
  • 官网下载windows安装版本: ,安装文件rabbitmq-server-3.6.5.exe
  • 前提:安装erlang;官网下载:,安装文件:OTP 19.1 Windows 64-bit Binary File (101629312)
  • erlang安装步骤如下:
    3.在命令提示符下输入”erl”可得如下结果: C:\Users\adapp>erl Eshell V5.10.3 (abort with ^G) 1> 表示安装成功,或者直接点击安装成功后的”Erlang”图标后提示: Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] Eshell V5.10.3 (abort with ^G) 1> 亦表示安装成功.


  • 运行rabbitmq安装包。
  • 安装成功后,激活插件
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
    The following plugins have been enabled:
    Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@PC-HONGCHQ... started 6 plugins.
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_mqtt
    The following plugins have been enabled:
    Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@PC-HONGCHQ... started 1 plugin.
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_tracing
    The following plugins have been enabled:
    Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@PC-HONGCHQ... started 1 plugin.


  • 创建用户,密码,绑定权限
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmqctl.bat add_user emm 123456
    Creating user "emm" ...
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmqctl.bat set_user_tags emm administrator
    Setting tags for user "emm" to [administrator] ...
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmqctl.bat set_permissions -p / emm ".*" ".*" ".*"
    Setting permissions for user "emm" in vhost "/" ...
    D:\work\emm_windows\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>rabbitmqctl.bat list_users
    Listing users ...
    guest   [administrator]
    emm     [administrator]


  • 使用浏览器打开http://localhost:15672 访问Rabbit Mq的管理控制台,使用刚才创建的账号登陆系统


  • 启停操作可在start menu菜单中进行。
  • 附官网说明:
    Install the Server
    Firstly, download and run the Erlang Windows Binary File. It takes around 5 minutes.
    Then just run the installer, rabbitmq-server-3.6.5.exe. It takes around 2 minutes, and will set RabbitMQ up and running as a service, with a default configuration.
    Run RabbitMQ Service
    Customise RabbitMQ Environment Variables
    The service will run fine using its default settings. You may want to customise the RabbitMQ environment or edit configuration.
    Run RabbitMQ
    The RabbitMQ service starts automatically. You can stop/reinstall/start the RabbitMQ service from the Start Menu.
    Manage the Service
    You can find links to RabbitMQ directories in the Start Menu.
    There is also a link to a command prompt window that will start in the sbin dir, in the Start Menu. This is the most convenient way to run the various command line tools.
    Port Access
    Firewalls and other security tools may prevent RabbitMQ from binding to a port. When that happens, RabbitMQ will fail to start. Make sure the following ports can be opened:
    4369 (epmd), 25672 (Erlang distribution)
    5672, 5671 (AMQP 0-9-1 without and with TLS)
    15672 (if management plugin is enabled)
    61613, 61614 (if STOMP is enabled)
    1883, 8883 (if MQTT is enabled)
    It is possible to configure RabbitMQ to use different ports.
    Default user access
    The broker creates a user guest with password guest. Unconfigured clients will in general use these credentials. By default, these credentials can only be used when connecting to the broker as localhost so you will need to take action before connecting from any other machine.
    See the documentation on access control for information on how to create more users, delete the guest user, or allow remote access to the guest user.
    Managing the Broker
    To stop the broker or check its status, use rabbitmqctl.bat in sbin (as an administrator).
    Stopping the Broker
    Use rabbitmqctl stop.
    Checking the Broker Status
    Use rabbitmqctl status. All rabbitmqctl commands will report the node absence if no broker is running (i.e. nodedown).
    More info on rabbitmqctl
    Output from the server is sent to a RABBITMQ_NODENAME.log file in the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE directory. Additional log data is written to RABBITMQ_NODENAME-sasl.log.
    The broker always appends to the log files, so a complete log history is retained.
    You can rotate logs using rabbitmqctl rotate_logs.
    Troubleshooting When Running as a Service
    In the event that the Erlang VM crashes whilst RabbitMQ is running as a service, rather than writing the crash dump to the current directory (which doesn't make sense for a service) it is written to an erl_crash.dump file in the base directory of the RabbitMQ server (set by the RABBITMQ_BASE environment variable, defaulting to %APPDATA%\%RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME% - typically %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ otherwise).
    Windows-specific Issues
    We aim to make RabbitMQ a first-class citizen on Windows. However, sometimes there are circumstances beyond our control. Please consult the Windows-specific Issues page.
    Getting Help
    If you have questions or need help, feel free to ask on RabbitMQ mailing list.


posted @ 2016-10-23 14:58  嘎达汤  阅读(1601)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报