(转载)Delphi7中ZEOSDBO控件使用 原文 https://www.amingstudio.com/delphi/225.html
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控件,读取Sqlite数据库,并解决Dbgrid Memo字段及乱码的问题
很多同学 都在问Delphi7怎么弄sqlite数据库, 网上也没有很清晰的,所以就写出来,大家一起分享
这里使用的是ZEOSDBO控, 官网为https://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/,最新版本为7.2.4。
(pooled.* ASA7 ASA8 ASA9 ASA12 oracle oracle-9i sqlite sqlite-3 interbase-6
firebird-1.0 firebird-1.5 firebird-2.0 firebird-2.1 firebird-2.5 firebirdd-1.5
firebirdd-2.0 firebirdd-2.1 firebirdd-2.5 postgresql postgresql-7 postgresql-8 postgresql-9
mysql mysql-4.1 mysql-5 mysqld-4.1 mysqld-5 MariaDB-5 mssql sybase FreeTDS_MsSQL<=6.5 FreeTDS_Sybase<10 FreeTDS_Sybase-10+ FreeTDS_MsSQL-7.0 FreeTDS_MsSQL-2000 FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005 ado)
- 3、双击 ..\ZEOSDBO-7.1.4-stable\packages\delphi7\ZComponentDesign.dpk,点击install,安装完毕后,控件就都出现了
- 1、新建个application 拖入DbGrid1、DataSource1、ZQuery1、ZConnection1、listview1、Button1、Button2 7个控件
- 2、首先把控件链接起来,我习惯用代码写在Form1的onCreate事件中
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var path: string; begin path := ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0)); // 获取根目录路径 ZQuery1.Connection := ZConnection1; DataSource1.DataSet := ZQuery1; DBGrid1.DataSource := DataSource1; with ZConnection1 do begin Protocol := 'sqlite-3'; // 数据库类型 port := 3306; // 端口 HostName := ''; Database := path + '/FpcEfficiency.db'; // 数据库路径 Connected := True; end;
- 3、在Listview1中显示表名
- 1)修改Listview1的 ViewStyle属性为 vsReport ,双击Listview1 添加一个column 修改Caption属性为 数据库表名,RowSelect属性改为True,GridLines属性改为True;
- 2)修改button2 caption属性为 读取表 button1 Caption属性为连接表
- 3)在Button2的OnClick事件中写入代码
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var s: TStrings; i: Integer; begin ListView1.Items.Clear; try s := Tstringlist.Create; ZConnection1.GetTableNames('', s); // 第一个参数为过滤 不过滤为空 for i := 0 to s.Count - 1 do begin ListView1.Items.Add.Caption := s.Strings[i]; end; finally FreeAndNil(s); end; end;
- 4、在DbGrid1中显示数据库内容
在Button1的OnClick事件中写入代码procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ListView1.Items.Count = 0 then ShowMessage('请先读取表名') else if ListView1.SelCount <= 0 then ShowMessage('先选择表!') else begin with ZQuery1 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.add('select * from ' + ListView1.Selected.Caption); Open; end; end; end;
- 5、由于用的是Dbgrid,Text字段都不显示内容,显示的为(Memo)。网上有很多解决的办法,大部分都推荐换DbGridh控件,这里既然用,就不换了,用代码搞定。
Query1 Fields 有个ongettext事件,用这个实现。定义两个过程procedure TForm1.ShowTextField(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin Text := Sender.AsString; end; procedure TForm1.SetTextFieldEvent(const ADatSet: TZQuery); var i: integer; begin with ADatSet do begin DisableControls; try for i := 0 to Fields.Count - 1 do if Fields[i] is TMemoField then Fields[i].OnGetText := ShowTextField; finally EnableControls; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.ZQuery1AfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet); begin SetTextFieldEvent(ZQuery1); end;
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); var i: Integer; begin if gdSelected in State then Exit; // 定义表头的字体和背景颜色: for i := 0 to (Sender as TDBGrid).Columns.Count - 1 do begin (Sender as TDBGrid).Columns[i].Title.Font.Name := '宋体'; // 字体 (Sender as TDBGrid).Columns[i].Title.Font.Size := 9; // 字体大小 (Sender as TDBGrid).Columns[i].Title.Font.Color := $000000FF; // 字体颜色(红色) (Sender as TDBGrid).Columns[i].Title.Color := $0000FF00; // 背景色(绿色) end; // 隔行改变网格背景色: if zQuery1.RecNo mod 2 = 0 then (Sender as TDBGrid).Canvas.Brush.Color := clInfoBk // 定义背景颜色 else (Sender as TDBGrid).Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(191, 255, 223); // 定义背景颜色 // 定义网格线的颜色: DBGrid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); with (Sender as TDBGrid).Canvas do // 画 cell 的边框 begin Pen.Color := $00FF0000; // 定义画笔颜色(蓝色) MoveTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom); // 画笔定位 LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom); // 画蓝色的横线 Pen.Color := $0000FF00; // 定义画笔颜色(绿色) MoveTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Top); // 画笔定位 LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom); // 画绿色的竖线 end; end;