
表示人,东西,地方 -> 名词

1. 名词的帽子


a girl 一个女孩

the girl  这个女孩

a city 一个城市

the city 这个城市


2. 名词的单复数

人 -> 人们

我 -> 我们

a girl ->  girls

规则1: 以s\sh\x\ch 结尾 + es

a bus -> buses, a brush -> brushes, a box -> boxes, a bench -> benches

本质: 规则的制定,是为了解决读音的问题

规则2: 以f\ fe结尾,变f\fe 为ves

a wife -> wives, a shelf -> shelves, a knife -> knives, a leaf -> leaves


a roof -> roofs, a cliff -> cliffs, a proof -> proofs, a chief -> a chiefs

a scarf -> scarfs/scarves, a handkerchief -> handkerchiefs/handkerchieves

规则3:辅音字母 + y结尾, 变y为i + es

a baby -> babies, a lady -> ladies, a city -> cities, a country -> countries

规则4:元音 + o结尾,+s\z\

a zoo -> zoos, a radio -> radios


a hero -> heroes, a potato -> potatoes, a tomato -> tomatoes


a sheep -> sheep, a deer -> deer, an aircraft -> aircraft, a swine -> swine, a fish -> fish

a man - men, a woman - women, a tooth - teeth, a foot - feet, a goose - geese

a child - children, a mouse - mice, an ox - oxen, a phenomenon - phenomena, a formula - formulae 



jeans, pants, shorts, pyjamas(pajamas), glasses


3. 可数和不可数

不可数: 不可以数的,不可以计算的名词

a. 液体状的:water\tea\coffee\milk\beer\rain\snow

b. 物质名词: soap\air\chocolate\rice

c. 抽象名词: love\friendship\enthusiasm\happiness\information

a piece of bread, a bar of soap, a bottle of ink, a tin of cola, a cup of coffee, a fit of anger, a spoon of sugar

two cups of coffee, two tins of cola


4. 所有格

这个东西是谁谁的 + (有生命的)'s

my mother's bag, Lucy's friend, the driver's phone number

the teachers' reading room 


the color of the car, the name of the song, the advantage of the plan



a play of Shakespeare's, a friend of my father's, a novel of the writer's

a friend of mine, a nephew of hers, a daughter of theirs

Mary and Alice's mother

Mr. Smith's and Mr.Black's cars


5. 性别

king - queen

wizard - witch

bridegroom - bride

cock - hen

landlord - landlady



god - goddess

prince - princess

actor - actress

heir - heiress

waiter - waitress


posted @ 2022-11-08 07:27  Hongten  阅读(128)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
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