strom ui Topology 可视化视图各个指标含义说明

In the visualization, spout components are represented as blue, while bolts are colored between green and red depending on their associated capacity metric. The width of the lines between the components represent the flow of tuples relative to the other visible streams.

storm ui 中的topology可视化的中的指标说明:

spout: 用蓝色的球表示

bolt:  用绿色到红色的球表示,绿色到红色代表了该bolt并行度(capacity metric )相关的指标。



组件上线上的数字:相关联两个组件上传输的数据量trans,百分比为 (trans /totaltrans)*100%, totaltrans是所有组件间传输的数据量的总和。


posted @ 2018-05-02 18:48  丹江湖畔养蜂子赵大爹  阅读(547)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报