Factory<org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager> factory =
new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini");
这个节点对象也是个Map,它保存了节点内容的key value值
org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();
1 private SecurityManager createSecurityManager(Ini ini, Ini.Section mainSection) { 2 3 Map<String, ?> defaults = createDefaults(ini, mainSection);//创建了一个叫做defaults的Map容器,这个容器用来装默认需要创建的类的实例,比如SecuirtyManager,IniRealm 4 Map<String, ?> objects = buildInstances(mainSection, defaults);// 5 6 SecurityManager securityManager = getSecurityManagerBean(); 7 8 boolean autoApplyRealms = isAutoApplyRealms(securityManager); 9 10 if (autoApplyRealms) { 11 //realms and realm factory might have been created - pull them out first so we can 12 //initialize the securityManager: 13 Collection<Realm> realms = getRealms(objects); 14 //set them on the SecurityManager 15 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(realms)) { 16 applyRealmsToSecurityManager(realms, securityManager); 17 } 18 } 19 20 return securityManager; 21 }
protected Map<String, ?> createDefaults(Ini ini, Ini.Section mainSection) {
Map<String, Object> defaults = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
SecurityManager securityManager = createDefaultInstance();//创建一个默认的安全管理器
defaults.put(SECURITY_MANAGER_NAME, securityManager);//将默认管理器存到defaults这个Map容器中,并且它的key为securityManager,这个名字是我们在ini配置文件中可以使用的
if (shouldImplicitlyCreateRealm(ini)) {//这里是创建IniRealm这个类的对象,只有在ini配置文件中有其他节点的存在并且有roles或者users其中一个或者两个节点时才会创建
Realm realm = createRealm(ini);
if (realm != null) {
defaults.put(INI_REALM_NAME, realm);//将IniRealm实例保存到默认的Map中
return defaults;
private Map<String, ?> buildInstances(Ini.Section section, Map<String, ?> defaults) { this.builder = new ReflectionBuilder(defaults); return this.builder.buildObjects(section); }
public ReflectionBuilder(Map<String, ?> defaults) { this.objects = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(defaults) ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() : defaults; }
private static final String OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN = "$";//这个很熟悉吧,ini配置文件中引用某个变量时使用的美元符号 private static final String ESCAPED_OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN = "\\$";//转义的对象引用 private static final String GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "shiro";//全局属性前缀 private static final char MAP_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER = ':';//这个也很熟悉吧,权限的 private static final String HEX_BEGIN_TOKEN = "0x"; private static final String NULL_VALUE_TOKEN = "null"; private static final String EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN = "\"\"";//空字符串,也许会有人有疑问,为啥不是直接""呢,因为在ini配置文件里面,表示空字符串就得写上"" private static final char STRING_VALUE_DELIMETER = '"';//权限中会用到,main节点中map类型的会用到比如"user:delete,query","resource:delete,update" private static final char MAP_PROPERTY_BEGIN_TOKEN = '[';//过滤器中传递参数 private static final char MAP_PROPERTY_END_TOKEN = ']';//过滤器中传递参数
1 public Map<String, ?> buildObjects(Map<String, String> kvPairs) {//记住这个kvPairs是一个Section,它继承了Map容器,里面存了节点中的内容 2 if (kvPairs != null && !kvPairs.isEmpty()) { 3 4 // Separate key value pairs into object declarations and property assignment 5 // so that all objects can be created up front 6 7 //https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHIRO-85 - need to use LinkedHashMaps here: 8 Map<String, String> instanceMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();//用于保存实例的Map 9 Map<String, String> propertyMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();//用于保存属性的Map 10 11 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : kvPairs.entrySet()) { 12 if (entry.getKey().indexOf('.') < 0 || entry.getKey().endsWith(".class")) {//判断这个key是否没有包含.或者是否是以.class结束的字符串 13 instanceMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); 14 } else { 15 propertyMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());//如果这个key有.并且不是以.class结尾的,那么就表示这个key值对应的是一个属性注入的值 16 } 17 } 18 19 // Create all instances 20 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : instanceMap.entrySet()) { 21 createNewInstance((Map<String, Object>) objects, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());//循环遍历这个实例Map创建对应的类的实例 22 } 23 24 // Set all properties 25 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) { 26 applyProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), objects); 27 } 28 } 29 30 //SHIRO-413: init method must be called for constructed objects that are Initializable 31 LifecycleUtils.init(objects.values()); 32 33 return objects; 34 }
1 protected void createNewInstance(Map<String, Object> objects, String name, String value) { 2 3 Object currentInstance = objects.get(name);//从objects容器中取得当前name指定的对象 4 if (currentInstance != null) {//如果已经存在,将打印日志,提示这个对象已经存在了,没有必要多次定义 5 log.info("An instance with name '{}' already exists. " + 6 "Redefining this object as a new instance of type {}", name, value); 7 } 8 9 Object instance;//name with no property, assume right hand side of equals sign is the class name: 10 try { 11 instance = ClassUtils.newInstance(value);//创建实例 12 if (instance instanceof Nameable) {//如果这个实例实现了Nameable接口,那么就可以进行命名,比如realm的实现类就是一种可以命名的类 13 ((Nameable) instance).setName(name); 14 } 15 } catch (Exception e) { 16 String msg = "Unable to instantiate class [" + value + "] for object named '" + name + "'. " + 17 "Please ensure you've specified the fully qualified class name correctly."; 18 throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e); 19 } 20 objects.put(name, instance);//以name=》instance保存 21 }
public static Object newInstance(String fqcn) { return newInstance(forName(fqcn)); }
public static Class forName(String fqcn) throws UnknownClassException { Class clazz = THREAD_CL_ACCESSOR.loadClass(fqcn); if (clazz == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Unable to load class named [" + fqcn + "] from the thread context ClassLoader. Trying the current ClassLoader..."); } clazz = CLASS_CL_ACCESSOR.loadClass(fqcn); } if (clazz == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Unable to load class named [" + fqcn + "] from the current ClassLoader. " + "Trying the system/application ClassLoader..."); } clazz = SYSTEM_CL_ACCESSOR.loadClass(fqcn); } if (clazz == null) { String msg = "Unable to load class named [" + fqcn + "] from the thread context, current, or " + "system/application ClassLoaders. All heuristics have been exhausted. Class could not be found."; throw new UnknownClassException(msg); } return clazz; }
private static final ClassLoaderAccessor THREAD_CL_ACCESSOR = new ExceptionIgnoringAccessor() { @Override protected ClassLoader doGetClassLoader() throws Throwable { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } }; /** * @since 1.0 */ private static final ClassLoaderAccessor CLASS_CL_ACCESSOR = new ExceptionIgnoringAccessor() { @Override protected ClassLoader doGetClassLoader() throws Throwable { return ClassUtils.class.getClassLoader(); } }; /** * @since 1.0 */ private static final ClassLoaderAccessor SYSTEM_CL_ACCESSOR = new ExceptionIgnoringAccessor() { @Override protected ClassLoader doGetClassLoader() throws Throwable { return ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } };
1 public static Object newInstance(Class clazz) { 2 if (clazz == null) { 3 String msg = "Class method parameter cannot be null."; 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); 5 } 6 try { 7 return clazz.newInstance(); 8 } catch (Exception e) { 9 throw new InstantiationException("Unable to instantiate class [" + clazz.getName() + "]", e); 10 } 11 }
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) { applyProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), objects); }
1 protected void applyProperty(String key, String value, Map objects) { 2 3 int index = key.indexOf('.'); 4 5 if (index >= 0) { 6 String name = key.substring(0, index);//截取.前面的字符串。比如securityManager.authenticator.authenticationStrategy,会获取到security这个字符串 7 String property = key.substring(index + 1, key.length());//获取属性,比如上面这个字符串会被获取成authenticator.authenticationStrategy 8 9 if (GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {//标红的常量值是shiro 10 applyGlobalProperty(objects, property, value); 11 } else { 12 applySingleProperty(objects, name, property, value); 13 } 14 15 } else { 16 throw new IllegalArgumentException("All property keys must contain a '.' character. " + 17 "(e.g. myBean.property = value) These should already be separated out by buildObjects()."); 18 } 19 }
1 protected void applySingleProperty(Map objects, String name, String property, String value) { 2 Object instance = objects.get(name);//从objects中获取到name对应的对象 3 if (property.equals("class")) { 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property keys should not contain 'class' properties since these " + 5 "should already be separated out by buildObjects()."); 6 7 } else if (instance == null) { 8 String msg = "Configuration error. Specified object [" + name + "] with property [" + 9 property + "] without first defining that object's class. Please first " + 10 "specify the class property first, e.g. myObject = fully_qualified_class_name " + 11 "and then define additional properties."; 12 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); 13 14 } else { 15 applyProperty(instance, property, value); 16 } 17 }
1 protected void applyProperty(Object object, String propertyName, String stringValue) { 2 3 Object value; 4 5 if (NULL_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) {//null 6 value = null; 7 } else if (EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) {//"" 8 value = StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING; 9 } else if (isIndexedPropertyAssignment(propertyName)) {//内部判断这个属性是不是以]结尾的 10 String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue);//检查stringValue是否为null或者empty,否则直接返回原值 11 value = resolveValue(checked); //解析这个这个值,获得真正的对象 12 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Set.class)) { 13 value = toSet(stringValue); 14 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Map.class)) { 15 value = toMap(stringValue); 16 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, List.class)) { 17 value = toList(stringValue); 18 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Collection.class)) { 19 value = toCollection(stringValue); 20 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, byte[].class)) { 21 value = toBytes(stringValue); 22 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, ByteSource.class)) { 23 byte[] bytes = toBytes(stringValue); 24 value = ByteSource.Util.bytes(bytes); 25 } else { 26 String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue); 27 value = resolveValue(checked); 28 } 29 30 applyProperty(object, propertyName, value); 31 } 32 33 }
1 protected boolean isTypedProperty(Object object, String propertyName, Class clazz) { 2 if (clazz == null) { 3 throw new NullPointerException("type (class) argument cannot be null."); 4 } 5 try { 6 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(object, propertyName);//获得属性描述器 7 if (descriptor == null) { 8 String msg = "Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist for object of " + 9 "type " + object.getClass().getName() + "."; 10 throw new ConfigurationException(msg); 11 } 12 Class propertyClazz = descriptor.getPropertyType(); 13 return clazz.isAssignableFrom(propertyClazz); 14 } catch (ConfigurationException ce) { 15 //let it propagate: 16 throw ce; 17 } catch (Exception e) { 18 String msg = "Unable to determine if property [" + propertyName + "] represents a " + clazz.getName(); 19 throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e); 20 } 21 }
1 public PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Object bean, 2 String name) 3 throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, 4 NoSuchMethodException { 5 6 if (bean == null) { 7 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No bean specified"); 8 } 9 if (name == null) { 10 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name specified for bean class '" + 11 bean.getClass() + "'"); 12 } 13 14 // Resolve nested references 15 while (resolver.hasNested(name)) {//判断是否存在内嵌的属性引用,如name为a.b 16 String next = resolver.next(name);//解析,如a.b,返回后变成a 17 Object nestedBean = getProperty(bean, next); 18 if (nestedBean == null) { 19 throw new NestedNullException 20 ("Null property value for '" + next + 21 "' on bean class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); 22 } 23 bean = nestedBean; 24 name = resolver.remove(name); 25 } 26 27 // Remove any subscript from the final name value 28 name = resolver.getProperty(name); 29 30 // Look up and return this property from our cache 31 // creating and adding it to the cache if not found. 32 if (name == null) { 33 return (null); 34 } 35 36 PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = getPropertyDescriptors(bean); 37 if (descriptors != null) { 38 39 for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) { 40 if (name.equals(descriptors[i].getName())) { 41 return (descriptors[i]); 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 46 PropertyDescriptor result = null; 47 FastHashMap mappedDescriptors = 48 getMappedPropertyDescriptors(bean); 49 if (mappedDescriptors == null) { 50 mappedDescriptors = new FastHashMap(); 51 mappedDescriptors.setFast(true); 52 mappedDescriptorsCache.put(bean.getClass(), mappedDescriptors); 53 } 54 result = (PropertyDescriptor) mappedDescriptors.get(name); 55 if (result == null) { 56 // not found, try to create it 57 try { 58 result = new MappedPropertyDescriptor(name, bean.getClass()); 59 } catch (IntrospectionException ie) { 60 /* Swallow IntrospectionException 61 * TODO: Why? 62 */ 63 } 64 if (result != null) { 65 mappedDescriptors.put(name, result); 66 } 67 } 68 69 return result; 70 71 }
public boolean hasNested(String expression) { if (expression == null || expression.length() == 0) { return false; } else { return (remove(expression) != null);//如果返回的不是空,那表明有嵌套属性,否则没有 } }
1 public String remove(String expression) { 2 if (expression == null || expression.length() == 0) { 3 return null; 4 } 5 String property = next(expression);//获取截取过后的字符串,如a.b返回a 6 if (expression.length() == property.length()) {//如果经过处理后的字符串和源字符串的长度一样说明没有嵌套的属性 7 return null; 8 } 9 int start = property.length(); 10 if (expression.charAt(start) == NESTED) {//截取.后面的字符串。 11 start++; 12 } 13 return expression.substring(start);//截取剩下的字符串 14 } 15 }
if (expression == null || expression.length() == 0) { return null; } boolean indexed = false; boolean mapped = false; for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { char c = expression.charAt(i); if (indexed) { if (c == INDEXED_END) {//[ return expression.substring(0, i + 1); } } else if (mapped) { if (c == MAPPED_END) {//) return expression.substring(0, i + 1); } } else { if (c == NESTED) {//. return expression.substring(0, i); } else if (c == MAPPED_START) {//( mapped = true; } else if (c == INDEXED_START) {//] indexed = true; } } } return expression;
String next = resolver.next(name);
Object nestedBean = getProperty(bean, next);
1 public Object getNestedProperty(Object bean, String name) 2 throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, 3 NoSuchMethodException { 4 5 if (bean == null) { 6 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No bean specified"); 7 } 8 if (name == null) { 9 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name specified for bean class '" + 10 bean.getClass() + "'"); 11 } 12 13 // Resolve nested references 14 while (resolver.hasNested(name)) {//又使用了解析器对这个name进行了一次嵌套引用的判断 15 String next = resolver.next(name); 16 Object nestedBean = null; 17 if (bean instanceof Map) {//判断当前的bean是否为Map 18 nestedBean = getPropertyOfMapBean((Map) bean, next);//比如next为a(b) 19 } else if (resolver.isMapped(next)) {//判断这个next是否被映射的,也是a(b)这种形式的 20 nestedBean = getMappedProperty(bean, next);//获取到被映射的属性 21 } else if (resolver.isIndexed(next)) {//判断这个next有没有[] 22 nestedBean = getIndexedProperty(bean, next);//比如a[1],[1] 23 } else { 24 nestedBean = getSimpleProperty(bean, next); 25 } 26 if (nestedBean == null) { 27 throw new NestedNullException 28 ("Null property value for '" + name + 29 "' on bean class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); 30 } 31 bean = nestedBean; 32 name = resolver.remove(name); 33 } 34 35 if (bean instanceof Map) { 36 bean = getPropertyOfMapBean((Map) bean, name); 37 } else if (resolver.isMapped(name)) { 38 bean = getMappedProperty(bean, name); 39 } else if (resolver.isIndexed(name)) { 40 bean = getIndexedProperty(bean, name); 41 } else { 42 bean = getSimpleProperty(bean, name); 43 } 44 return bean; 45 46 }
1 public Object getSimpleProperty(Object bean, String name) 2 throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, 3 NoSuchMethodException { 4 //省略部分代码39 40 // Retrieve the property getter method for the specified property 41 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = 42 getPropertyDescriptor(bean, name);//获得这个name对应的属性描述 43 if (descriptor == null) { 44 throw new NoSuchMethodException("Unknown property '" + 45 name + "' on class '" + bean.getClass() + "'" ); 46 } 47 Method readMethod = getReadMethod(bean.getClass(), descriptor); 48 if (readMethod == null) { 49 throw new NoSuchMethodException("Property '" + name + 50 "' has no getter method in class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); 51 } 52 53 // Call the property getter and return the value 54 Object value = invokeMethod(readMethod, bean, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); 55 return (value); 56 57 }
beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass);
for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) { if (name.equals(descriptors[i].getName())) { return (descriptors[i]); } }
1 protected boolean isTypedProperty(Object object, String propertyName, Class clazz) { 2 if (clazz == null) { 3 throw new NullPointerException("type (class) argument cannot be null."); 4 } 5 try { 6 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(object, propertyName);//此时已经获得了属性描述器 7 if (descriptor == null) { 8 String msg = "Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist for object of " + 9 "type " + object.getClass().getName() + "."; 10 throw new ConfigurationException(msg); 11 } 12 Class propertyClazz = descriptor.getPropertyType();//判断这个属性是什么类型的 13 return clazz.isAssignableFrom(propertyClazz);//判断这个属性所属的类型是否是clazz的子类,或者是它本身 14 } catch (ConfigurationException ce) { 15 //let it propagate: 16 throw ce; 17 } catch (Exception e) { 18 String msg = "Unable to determine if property [" + propertyName + "] represents a " + clazz.getName(); 19 throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e); 20 } 21 }
1 protected void applyProperty(Object object, String propertyName, String stringValue) { 2 3 Object value; 4 5 if (NULL_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) { 6 value = null; 7 } else if (EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) { 8 value = StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING; 9 } else if (isIndexedPropertyAssignment(propertyName)) { 10 String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue); 11 value = resolveValue(checked); 12 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Set.class)) { 13 value = toSet(stringValue); 14 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Map.class)) { 15 value = toMap(stringValue); 16 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, List.class)) { 17 value = toList(stringValue); 18 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Collection.class)) { 19 value = toCollection(stringValue); 20 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, byte[].class)) { 21 value = toBytes(stringValue); 22 } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, ByteSource.class)) { 23 byte[] bytes = toBytes(stringValue); 24 value = ByteSource.Util.bytes(bytes); 25 } else { 26 String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue); 27 value = resolveValue(checked); 28 } 29 30 applyProperty(object, propertyName, value); 31 }
1 protected Map<?, ?> toMap(String sValue) { 2 String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue, StringUtils.DEFAULT_DELIMITER_CHAR, 3 StringUtils.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, StringUtils.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, true, true);//, " 4 if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) { 5 return null; 6 } 7 8 //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced Map already, and if so, return it immediately: 9 if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) { 10 Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]); 11 if (reference instanceof Map) { 12 return (Map)reference; 13 } 14 } 15 16 Map<String, String> mapTokens = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(tokens.length); 17 for (String token : tokens) { 18 String[] kvPair = StringUtils.split(token, MAP_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); 19 if (kvPair == null || kvPair.length != 2) { 20 String msg = "Map property value [" + sValue + "] contained key-value pair token [" + 21 token + "] that does not properly split to a single key and pair. This must be the " + 22 "case for all map entries."; 23 throw new ConfigurationException(msg); 24 } 25 mapTokens.put(kvPair[0], kvPair[1]); 26 } 27 28 //now convert into correct values and/or references: 29 Map<Object, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>(mapTokens.size()); 30 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mapTokens.entrySet()) { 31 Object key = resolveValue(entry.getKey()); 32 Object value = resolveValue(entry.getValue()); 33 map.put(key, value); 34 } 35 return map; 36 } 37 38 // @since 1.2.2 39 // TODO: make protected in 1.3+ 40 private Collection<?> toCollection(String sValue) { 41 42 String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue); 43 if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) { 44 return null; 45 } 46 47 //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced Collection already, and if so, return it immediately: 48 if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) { 49 Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]); 50 if (reference instanceof Collection) { 51 return (Collection)reference; 52 } 53 } 54 55 //now convert into correct values and/or references: 56 List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(tokens.length); 57 for (String token : tokens) { 58 Object value = resolveValue(token); 59 values.add(value); 60 } 61 return values; 62 }
我们看看第2行是怎么对字符串值进行分割的,Map的字符串值是这种形式的key1:$object1, key2:$object2
//aLine是字符串值,比如key1:$object1, key2:$object2,delimiter=>, beginQuoteChar=>" endQuoteChar=>" retainQuotes=>true trimTokens=>true
1 public static String[] split(String aLine, char delimiter, char beginQuoteChar, char endQuoteChar, 2 boolean retainQuotes, boolean trimTokens) { 3 String line = clean(aLine); 4 if (line == null) { 5 return null; 6 } 7 8 List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(); 9 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 10 boolean inQuotes = false; 11 12 for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { 13 14 char c = line.charAt(i); 15 if (c == beginQuoteChar) {//在引号内的逗号不会产生分割的作用。 16 // this gets complex... the quote may end a quoted block, or escape another quote. 17 // do a 1-char lookahead: 18 if (inQuotes // we are in quotes, therefore there can be escaped quotes in here.//连续的引号会去掉一个,比如""=>","""=>"",""""=>"" 19 && line.length() > (i + 1) // there is indeed another character to check. 20 && line.charAt(i + 1) == beginQuoteChar) { // ..and that char. is a quote also. 21 // we have two quote chars in a row == one quote char, so consume them both and 22 // put one on the token. we do *not* exit the quoted text. 23 sb.append(line.charAt(i + 1)); 24 i++; 25 } else { 26 inQuotes = !inQuotes; 27 if (retainQuotes) { 28 sb.append(c); 29 } 30 } 31 } else if (c == endQuoteChar) { 32 inQuotes = !inQuotes; 33 if (retainQuotes) { 34 sb.append(c); 35 } 36 } else if (c == delimiter && !inQuotes) { 37 String s = sb.toString(); 38 if (trimTokens) { 39 s = s.trim(); 40 } 41 tokens.add(s); 42 sb = new StringBuilder(); // start work on next token 43 } else { 44 sb.append(c); 45 } 46 } 47 String s = sb.toString(); 48 if (trimTokens) { 49 s = s.trim(); 50 } 51 tokens.add(s); 52 return tokens.toArray(new String[tokens.size()]); 53 }
比如"key1:hello":122, key2:"helo,object2",用引号包裹起来的字符串会被视为一个整体,不会做解析,不过$符号还是会被解析的
,feizhuliu=com.test.Test -------------->里面有一个Map的属性
,feizhuliu.map=user:"$,\=bean" -------------->所以啊,你这个$还是得解析的,要不然,直接被解析成字符串,用户是不会答应的,用户是上帝嘛(虽然这个用户不是个好人,我也承认我不是个好人)
if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) { Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]); if (reference instanceof Map) { return (Map)reference; } }
protected boolean isReference(String value) { return value != null && value.startsWith(OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN);//$ }
protected Object resolveReference(String reference) { String id = getId(reference);//内部代码referenceToken.substring(OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN.length());去掉$符号 log.debug("Encountered object reference '{}'. Looking up object with id '{}'", reference, id); final Object referencedObject = getReferencedObject(id);//Object o = objects != null && !objects.isEmpty() ? objects.get(id) : null; if (referencedObject instanceof Factory) {//如果这个对象是一个工厂对象,那么就直接调用他的工厂方法返回实例 return ((Factory) referencedObject).getInstance(); } return referencedObject; }
1 Map<String, String> mapTokens = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(tokens.length); 2 for (String token : tokens) { 3 String[] kvPair = StringUtils.split(token, MAP_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER);//其实这个方法层层调用,又调用到了上面我们说的那个分割字符串的方法,只不过,它把其中的retainQuotes变成了false,分隔符改成了: 4 if (kvPair == null || kvPair.length != 2) { 5 String msg = "Map property value [" + sValue + "] contained key-value pair token [" + 6 token + "] that does not properly split to a single key and pair. This must be the " + 7 "case for all map entries."; 8 throw new ConfigurationException(msg); 9 } 10 mapTokens.put(kvPair[0], kvPair[1]); 11 }
除非出现了两个引号连在一起的情况下会被保留一个,比如key3:"$,"\=user"=》key3:$,\=user key3:""$,"\=user"=>key3:"$,\=user
Map<Object, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>(mapTokens.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mapTokens.entrySet()) { Object key = resolveValue(entry.getKey()); Object value = resolveValue(entry.getValue()); map.put(key, value); }
protected Object resolveValue(String stringValue) { Object value; if (isReference(stringValue)) {//讲过了,就是判断一下是不是以$开头 value = resolveReference(stringValue);//上面说过了,就是从objects这个容器中获取到对应的值 } else { value = unescapeIfNecessary(stringValue);//解析普通的字符串,如果有用\$做前缀的,那么就去掉\ } return value; }
1 protected void applyProperty(Object object, String propertyPath, Object value) { 2 3 int mapBegin = propertyPath.indexOf(MAP_PROPERTY_BEGIN_TOKEN);//判断这个属性是否存在[ 4 int mapEnd = -1; 5 String mapPropertyPath = null; 6 String keyString = null; 7 8 String remaining = null; 9 10 if (mapBegin >= 0) { 11 //a map is being referenced in the overall property path. Find just the map's path: 12 mapPropertyPath = propertyPath.substring(0, mapBegin); 13 //find the end of the map reference: 14 mapEnd = propertyPath.indexOf(MAP_PROPERTY_END_TOKEN, mapBegin); 15 //find the token in between the [ and the ] (the map/array key or index): 16 keyString = propertyPath.substring(mapBegin+1, mapEnd);//得到【】内的内容 17 18 //find out if there is more path reference to follow. If not, we're at a terminal of the OGNL expression 19 if (propertyPath.length() > (mapEnd+1)) { 20 remaining = propertyPath.substring(mapEnd+1); 21 if (remaining.startsWith(".")) { 22 remaining = StringUtils.clean(remaining.substring(1)); 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 27 if (remaining == null) { 28 //we've terminated the OGNL expression. Check to see if we're assigning a property or a map entry: 29 if (keyString == null) { 30 //not a map or array value assignment - assign the property directly: 31 setProperty(object, propertyPath, value); 32 } else { 33 //we're assigning a map or array entry. Check to see which we should call: 34 if (isTypedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, Map.class)) { 35 Map map = (Map)getProperty(object, mapPropertyPath); 36 Object mapKey = resolveValue(keyString); 37 //noinspection unchecked 38 map.put(mapKey, value); 39 } else { 40 //must be an array property. Convert the key string to an index: 41 int index = Integer.valueOf(keyString); 42 setIndexedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, index, value); 43 } 44 } 45 } else { 46 //property is being referenced as part of a nested path. Find the referenced map/array entry and 47 //recursively call this method with the remaining property path 48 Object referencedValue = null; 49 if (isTypedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, Map.class)) { 50 Map map = (Map)getProperty(object, mapPropertyPath); 51 Object mapKey = resolveValue(keyString); 52 referencedValue = map.get(mapKey); 53 } else { 54 //must be an array property: 55 int index = Integer.valueOf(keyString); 56 referencedValue = getIndexedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, index); 57 } 58 59 if (referencedValue == null) { 60 throw new ConfigurationException("Referenced map/array value '" + mapPropertyPath + "[" + 61 keyString + "]' does not exist."); 62 } 63 64 applyProperty(referencedValue, remaining, value); 65 } 66 }
BeanUtilsBean.getInstance().setProperty(bean, name, value);
1 public void setProperty(Object bean, String name, Object value) 2 throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { 3 4 32 // Resolve any nested expression to get the actual target bean 33 Object target = bean; 34 Resolver resolver = getPropertyUtils().getResolver();//又拿到了这个解析器 35 while (resolver.hasNested(name)) {//又进行了内嵌判断 36 try { 37 target = getPropertyUtils().getProperty(target, resolver.next(name)); 38 name = resolver.remove(name); 39 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 40 return; // Skip this property setter 41 } 42 } 43 48 // Declare local variables we will require 49 String propName = resolver.getProperty(name); // Simple name of target property 50 Class type = null; // Java type of target property 51 int index = resolver.getIndex(name); // Indexed subscript value (if any)获得下表值 52 String key = resolver.getKey(name); // Mapped key value (if any)获得key值,这些在前面已经说过了 53 54 // Calculate the property type 55 if (target instanceof DynaBean) { 56 DynaClass dynaClass = ((DynaBean) target).getDynaClass(); 57 DynaProperty dynaProperty = dynaClass.getDynaProperty(propName); 58 if (dynaProperty == null) { 59 return; // Skip this property setter 60 } 61 type = dynaProperty.getType(); 62 } else if (target instanceof Map) { 63 type = Object.class; 64 } else if (target != null && target.getClass().isArray() && index >= 0) { 65 type = Array.get(target, index).getClass(); 66 } else { 67 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = null; 68 try { 69 descriptor = 70 getPropertyUtils().getPropertyDescriptor(target, name);//获得属性描述器,前面说过了,它是通过jdk的java.beans包下的Introspector来获取bean信息的 71 if (descriptor == null) { 72 return; // Skip this property setter 73 } 74 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 75 return; // Skip this property setter 76 } 77 if (descriptor instanceof MappedPropertyDescriptor) {//判断当前的属性描述是否为被映射属性的属性描述 78 if (((MappedPropertyDescriptor) descriptor).getMappedWriteMethod() == null) { 79 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 80 log.debug("Skipping read-only property"); 81 } 82 return; // Read-only, skip this property setter 83 } 84 type = ((MappedPropertyDescriptor) descriptor). 85 getMappedPropertyType(); 86 } else if (index >= 0 && descriptor instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) {//判断是否为索引属性描述 87 if (((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) descriptor).getIndexedWriteMethod() == null) { 88 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 89 log.debug("Skipping read-only property"); 90 } 91 return; // Read-only, skip this property setter 92 } 93 type = ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) descriptor). 94 getIndexedPropertyType(); 95 } else if (key != null) { 96 if (descriptor.getReadMethod() == null) {//获得可以读取属性的方法,如getter方法 97 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 98 log.debug("Skipping read-only property"); 99 } 100 return; // Read-only, skip this property setter 101 } 102 type = (value == null) ? Object.class : value.getClass(); 103 } else { 104 if (descriptor.getWriteMethod() == null) {//获得可以写属性的方法,如setter方法 105 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 106 log.debug("Skipping read-only property"); 107 } 108 return; // Read-only, skip this property setter 109 } 110 type = descriptor.getPropertyType();//获得这个属性的类型 111 } 112 } 113 //下面一堆的判断,判断这个属性是不是数组,是不是String,如果是就采用相应的convert取处理 114 // Convert the specified value to the required type 115 Object newValue = null; 116 if (type.isArray() && (index < 0)) { // Scalar value into array 117 if (value == null) { 118 String[] values = new String[1]; 119 values[0] = null; 120 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(values, type); 121 } else if (value instanceof String) { 122 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(value, type); 123 } else if (value instanceof String[]) { 124 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String[]) value, type); 125 } else { 126 newValue = convert(value, type); 127 } 128 } else if (type.isArray()) { // Indexed value into array 129 if (value instanceof String || value == null) { 130 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String) value, 131 type.getComponentType()); 132 } else if (value instanceof String[]) { 133 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(((String[]) value)[0], 134 type.getComponentType()); 135 } else { 136 newValue = convert(value, type.getComponentType()); 137 } 138 } else { // Value into scalar 139 if (value instanceof String) { 140 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String) value, type); 141 } else if (value instanceof String[]) { 142 newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(((String[]) value)[0], 143 type); 144 } else { 145 newValue = convert(value, type); 146 } 147 } 148 149 // Invoke the setter method 150 try { 151 getPropertyUtils().setProperty(target, name, newValue); 152 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 153 throw new InvocationTargetException 154 (e, "Cannot set " + propName); 155 } 156 157 }
zhang=123,253,45,1246,5 ------------------->这个是一个数组
haha=hehe ------------------->这是个普通字符串
1 protected Object convert(Object value, Class type) { 2 Converter converter = getConvertUtils().lookup(type); 3 if (converter != null) { 4 log.trace(" USING CONVERTER " + converter); 5 return converter.convert(type, value); 6 } else { 7 return value; 8 } 9 }
register(Boolean.TYPE, throwException ? new BooleanConverter() : new BooleanConverter(Boolean.FALSE)); register(Byte.TYPE, throwException ? new ByteConverter() : new ByteConverter(ZERO)); register(Character.TYPE, throwException ? new CharacterConverter() : new CharacterConverter(SPACE)); register(Double.TYPE, throwException ? new DoubleConverter() : new DoubleConverter(ZERO)); register(Float.TYPE, throwException ? new FloatConverter() : new FloatConverter(ZERO)); register(Integer.TYPE, throwException ? new IntegerConverter() : new IntegerConverter(ZERO)); register(Long.TYPE, throwException ? new LongConverter() : new LongConverter(ZERO)); register(Short.TYPE, throwException ? new ShortConverter() : new ShortConverter(ZERO));
protected Object convertToType(Class type, Object value) throws Throwable { // All the values in the trueStrings and falseStrings arrays are // guaranteed to be lower-case. By converting the input value // to lowercase too, we can use the efficient String.equals method // instead of the less-efficient String.equalsIgnoreCase method. String stringValue = value.toString().toLowerCase(); //private String[] trueStrings = {"true", "yes", "y", "on", "1"};等于这里面某个值就为true for(int i=0; i<trueStrings.length; ++i) { if (trueStrings[i].equals(stringValue)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } //private String[] falseStrings = {"false", "no", "n", "off", "0"};等于这里面某个值就为false for(int i=0; i<falseStrings.length; ++i) { if (falseStrings[i].equals(stringValue)) { return Boolean.FALSE; } } throw new ConversionException("Can't convert value '" + value + "' to a Boolean"); }
// Invoke the setter method try { getPropertyUtils().setProperty(target, name, newValue); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new InvocationTargetException (e, "Cannot set " + propName); }
PropertyDescriptor descriptor =
getPropertyDescriptor(bean, name);
Method writeMethod = getWriteMethod(bean.getClass(), descriptor);
Method getWriteMethod(Class clazz, PropertyDescriptor descriptor) { return (MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(clazz, descriptor.getWriteMethod())); }
1 public static Method getAccessibleMethod(Class clazz, Method method) { 2 3 // Make sure we have a method to check 4 if (method == null) { 5 return (null); 6 } 7 8 // If the requested method is not public we cannot call it 9 if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {//判断这个方法是不是public的 10 return (null); 11 } 12 13 boolean sameClass = true; 14 if (clazz == null) { 15 clazz = method.getDeclaringClass(); 16 } else { 17 sameClass = clazz.equals(method.getDeclaringClass());//比较当前传进来的这个bean和这个写方法所在的类是否是相同或者是它的子类 18 if (!method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { 19 throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz.getName() + 20 " is not assignable from " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName()); 21 } 22 } 23 24 // If the class is public, we are done 25 if (Modifier.isPublic(clazz.getModifiers())) {//判断这个类是不是public的 26 if (!sameClass && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { 27 setMethodAccessible(method); // Default access superclass workaround//如果这个类是public的,方法不是public的,方法对应的类不是public的,那么就设置accessible为true 28 } 29 return (method); 30 }
invokeMethod(writeMethod, bean, values);
return method.invoke(bean, values);
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