Outputting Strings in the Console #include class Console {public: enum fore_color { f_black = 0 , f_white = FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED | ... 阅读全文
Using RUNDLL32.exe to call a function within a dll Rundll32 is a utility included with Windows that allows you to execute an exported DLL-function fr... 阅读全文
A class for dynamic icons in Windows #include class DynamicIcon {public: DynamicIcon();~DynamicIcon(); HICON Icon();private: HDC memDC1_; HDC memDC2... 阅读全文
A simple windows programm in c The following programm is a minimal windows program. It opens a window and writes a text into the window.If you compi... 阅读全文
Writing a device driver for Windows In order to write a device driver for windows, one needs the device driver development kit (ddk) and a c compiler... 阅读全文
Font: a C++ class This class is used in Fractal Generator. Avi Examples The header fileFont.h/* Font.h Copyright (C) 2002-2005 René Nyffenegger This... 阅读全文
Bitmap: a C++ class The five steps involved to draw a bitmap: Load bitmap using LoadBitmap or LoadImage Create a memory DC Select the bitmap into th... 阅读全文
Creating an AVI in memory with C++ The following example demonstrates how an avi file is completely created in memory./* MakeAviInMemory.cpp An exam... 阅读全文
AviMemDc: a C++ class This class is used in the Avi Examples.The header fileAviMemDC.h/* AviMemDC.h A C++ class for creating avi files Copyright (c)... 阅读全文
Creating an generated Earth AVI with C++ EarthGenerator.cpp/* EarthGenerator.cpp An example on how to use AviMemDC.cpp Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Torbe... 阅读全文