are you tired?

--No, I have just had some sleep.



I have been to Europe many times. [已经去过多次,现在回来了]

He has gone to Europe. [他已经去了,不在这里了]

Who has been here?

Where has Lily gone?[ 去哪里了,她不在这里]



Have you got a laptop?

= Do you have a laptop?

I've got a bad headache.

= I have a bad headache.

I've got a few things to talk about.

= I have a few things to talk about.

He hasn't got any idea about the problem.

= He hasn't any idea about the problem.



You've got to be careful.

= You have to be careful.

I've got to go.

= I have to go.

You've got to keep an eye on it.

= You have to keep an eye on it.

This is what we (have) got to do.

= This is what we have to do.



This is the first time that I have come to Paris.

It is the 3rd cup of coffee that I have drunk this afternoon.

This is the best movie that I have ever watched.

This is the easiest job I have ever had.



I will write a summary when I have finished the report.

I will go to see you when I have finished my work.

If he hasn't got up, please don't wake him.

Don't move on unless you have already prepared well.

过去 过去完成

 1. 基本结构:had + done(站在‘过去’回顾更远的过去,通常上下文中需有明确的一般过去时作为参照点.

2. 动作或状态起始于‘过去的过去’,到某一个‘过去’时间点刚刚停止或有可能继续延续下去。

3. 动作或状态起始于‘过去的过去’,到某一个‘过去’时间点已经停止(通常为短暂动作)

4. It/That + 序数词/最高级+名词+that从句

5. 表示过去未能实现的想法,愿望等(非真实)

had studied


He had lived here for 10 years when I moved in.

He had studied in Beijing Normal University for 4 years before he went abroad.



She had been a teacher for 30 years when she retired.

I had waited for him for over 3 hours when he finally showed up.

He had studied English for 6 years when he entered college.

We had collected 1000 stories by the end of last month.

Mary said she had been in Thailand for 5 months.

He asked me where I had been during the summer holidays.



I had finished my report before they came.

When I arrived Jack had just left.

She had just entered her room before the telephone rang.

The baby had fallen asleep when we went into the room.



That was the first time that I had come to Paris.

It was the 3rd cup of coffee that I had drunk that afternoon.

That was the best movie that I had ever watched.

That was the easiest job I had ever had.



I had hoped that we would leave tomorrow, but it's beginning to look difficult.

I had planned to leave earlier but he wouldn't let me go.

He had intended to see you off at the airport, but he was stuck by something else.

将来 将来完成

1.基本结构:will have+done(站在‘将来’看过去,动作发生在‘将来’时间之前


3. 表示动作到将来某一时刻之前已经结束/完成

will be studied


We will have finished our final exam by next Sunday.

By the end of next month, Merry will have worked here for 5 years.



I will have learned English for 10 years by the end of this year.

We will have been here for 5 years by this autumn.

She will have worked in this hospital for 50 years when she retires next week.

When you come tonight at 8 o'clock, I will have finished my homework.



The bus will have left when we get to the station.

I will have finished school when we meet next time.

The project will have been completed before next August, when World Expo is to be held right here.

过去将来 过去将来完成

 1. 站在‘过去将来’的某个时间点,描述到该时间点已经完成的动作

2. 用于虚拟语气,常表示于过去事实相反

would be studied


He told me that he would have finished his homework by 7 o'clock.

They said they would have arrived by 4pm.[他们说是在过去,在过去的将来他们会到]

I guessed he would have prepared well when we got back.



If I had left earlier, I would have caught the bus.

If we had found the fault in advance, we would have avoided the complaint.

I would have forgotten her birthday if you hadn't reminded me.



时\态 完成进行 定义 动词  
现在 现在完成进行

1.基本结构: have/has been+ doing(兼有完成于进行两种意义,表示长期在延续的事件)

2. 表示近期一段时间内延续的事件

3. 表示说话时刻依然延续的事件

4. 表示说话之前在延续的事件

5. 可与短暂动词,有限延续动词搭配,表示重复事件(后面通常接较长的查询性时间状语)

6. 虽然可表示重复性,但不能用来谈论动作的具体次数(如果表示次数,使用现在完成时)

have/has been studying


I have been learning English for more than 10 years now.

He has been living here for over 30 years.

Mr. Le has been working in this company since 15 years ago.


1.1. 现在完成进行时表示长期在延续的事件 vs. 现在完成时延续事件

I have learnt English.

I have been learning English.

He has lived in China.

He has been living in China.

Mr. Li has worked in this company.

Mr. Li has been working in this company.



We have been discussing the proposal lately.

The new employee has been working hard these days.

I have been thinking about going abroad for study.

I have been wanting to tell you the truth.

He has been meaning to meet you in person.



We have been watching videos for an hour now. Come on and join us.

He has been reading that book for about 3 hours. He needs to take an exam about it tomorrow.

It has been raining all day. I'm not sure when it will stop.

I have been using the machine for the last 20 minutes and I will keep going till I can completely control it.



He has been studying abroad and just returned to China.

You look tired, Yes, I have been working in the office.

Your clothes are so dirty.

I'm sorry, I have been playing football with Tom.

Be careful, I have been cooking dinner. The oven is hot.



I have been coming to China for 10 years.[重复往来10年]

He has been going there for 5 years.

I have been chatting online for over 3 years and have made friends from all over the world.

Susan is the HR manager. She has been interviewing candidates for more than 8 years.

过去 过去完成进行

 1. 基本结构: had been + doing, 参照时间由‘现在’转移到了‘过去’,表示过去长期延续的事件

2. 表示过去近期延续的事件

3. 表示过去说话时正在延续的事件

4. 表示过去刚刚在延续的事件

5. 于短暂动词,有限延续动词连用,表示重复(不谈具体次数)

 had been studying


She had been studying German for 3 years before she went to Germany.

I had been looking for her for over 6 months when I found her in a supermarket nearby.

It was midnight and he was tired because he had been working since dawn.



She looked exhausted, I know she had been working really hard those days.

He had been painting the door and after that he had a drink at a small cafe.



We had been watching videos for 3 hours when he got back and we asked him to join us.

He said that he had been writing the novel and had not finished it yet.



I encountered him at the airport last week. He just got his degree and returned to China. He had been studying abroad.



He had been stealing for 3 years before the police caught him.

He had stalled 4 cars before the police caught him

将来 将来完成进行

 1. 基本结构: will have been + doing, 将坐标时间移动到将来。表示长期延续事件

2. 表示说话时刻正在延续事件

3. 表示重复事件

will have been studying


I will have been learning English for 18 years by this winter.

She will have been working in the company for over 30 years by next month.



We will have been discussing the topic for 4 hours by then. 



I will have been coming to China for 2 years by next month.

过去将来 过去将来完成进行  1. 基本结构:would have been + doing, 动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到对于过去来说的将来某一时间爱你,有可能继续延续下去,常用于转述,间接引语等  would have been studying


I knew from her introduction that she would have been living in Tokyo for 13 years by the end of that year.

He told me that he would have been teaching English for 10 years by that Autumn.


posted @ 2022-11-15 22:51  Hongten  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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