




In the cramped cargo bay, the Puppets clung to the reorganized crates before their final entry into Venusian orbit. Rosalie motioned Jimbo to back up a bit. Several troopers had scooched closer, inhaling the divinity of His Holiness Lester. A peaceful glow of meaning had settled onto all of them, a wondering disbelief at the size and beauty and rightness of the cosmos.

To care for His Holiness, they’d unsealed the bulletproof glass, revealing the old shrivelled body inside, releasing the stale, concentrated smell of him. The Numen flinched from the soft, eager hands as they washed him. Doug led the process and today Erin got to climb into the War Cage with Lester. She nearly vibrated with excitement. She’d been the best good boy. The feeling of contentment ran deep in them all. They knew where they were. They knew what would happen. It was all part of a hallowed destiny they couldn’t apprehend because of its vast wonderity.

All cargo tankers entering Venusian orbit were dosed with sterilizing x-rays, for contagions, to scan the interior of the tankers, and to prevent smuggling. The bathing of His Holiness Lester was like their last supper, the final picnic, the end of peace before they girded themselves for their final battle. The Numen had created the Puppets to replace the Numen in jobs too dangerous for fragile divinities, so additional pigments already permeated their bodies. The pigments absorbed many kinds of hard radiation and their DNA repair systems were aggressive, but they would still probably all take fatal doses, even the War Numen. They would begin to die, but the automated customs systems would probably not register their small sizes as biologicals and the radiation shielding in their pods would further camouflage their outlines. They might live long enough to finish their quest.

Robbie hadn’t been the best good boy, but he’d tried hard. Rosalie chose a spot close to the War Cage for him because he was young and after this everything would be harder. They’d tied him to a strut and he wriggled in his bonds, smelling at the air, urging on Erin and Doug.

“Make him smile,” he said with a barely controlled shiver.

Erin sponged the wrinkled face and papery eyelids of the dying Numen, her expression revealing a distant, disbelieving reverence in the experience. His Holiness Lester was over seventy years old; most Numen didn’t survive past fifty. There was something prodigious and holy in this Numen’s endurance. Doug smiled indulgently and dabbed his fingertip in red paint and smeared a smile onto Lester’s slack lips and cheeks. Jimbo scooched closer, not to the Numen precisely, but to Rosalie. He trembled, staring, inhaling heavily through his mouth. He hugged Rosalie’s waist tightly.

“He’s smiling,” he said breathlessly.

As Jimbo squirmed against her, she noticed his badge was red. They were all feeling the Numen now anyway, before they went into their life shells, so colors wouldn’t matter for a while, but his was supposed to be yellow. She didn’t want to spoil this moment, her moment of communion with the Numen. But she turned and did a quick count, finally spotting one of the troopers who should have been wearing a red badge, but hers was yellow.

Rosalie took the whip from her belt and hit Jimbo with the coils. He let go and floated back. She had everyone’s attention except the Numen’s. This was the harder part now. In the glow of divinity, some messages penetrated deeper, some shallower. Priests learned how to pitch their voices to the right tones, to match the recordings of the pre-Fall Numen in all the television shows and movies.

“You!” she accused, as if she were the Puppets and she the betrayed. “You!” She stabbed her finger at Jimbo. Deep in the embrace of divinity, all of the Numen cowered back.

“You stole a different badge color,” she said coldly.

She wasn’t wearing her stilts nor her holy Numen clothing, but the Numen was present. Rosalie stood like one of the overseers of old, the herders and movers of the divine servants. Jimbo bolted towards Jane Mulligan-16, to give back her badge. Mulligan-16 flinched away from the bad boy and the badge floated, spinning in the zero-g. He pushed it awkwardly and it bounced off Mulligan-16’s forehead.

在狭窄的货舱里,“傀儡 ”们紧紧抓住重组后的板条箱,准备最后进入金星轨道。罗莎莉示意金博往后退一点。几名士兵靠近了一些,吸着莱斯特教皇的神力。所有人都沉浸在一片祥和的光芒之中,对宇宙的巨大、美丽和正确性感到不可思议。

为了照顾莱斯特教皇,他们揭开了防弹玻璃的封条,露出了里面干瘪陈旧的躯体,释放出他身上陈旧而浓郁的气味。当他们用柔软而热切的双手为他清洗时,努曼人退缩了。在道格的带领下,艾琳今天和莱斯特一起爬进了 “战争牢笼”。她兴奋得几乎要跳起来。她是最棒的好孩子。满足感深深地烙印在他们心中。他们知道自己身在何处。他们知道会发生什么 这是神圣命运的一部分,他们无法理解,因为它太奇妙了。

所有进入金星轨道的油轮都被投放了消毒 X 射线,以防止传染病,扫描油轮内部,防止走私。莱斯特教皇的沐浴就像是他们最后的晚餐、最后的野餐、和平的终结,然后他们才整装待发,准备最后的战斗。努曼人创造了傀儡来代替努曼人从事对脆弱的神灵来说过于危险的工作,因此他们的身体里已经渗透了额外的颜料。这些颜料能吸收多种硬辐射,它们的 DNA 修复系统也很强悍,但它们仍有可能全部摄入致命剂量,即使是战争努曼人也不例外。它们会开始死亡,但自动海关系统可能不会将它们的小体型登记为生物,而且它们舱内的辐射屏蔽会进一步伪装它们的轮廓。他们也许能活得足够长的时间来完成任务。

罗比不是个好孩子,但他很努力。罗莎莉为他选了一个靠近战争囚笼的地方 因为他还小,在这之后一切都会变得更难 他们把他绑在一根柱子上,他在束缚中扭动着,闻着空气中的味道,催促着艾琳和道格。






“你!"她指责道,仿佛她就是傀儡,而她是被背叛者。“你!” 她用手指着金博。在神性的怀抱中,所有的努曼人都退缩了。


她没有穿高跷,也没有穿神圣的努曼人服装,但努曼人就在眼前。罗莎莉站在那里,就像古代的监工,神仆的放牧者和搬运工。吉博奔向简-穆里根-16,要把她的徽章还给她。穆里根-16 闪开了这个坏小子,徽章飘了起来,在零重力中旋转。他笨拙地一推,徽章弹到了穆里根-16 的额头上。

“The Numen is very mad!” Rosalie said in her most booming voice. The Numen stayed still, too holy to uncurl from his fetal position. “The Numen is communicating with me,” Rosalie said, “and asking me whether I think everyone’s color should be reset to green.”

Low moans of despair sounded. Someone shrieked “Bad boy, Jimbo!”

Rosalie moved along the rail with just her toes, raising her arms, making herself look bigger.

“Do I need the airlock, Jimbo?” she demanded. “Do you want to be like Jeffey?”

In his panic, in the sudden turn from divine joy to divine anger, Jimbo had let go of the rail and now rotated slowly in the air. He was shaking his head, breathing hard with his mouth, smelling.

“I don’t want to, Jimbo,” Rosalie said, “but Lester can order me to do anything. He can tell me anything he wants.”

They gasped. “No, no, no, please,” Jimbo whispered.

“Take him into his pod now,” Rosalie said. “That is what the Numen wants.”

“No!” Jimbo shrieked.

The punishment was severe. They had to enter their pods in about ten minutes, but Jimbo would miss ten minutes of the presence of divinity, miss the washing and caring of the Numen, maybe right before he died. But she needed to be severe. This mission, soaked in such holy consequence, needed them all to be the Good Boy all the time because they were marching into the dark, carrying a fragile candle.

Jimbo wriggled and resisted as fearful hands grabbed and punched him. He cried and screamed “no, no, no!” Rosalie’s hands shook. She didn’t like being the parent. She hadn’t asked to be the responsible one, who loved and disciplined the Puppets, taking a role that should have been the Numen’s, but for the Fall. She hadn’t wanted to decide for the Numen; she ached, like all the Puppets did, for the gods to be the way they were before. And she was young, very young in the hard journey of a priest. It was a hard thing to be a parent, deciding for others. But maybe, if they succeeded, if they brought back Del Casal, they really would enter a new age, a new generation and era of gods walking among the faithful, taking back the roles that the Puppets had shouldered for them. Strong, nimble hands shoved a screaming Jimbo into his safety pod. They strapped him tight and closed him in. Jimbo beat at the inside of his pod, blunt distant sounds.

Rosalie felt a kind of dazed satisfaction. In the presence of divinity, the cosmos could make strange bridges between past and present and future; moments of the Edenic past could live in the present. She felt like one of those moments of the past had reached out to them. Thick in the scent of the War Numen, something deep and important visited them today like the fingers of fate brushed them.

And weird images slithered into her thoughts, waking dreams laying a surreal transparency over the cold hardness of the cargo bay. A keening pried its way into her thoughts, a high-pitched vibration accompanying the unreal colors dyeing her soul. The blunt thudding of Jimbo’s fists inside his pod receded.

“I’m lost,” Rosalie intoned in the voice of sermon. The troopers, and even Doug, froze, listening. “I float, adrift in a world that isn’t mine, carrying a tiny light against the absence.”

Except it wasn’t the absence. She’d endured that many times, but she didn’t have other words for this vision of some other cosmos. The Puppets huddled in place, tasting the air, trying to see what she saw, recognizing the touch of divinity in this moment. They whispered about her supposedly oracular visions when they didn’t think she could hear them. Some averted their eyes. She wasn’t quoting any part of the Puppet Bible. She ranged beyond scripture. She’d experienced abstract visions like this for years, with a sense of strange space and shape, but clearer now, more tactile and cold. What were the Numen trying to tell her? What part of divinity was this? She shivered. Doug came close, recording with his service band.

“The world is transparent, not real,” she said. “I’m alone. I’m a ghost. Trapped.”

Nearby Puppets started moaning. “Stop it, stop it, stop it, no,” Joey whimpered, covering his head with his arms.

Rosalie couldn’t. The vision strengthened. The fog of that other world made this one seem indistinct, as if the other Puppets existed behind a veil, even Doug, right beside her. But the world had expanded. Doug seemed bigger. No. Not bigger exactly. He had more depth. She could see parts of him that weren’t the meat parts of him. She squinted to see Joey and pushed off the wall, coming close. She laid her hands on Joey’s head. The touch felt removed from her, only half of an experience. Rosalie’s hands shook. Her visions had never intruded so deeply into her world.

“努曼人疯了!” 罗莎莉用她最洪亮的声音说道。努曼人一动不动,圣洁得无法从胎儿的姿势中挣脱出来。“罗莎莉说:"努曼人在和我交流,问我是否认为每个人的颜色都应该重设为绿色。”








“不!” 吉伯尖叫起来。


吉博扭动着身体,反抗着,恐惧的手抓着他,打着他。他哭喊着 "不,不,不!” 罗莎莉的手在颤抖。她不喜欢当家长。她并没有要求自己成为一个负责任的人,爱护和管教傀儡,承担起本该属于努曼人的角色,但为了堕落。她并不想为努曼人做决定;她和所有傀儡一样,渴望诸神回到从前的样子。她还年轻,在牧师的艰辛旅程中还非常年轻。为人父母,为人做主,是一件艰难的事情。但也许,如果他们成功了,如果他们带回了德尔-卡萨尔,他们就真的会进入一个新时代,一个新的世代,一个新的时代,众神行走在信徒中间,夺回傀儡们为他们承担的角色。一双有力而灵活的手把尖叫着的金博塞进了安全舱。他们把他绑得紧紧的,把他关在里面。吉伯拍打着安全舱的内部,发出钝钝的遥远的声音。






附近的木偶开始呻吟 “停下,停下,停下,不,"乔伊呜咽着,用胳膊捂住头。


“You’re safe in this world, Joey,” Rosalie said. “This is not your journey.”

Rosalie pushed away to float to the Numen. Lester’s thin eyelids slitted open. At her approach, he squeezed them shut and pulled blankets over his naked wrinkled body. She rested in front of him, smelling deeply, then breathed through her mouth, filling herself with the holy spirit. The thin transparent world without shape, with too much shape, holding only a vague fear and hopelessness left her. Her nearness to the Numen brought a familiar elation that banished misgivings. Doug came close.

“His Holiness banished my vision,” she said.

“If His Holiness banished it, was it profane?” Doug said with a queasy expression. She didn’t blame him. He was the junior priest on a mission of destiny and now his superior saw possibly profane visions? What would she do in his shoes? Convene a heresy trial? Court judges were all bishops and they had no bishops. Could he somehow prod the War Numen to take up the role of divine assessment? If she couldn’t lead them, could he? Rosalie had never been sure she could do it herself. She breathed of Lester more deeply and the world seemed to solidify further, to make sense, even if she couldn’t grasp the subtlety of its logic.

“I think I saw a deeper absence,” she said. Jill, Marigold, and Reggie heard her and started crying. “It’s a faint vision of a world that might be.” Lester shrank from her stroking touch and close-sniffing nose. He made it right. Lester made everything right. “I don’t think it’s a world that has to be,” she said to Doug. “It’s only our world if we don’t succeed.”

“We’ll do it,” Sammy said. “We’ll do it!” Others repeated, pumping their fists.

Rosalie caressed Lester’s flaky cheek. He didn’t understand how special he was. He didn’t understand that he didn’t have to be afraid anymore. He was their candle. He would light their way through the darkness. He was an island of divinity, a raft they clung to with all their hearts, hoping they had the strength to save all their people. Through him, they would rekindle light and wonder in the world.

“I love you,” Rosalie whispered to him. Lester trembled and pulled the blanket to completely cover himself.

“Strap His Holiness Lester safely,” she said. “Add the radiation shielding. Then take your good pills and get into your pods.”

“你在这个世界上很安全 乔伊" 罗莎莉说 “这不是你的旅程”



“如果教皇驱逐了它,那它是亵渎神明的吗?” 道格带着不安的表情说。她没有责怪他。他是执行命运使命的初级牧师,而现在他的上司却看到了可能是亵渎的幻象?如果是她,她会怎么做?召开异端审判?法庭法官都是主教,而他们没有主教。他能以某种方式促使战争努曼人承担起神圣评估的角色吗?如果她不能领导他们,他能吗?罗莎莉从未确信她自己能做到这一点。她更深地呼吸着莱斯特的气息,世界似乎进一步凝固了,变得有意义了,即使她无法理解其中的微妙逻辑。

“我想我看到了更深的缺失,"她说。吉尔、玛丽戈德和雷吉听到了她的话,开始哭泣。“这是对一个可能存在的世界的微弱幻想” 莱斯特被她抚摸的手和近距离嗅闻的鼻子吓得缩了回去。他做对了 莱斯特让一切都变好了 她对道格说:"我不认为这是一个必须是的世界。” “如果我们不成功,这只是我们的世界”

“我们会成功的" 萨米说 “我们会成功的!” 其他人挥舞着拳头重复着。





By character, the Homo quantus lack aggressive qualities that are sought in even the most peaceful of military units. They are pensive and retiring, disliking sudden movements or loud sounds. They neither enjoy nor seem particularly good at tactics or strategy, on the naval battlefield nor in the economic state space of corporate warfare. These results seem to have discouraged the Banks, despite the stupendous cognitive advances in the Homo quantus. Even those Homo quantus who cannot access their fugue state possess capacious memories, exabytes in the eighth and ninth generation, with some assessments suggesting zettabytes of memory capacity by generation twelve. Paired with abilities to analyze and process data quantities in the hundreds of petaflops and possibly exaflop range, everything but temperament seemed to have fallen in the Homo quantus Project’s favor. The Banks however entirely missed the point in what they’d created in the Homo quantus.

New gene sets may face the same environments as baseline humanity and perform no better than their forebears. But novel genotypes are gateways into new environments and ecosystems. Increased social cooperation had some minor immediate survival impacts for the first hominins, but found its full impacts as a gateway to agriculture, architecture and chemistry. The Banks invest on a variety of scales, from seconds to centuries, but in the Homo quantus, they created novel benefits they could not understand because the full impacts will be felt on the scale of millennia.

Scarecrow Musings on the Garret Notes


从性格上看,量子智人缺乏攻击性,即使是最和平的军事单位也不例外。他们沉默寡言,不喜欢突然的动作或响亮的声音。无论是在海战战场上,还是在企业战争的经济状态空间中,他们既不喜欢也不擅长战术或战略。尽管量子智人在认知方面取得了巨大进步,但这些结果似乎让银行家们望而却步。即使是那些无法进入迷幻状态的量子智人,也拥有庞大的记忆容量,在第八代和第九代就已经达到了艾字节(exabytes),而根据一些评估,到第十二代时,他们的记忆容量将达到兆字节(zettabytes)。再加上分析和处理数据的能力达到数百 petaflops,甚至可能达到 exaflops 的范围,除了性情之外,其他一切似乎都对智人项目有利。然而,班克斯完全忽略了他们在量子智人中创造的重点。



F 师

Three orderlies in white and green medical uniforms moved Belisarius from his small room. He managed to peek through some of the glass doors and recognized four other Homo quantus. They brought him to a room off the floor of the central pit. His last room had been equipped like a low-care unit. This one was an operating theatre. The ultraviolet sterilizing light shut off as they entered.

The world pressed at him, but not in a way he could measure. He couldn’t feel his magnetosomes. He couldn’t feel his electroplaques. They felt like numb feet, like the quantum objectivity he couldn’t feel in his mind. He’d long resented the Homo quantus part of him, a feeling that had sharpened with the tragedies that had followed him, but being severed from the quantum objectivity was alienating. The world felt insubstantial. What had they done to him?

Del Casal limped in shortly, accompanied by a thick-muscled and blond-bearded nurse. Swollen bruises yellowed Del Casal’s cheeks at the back of his jaw, like he’d had dental surgery. The nurse didn’t appear to be paying much attention to Belisarius. Del Casal scowled.

“Your minder?” Belisarius said in Anglo-Spanish, which strictly speaking wasn’t politic within the Congregate. A bit of Del Casal’s old arrogance showed and he glanced meaningfully at the man.

“He’s a real nurse,” Del Casal replied in Anglo-Spanish. “We’re all minded here.” Del Casal gave a few instructions in French and the man moved around the small room, preparing instruments.

“You really messed this one up, Arjona,” Del Casal said mildly. “The most hunted man in civilization tries to sneak into the most guarded security operation in civilization.” Del Casal shook his head. “I would have run far away from here if I could.”

“What have they done to my brain? I can’t feel my magnetosomes. Or anything.”

Del Casal limped around him, checking on readings.

“We missed you when we were passing out the shares of the haul,” Belisarius said.

Del Casal put down his pad and regarded him with blood-shot eyes.

“I jumped ship when I saw the plan heading full speed towards a wall.”

“But we did it,” Belisarius said.

“You started a war that’s getting us all killed. Your people. You. The Union. Me. That’s all you did.”

“No one could have known that the Union would have lasted this long. I thought they would get the fight they wanted and get wiped out, along with all information about us.”

Del Casal shook his head, turning away as he wiped his eye. The nurse applied alcohol to Belisarius’ arm.

“What’s this?” Belisarius said.

“I’ve been trying my damnedest to do what they want,” Del Casal said as the nurse put the needle into Belisarius’ arm. “They want their captive Homo quantus to work. I had all the notes from the Garret, but not a single working Homo quantus.

“What did they break in me?” Belisarius whispered, looking from the needle to Del Casal who wouldn’t meet his eyes. “What did you do?”

A figure appeared beyond the glass doors, the lieutenant-colonel. The doors slid open. Del Casal’s muscles tightened very slightly. Belisarius only noticed it because he’d spent so much time watching other players in casinos. She tossed a pad onto Belisarius’ lap.

“Trash,” she said. “You gave me trash. I’ve sent the other three Homo quantus to be surgically altered. Pilots it is.”

“I gave you the answers I have! I gave you the truth!” he lied. “You didn’t understand it.”

She might believe him. It might not matter. The scope of what he’d offered was too small. Her questions revealed her suspicions about his deepest secrets. And now Sofía, Carlos and César were gone, to be mutilated by Congregate doctors and chewed up by the war. Like Martín, Ana Teresa, Edmer.

Your people didn’t understand it,” she said. “You have some pretty sharp minds among the Homo quantus. They found all sorts of ‘flaws in the reasoning, conclusions and assumptions,’ end quote. Let’s return to my questions.”

“What did you do to me?” Belisarius said. His words sounded slurred and his thoughts fuzzy. “I can’t feel my magnetosomes. Did you break me?”

He heard a rising panic in his voice. He resented some of his Homo quantus nature, but it was still who he was. He reconciled himself to being a person built at someone else’ instructions, down to his instincts and wants being determined by corporate interests. Good or bad, he inhabited this set of wants and needs, the burning need to know, to understand, as all Homo quantus did. But his magnetosomes were his principal means of navigating and querying the world. The loss bit at places selfish and irrational; he’d come here to save his people. Of course there were costs.





“他是个真正的护士,"德尔-卡萨尔用盎格鲁西班牙语回答道。“我们在这里都是有思想的。” 德尔-卡萨尔用法语吩咐了几句,那人就在小房间里走来走去,准备器械。

“你真的搞砸了,阿尔霍纳。"德尔-卡萨尔温和地说。“人类文明中被追捕次数最多的人,却试图潜入人类文明中戒备最森严的安保行动。” 德尔-卡萨尔摇了摇头。“如果可以,我早就跑得远远的了。”







“是你挑起了一场战争,害得我们都死了。你的人民。你的人民。联盟。我 这就是你所做的一切。”

“没人知道联盟会坚持这么久 我以为他们会得到他们想要的战斗,然后被消灭,连同所有关于我们的信息。”


“这是什么?” 贝利撒留斯说。


“他们在我身上打碎了什么?” 贝利萨留斯低声问道,目光从针头转向德尔-卡萨尔,后者不愿与他对视。“你做了什么?”






“你对我做了什么?” 贝利撒留斯说。他的话听起来含糊不清,思绪也很模糊。“我感觉不到我的磁体了。你把我弄坏了?”


Del Casal moved the covers, exposing some wiring emerging from under the bandaging on Belisarius’ chest. The lieutenant-colonel smiled. Belisarius’ perceptions seemed to liquify. Sound muffled. Some things became sharp and clear, while others fell out of focus. Was his brain processing things incorrectly or were his ocular augments damaged, focusing at random distances and wavelengths? Del Casal limped closer.

“Your brain is a highly-engineered tool with unique pathways,” the doctor said. “Your thoughts can activate parts of your brain, parts of your body, with exquisite precision, according to very intentional neural plans. And I have the blueprints. That made it very easy to rewire you, Arjona. Enjoy the hell you’ve made for us.”

The doctor shuffled away. The lieutenant-colonel smirked, pulling at something on the sheets that tugged in his chest. He found fine wires emerging from swollen skin on his chest.

“Your Homo quantus family taught us how to turn on and off your consciousness, how your brain is partitioned, how to connect the parts, how to switch pieces on. That told us where to read your thoughts,” the lieutenant-colonel said sweetly.

She didn’t look like she was bluffing. Limited thought reading was possible. That’s how some augmentation worked. Sensors fed into the human brain, translating into something neurons could process. By the same token, chips in the brain had to translate neural signals into semiconductor potentials. These were simple, straightforward connections and processes. True thought and memory reading would be complex, limited and take enormous processing power.

“Thought reading can do some damage if we get it wrong,” she said. “First, tell me everything you know about the Union break out of the Puppet Axis. Second, tell me everything you know about any rumors or truth to a time travel device. Third, tell me everything about your plan for disguising yourself and handing yourself over to Congregate custody.”

The world blurred and came in and out of focus. His brain was accustomed to summoning and sorting facts and knowledge; used to processing some questions in the background while other tasks occupied his attention and the bulk of his mental processing. The cables from his chest lit as the screens on the walls came to life, displaying cascades of luminous data. He didn’t recognize it, but they were reading his thoughts?

The sheer volume of information on the screens gave him some hope. His brain, the brains of every Homo quantus, had to be able to hold and retrieve far more information in a day than the human brain would normally hold in a lifetime. The Homo quantus stored information more densely, using nested sets of compression algorithms and indexing systems. Every element of that was different from the way baseline human memory worked, or computer storage. Even with months and years, even with access to all the Garret research files, even with access to Homo quantus with brains built like his, the Congregate might not figure out how to read something so alien.

The data on the wall screens, incomprehensible, unfiltered, moved in and out of dizzy focus. The drug they’d injected melted bits of reality, patch by patch. The glass doors sounded and he bonelessly turned his head, blinking to make sense of the shapeless figure who entered. No face. A bag of metal mesh over the head, tied at the neck under a painted mouth and a pair of small, roving camera lens eyes. The metal weave material in the gloves seemed overlong in the fingers. The gloves folded clumsily at fingertips as they took the cable from the lieutenant-colonel, fitting it into raw wires sprouting from between sleeves and glove.

Belisarius’ perceptions weren’t working. False positives everywhere. His brain knew that. He tried to engage the normal batteries of error correction and verification algorithms, but his brain limped within a drugged haze. The chips Del Casal had wired into his body could turn on and off parts of him. As if remote controlled, they engaged his recall, accessing all kinds of memory, all flavours of knowledge, all kinds of encryption.

The hulking figure neared, machine joints and movements whirring. Belisarius couldn’t feel anything with his magnetosomes, making the machine feel dubious and ghostly rather than monstrous. False positives and false negatives. He couldn’t think. The crude painted face loomed over him, and camera lens eyes focused as Belisarius’ consciousness finally failed.













Rosalie barfed into the bag again. She thought she’d finished, but her nose-bleed restarted too. Three medics crawled around His Holiness Lester. The scent of him permeated the bay, giving the waking, suffering Puppets a feeling of drowsy rightness. Lester barely lived. The Numen were not hardened against radiation. That was a core mystery of the divine. Why hadn’t the Numen been made more durable when the Puppets were being created? Puppet theologians theorized endlessly about that question.

One of the sergeants approached. Hibernation drugs and radiation sickness still fuzzed Rosalie’s vision, so she didn’t recognize Erin until she came close. Her bristly hair was matted on one side where her helmet must have been pressing during orbital insertion.

“Four dead, ma’am,” she said. “Timmy, Ralph, Michelle and Louis. Michelle was a machine gunner. I’m giving her equipment to Robbie. He’ll have to do.”

Rosalie held onto Erin’s shoulder. “Help me put on the stilts.”

Erin did more than that. She fussed with the laces and straps, so that despite her aches, Rosalie could put on the baggy Numen shirt and roll the sleeves up until her hands were visible. Doug came over. His lips were red; many of the Puppets bled from the gums.

“His Holiness is alive,” Doug said. “Eight sieverts got into the War Cage.”

They’d only been able to pile on so much shielding. Anything more or denser and the scanning AIs would have flagged the unpenetrated spots for secondary inspection. Rosalie’s radiation meter had measured over twelve sieverts of ionizing radiation, even after the shielding had blocked much of it. Ten sieverts was almost certain death for humans and Numen.

She cleared her throat and said “Bring Timmy, Louis, Michelle, and Ralphie. They’ve quested far, but have far yet to go.”

A few gasps among the Puppets interrupted some soft, mournful crying. Lloyd, Norma, Jill and Fred, gray-faced and weak, brought the four dead Puppets to the War Cage. They stroked slack cheeks, straightened brittle hair, decorated them with ribbons. Rosalie had been waiting for this moment, the first losses, the first blood, to invoke the quest stories.

Rosalie went to the War Cage and brushed her fingers along the slack skin of his Holiness’ cheek. She signalled Doug to move into the cage and behind him. Rosalie raised her arms, standing on her stilts, with the scent of Numen diffusing into the cold bay.

“When old Dennis Creston commanded Teddy Creston-13, his most trusted servant, to recover the relics of his son,” Rosalie said, catching their eyes on the pause, the open-mouthed expectation, “that was a good day.”

“Yes, a very good day,” Jill said.

“Sometimes fate is hard to see,” Rosalie continued. “We don’t know where we’re going. We fetch water. We fix things. We count the minutes to the next time we’ll see a Numen while the world seems to wind down.”

Freddy wiped at his eyes and then hugged two of the dead Puppets under his arms, like a last encouragement.

“But when old Dennis Creston told Teddy to go get his boy, he painted meaning onto the darkness,” Rosalie said. “He revealed the hand of fate.”

Doug nodded vigorously.

“Teddy gathered to him three trusted Puppets who understood the moment,” Rosalie said.

Robbie sobbed.

“A Numen had died,” Rosalie said, as a few more Puppets began to cry softly. “Ronald Creston. Only thirty years old. Divine. Godly. Unique in all the universe. Irreplaceable. And old Dennis Creston told Teddy, his most trusted servant, to go bring his son’s body home.”

She felt like her words hammered her own heart. The Puppets couldn’t look at her anymore.

“Teddy’s three trusted companions didn’t survive,” she said. “They gave themselves for the recovery of something greater than themselves, for something divine, something his Holiness Old Dennis Creston wanted. They walked into the absence at the call of fate and they were joyous.”

With wide open mouth, Jimbo inhaled the divinity of Lester and puddles of trembling tears collected around his eyes in the micro-gravity.

罗莎莉又吐到了袋子里。她以为自己吐完了,但鼻血又重新流了出来。三个医护人员围着莱斯特教皇爬来爬去。他的气味弥漫了整个海湾,让清醒而痛苦的傀儡们有一种昏昏欲睡的正确感。莱斯特勉强活了下来。努曼人无法抵御辐射。这是神性的核心奥秘。为什么在创造傀儡的时候,Numen 没有变得更耐用呢?傀儡神学家们对这个问题进行了无休止的理论探讨。




艾琳做的不止这些 她煞有介事地弄着鞋带和带子,这样,尽管罗莎莉疼痛难忍,她还是可以穿上宽松的努曼衬衫,把袖子卷起来,直到能看到自己的手。道格走了过来。他的嘴唇发红;许多傀儡的牙龈都在流血。


他们只能叠加这么多屏蔽。再多或再密集一些,扫描人工智能就会把未穿透的地方标记出来进行二次检查。罗莎莉的辐射测量仪测得的电离辐射超过了 12 西弗特,即使屏蔽已经阻挡了大部分辐射。十西弗对于人类和努曼人来说几乎是必死无疑。



罗莎莉走到 “战争牢笼 ”前,用手指拂过教皇松弛的脸颊。她示意道格走进笼子,走到他身后。罗莎莉举起双臂,站在高跷上,Numen 的气味弥漫在寒冷的海湾中。

“当老丹尼斯-克雷斯顿命令他最信任的仆人泰迪-克雷斯顿-13 去找回他儿子的遗物时,“罗莎莉说,她捕捉到了他们停顿的目光,张大嘴巴的期待,”那是个好日子。”








“一个努曼人死了,"罗莎莉说,这时又有几个傀儡开始轻声哭泣。“罗纳德-克雷斯顿。只有三十岁。神圣的。神性。全宇宙独一无二。无可取代 老丹尼斯-克雷斯顿告诉泰迪,他最信任的仆人,去把他儿子的遗体带回家。”




“Teddy quested and returned,” Rosalie said. “He brought Ronald Creston home before he himself succumbed to the cost of his quest. He died happy at the feet of a grieving divinity.”

A loud sob came from the shadows at the back of the cargo hold.

“We’ve been given a quest,” she said, her voice taking on a deeper resonance as she felt the words in her, what Teddy Creston-13 must have felt, “a much larger one and more dangerous. The arrow of time follows the decay of the world. Every year, less Numen are born. Their numbers dwindle. And we don’t know how to stop it. The absence crowds against shrinking candlelight. It threatens to end divinity.”

Norma wept full-throatedly and Reggie hugged her.

“We don’t know how to keep the divinities alive. We don’t know how to make more of them. But one man does, a man like the creator of the first Numen. Only one such man lived and then died. Since then, the world has been winding down from the Edenic Age he made. But now there’s another. A new man has made more Numen. He can turn back the clock of the cosmos, and return us to an earlier age.”

Some sniffled loudly, but they looked up one by one, as if seeing if the hope she offered were true.

“We quest for a new age.”

“We quest for a new age!” Lloyd squealed.

“Today, we lay to rest Michelle, Timmy, Louis, and Ralphie, who, like the companions of Teddy, laid down their lives for the Numen. They finished in this life but their worship will not end. The Numen who have passed need new servants. Michelle and Timmy and Louis and Ralphie will attend the Numen who have passed, while we honor them and carry on in this world. Many of us may already be dying from the radiation. Many of us certainly will follow them, but we will bring home the man who will rekindle the Edenic age. Today, we are all Teddy.”

Jimbo whispered to himself in a trembling voice. “I’m Teddy. I’m fucking Teddy.”

Rosalie guided the Numen’s unresisting hand to touch Michelle’s beribboned forehead.

“You are a good servant,” she said in a gruff voice, imitating a Numen of old. “You accompanied Teddy. Serve my fathers and my mothers in the next life.”

Freddie wept louder as Rosalie repeated the rites with the other three and committed them to the Numen of old, wherever they were in the cosmos.



“我们被赋予了一个使命,“她说,她的声音变得更加低沉,因为她感受到了她的话语,泰迪-克里斯顿-13 一定也感受到了,”一个更大、更危险的使命。时间之箭追随着世界的衰败。每年出生的努曼人越来越少。他们的数量在减少。而我们却不知道如何阻止这一切。缺失的烛光在不断缩小 它威胁着神性的终结。”


“我们不知道如何让神性继续存在。我们不知道如何创造更多的神灵。但有一个人知道,他就是第一个努曼人的创造者。只有一个这样的人活了下来,然后死了。从那时起,世界就从他创造的伊甸园时代走向衰落。但现在又出现了一个。一个新人创造了更多的 Numen。他能让宇宙的时钟倒转,让我们回到更早的时代。”



“我们追求新时代!” 劳埃德尖叫起来。


金博用颤抖的声音低声自语道。“我是泰迪 我是他妈的泰迪





Belisarius’ syrupy thoughts followed themselves in nonsensical loops. Humming clouded vision. Taste prickled like the brush of gauze on skin. Smell brightened. Sweat pasted sheets to hot skin. And then, sense of place vanished. Bodiless, he floated in foggy grayness, behind a pane of glass, in a suit. He wasn’t anywhere. The patterns of entanglement confused him. Then, he was on the Mutapa, months ago, feeling the powerful electromagnetic fields of the warship around him, back around the Stubbs pulsar. But the time felt wrong in a dreamy way; he felt forward in time, not backwards, because the stars had changed. And without a discreet break, he felt himself really existing under the sullen orange glow lighting Nyanga, in the past. He didn’t want to be here again. He didn’t want to feel this again. He struggled, pushing against the sponginess holding him. He heard crying. Was he crying?

He blinked in sight of soft lamps, surrounded by the hum of processors, the gentle glow of holographic displays switched to dim red. A figure hunched over him, whispering.

“Arjona. I can’t take it anymore. Arjona.”

Hard hands shook him, disturbing the silt in his mind. Del Casal’s tear-streaked face neared in the gloom. They were alone, in the surgical room. Wires led from his body to banks of thought reading equipment, dim screens scrolling through terabytes of encrypted compressed memories every second.

“I’ll pay you anything to get me out of here, Arjona.”

The gummy synaesthesia loosened its hold. The gloom clarified, but he was still strapped down. Del Casal gripped his hospital gown, weeping over his chest.

“What did you...” Belisarius’ throat was raw, like he’d been screaming. He tried swallowing. “What did you do to me?”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Del Casal said.

Del Casal worked at the restraints on Belisarius’ wrists, but they resisted his efforts.

“What’s wrong with my brain? What did you do to me?”

Belisarius’ words seemed to penetrate the doctor’s frantic terror.

“Keep your voice down,” Del Casal whispered. “The centrifuges. I’ve got them all spinning. White noise for the microphones, but it’s not much. The lights are dimmed for the cameras. The processors are going to be slower for a bit. I have them computing genomic problems.

Was Del Casal an idiot? Belisarius made out the centrifuge noise and trusted that Del Casal thought the other measures were in place. Maybe they were, but they wouldn’t fool any decently secure facility that had backup cameras, multispectrum sensors and listening bugs.

“Tell me what you did,” Belisarius whispered, “or I’m not helping you.”

Some of Del Casal’s old prickliness briefly emerged from his twitchiness.

“I added some wiring to your brain, in places where small, steady microcurrents can depolarize major neuronal pathways, to interrupt signalling. Like the inputs from your magnetosomes and the neurons leading to the conscious control areas. Some cognition. You’re not broken, but I inserted some off switches.”

“Then how am I supposed to help you?”

“I don’t know,” Del Casal said right beside his ear. “You have to get us out. You know how.”

Del Casal’s fingers felt cool. Was Belisarius still feverish? He’d had the same fever for months and almost didn’t notice the low ache anymore.

“Did you shut everything in me off?” Belisarius said.

Del Casal yanked on Belisarius’ restraints, as if somebody would come in any second. Or this was orchestrated? They might have drugged Del Casal with something to make him paranoid to see what Belisarius would do. Or say. From what he saw on the screens, they couldn’t decrypt his thoughts yet.

“You shut off all my Homo quantus changes?” Belisarius said.

Del Casal momentarily gave up and wept over Belisarius’ chest.

“Antonio. Antonio! We have to keep moving. Tell me if you shut off everything in my head. Can I reach the fugue?”

The doctor’s eyes darted to shadowed parts of the room where nothing moved.

“Antonio, focus. We’re both stuck here.”

“Your brain is all jumbled,” Del Casal said. “The parts that should be active during the fugue are on all the time. You’re broken, but I didn’t do that.”

On all the time. Then the quantum intellect was still operating in his brain, but he was cut off from it. Temporarily? Permanently?







“你......” 贝利撒留斯的喉咙生疼,像是一直在尖叫。他试着吞咽 “你们对我做了什么?”






德尔-卡萨尔是个白痴吗?贝利撒留斯听到了离心机的声音,他相信德尔-卡萨尔认为其他措施已经到位。也许是有,但它们骗不了任何有备份摄像头、多光谱传感器和listening bugs的安全设施。



“我在你的大脑中添加了一些线路,在这些地方,微小而稳定的微电流可以使主要的神经元通路去极化,从而中断信号传递。比如你的磁小体和通往意识控制区的神经元的输入。一些认知 “你没有坏掉,但我插入了一些开关”




“你把我的一切都关起来了吗?” 贝利撒留斯说。

德尔-卡萨尔拽了拽贝利撒留斯的束缚带,似乎随时都会有人进来。或者这是精心策划的?他们可能给德尔-卡萨尔下了药,让他疑神疑鬼,看看贝利撒留斯会做什么。或者说 从他在屏幕上看到的情况来看 他们还无法破解他的思想

“你关闭了我所有的智人变化?” 贝利撒留斯说。


“安东尼奥 安东尼奥 我们必须继续前进。告诉我,如果你关掉我脑子里的一切。我能听到赋格曲吗?”

医生的眼睛瞟向房间的阴影部分 那里没有任何动静



一直开着 那么量子智慧仍在他的大脑中运行,但他被切断了与它的联系。暂时的?还是永久性的?

“Why am I still here and conscious? What do they want?”
 Del Casal looked at the displays suspiciously. One of the centrifuges came to the end of its cycle and its long whining note deepened. Del Casal crouched, snuck over to it and set it for another ten minute cycle. When he returned, he stayed behind the head of the bed where Belisarius couldn’t see him.

“Antonio!” Belisarius whispered urgently. He heard wrenching sobs.

Del Casal came around. He knelt and draped his arms through the rail.

“Save me,” he whispered. “I’m all gone.”

“Antonio, they drugged you. Help me if you can. I’ll help you.”

The doctor’s expression melted in a kind of anguish.

“You can’t help me. There’s no more me. It dissolves in front of her.” Del Casal’s face slackened and his mouth opened like he was going to vomit. He gulped like a fish in air, as if grasping for an elusive taste. Or smell. Like a Puppet. A shiver tickled down Belisarius’ back.

“Who is she?” Belisarius said.

“I missed so much before,” Del Casal said, a tear running on his face. “There’s so much I didn’t see. How could I have been blind for so long?”

“Antonio, focus. Part of the awe effect in the Puppets amplifies pattern recognition. You’re filled with false positives right now. You see meaning and revelation in everything. It’s all false positives.”

“How do you know?”

Homo quantus pattern recognition is dialed higher too. The false positives are tempting, but they’re all mirage. I struggle to tamp down signals in the data that aren’t there. It’s hard, but it’s possible.”

Del Casal shook his head. “This is more real than anything I’ve ever felt. My life...” He seemed to stumble over some feeling that overwhelmed him. “Everything that came before is so hollow, so empty.”

Belisarius shook the bed in his restraints, trying to get Del Casal’s meandering attention.

“The awe effect is a very sophisticated hallucinogenic experience, Antonio. Take the science you lived with before and deconstruct what you’re feeling. It’s possible to see this in another way.”

“You think I’m not trying?” he whined, regarding Belisarius with angry, red-rimmed eyes. “But I’m small and this is so big. I can’t escape it anywhere. It’s in every thought. Every feeling.” Fat tears fell now. “You killed Gander. I was there.”

Belisarius stilled. He’d understood that Del Casal had gotten cold feet and bailed on the con, that he hadn’t even gone to meet them later for his cut. At the time Belisarius hadn’t thought through everything. He’d thought maybe Del Casal had run afoul of the the Puppets. But... I was there.

“I couldn’t know what I had made then,” Del Casal said. “I didn’t have the capacity to... see what he was, that he was genuinely divine. But now I know. I saw the reactions of the Puppets. I can imagine now what it would have been like to breathe him, to bask in his presence, to feel his divinity. He was angry. So angry with me because I was with the Puppets and he was strapped to the table.”

Belisarius felt faint.

“When did you go to the Puppets?” Belisarius said.

“His last words were to me and I couldn’t even know their holiness at the time. He cursed me, Arjona. A divinity laid a curse on me! He said Enjoy hell. You can have my spot. But I didn’t take his spot. I entered the world he touched, the world he walked, that he himself couldn’t feel. I made divinity, but I couldn’t feel it and neither could he. Can you imagine so much blindness? But now I know and it hurts so much.”

Del Casal sobbed hopelessly.

“I’m not made to be powerless,” Del Casal said pleadingly. He focused on Belisarius, patting his arm, then clinging to his hand. “Do you know what it is to be nothing? Worthless? I stop being me. I stop being me. I just want and want and want to... It’s so big. So vast. I’m connected to a whole world you can’t see Arjona. I’m lost on the waves. I’m just dust. Please take me away from here before I’m gone. Take me back to the Puppets. I can make more Numen.”

Del Casal’s fingernails clawed at Belisarius’ arm as his head jerked up, eyes wide, mouth open, panting.

“Help me, Arjona,” he whimpered. “She’s here and my heart isn’t big enough to hold all of her.”

Del Casal looked to the doorway in open-mouthed wonder. The whirring of stiff machine articulation sounded, step by step, in the dark hallway. Del Casal’s chin rose as if the inhaled scent wafted above him.

The pale lieutenant-colonel appeared first in the shadows of the doorway, in her dark uniform. A breath of delight caught in Del Casal’s throat, but he moved away, behind the bed. A lumpy, looming shape well over two meters stopped behind her. With access to his magnetosomes, Belisarius might have perceived more of the Scarecrow, the press and hum of its electronic thinking, the flexing of articulators and hydraulics.



“安东尼奥!” 贝利撒留斯急切地低声喊道。他听到了撕心裂肺的啜泣声。


“救救我,"他低声说 “我什么都没了”

“安东尼奥,他们给你下药了。帮帮我吧 我会帮你的


“你帮不了我 已经没有我了。它在她面前消失了。” 德尔-卡萨尔的脸松弛下来,嘴巴张开,像是要呕吐。他像鱼一样大口大口地呼吸着空气,仿佛在寻找一种难以捉摸的味道。或气味。就像一个木偶。贝利撒留的背脊痒痒的,一阵颤抖。

“她是谁?” 贝利撒留斯说。





德尔卡萨尔摇了摇头。“这比我曾经感受过的任何事情都要真实。我的生活......” 他似乎被某种感觉压得喘不过气来。“之前的一切都如此空洞,如此虚无。”



“你以为我没在努力吗?"他抱怨着,用愤怒的红眼睛看着贝利萨留斯。“但我是个小人物,而这一切是如此之大。我在任何地方都无法逃避它。它存在于我的每一个想法。每一种感觉。” 肥大的泪珠落了下来。“你杀了甘德 我当时在场”

贝利撒留斯沉默了 他知道德尔-卡萨尔临阵脱逃了,他甚至没有去找他们要他的那份钱。当时贝利撒留还没有想清楚。他以为戴尔-卡萨尔和 “傀儡 ”有过节 但是... 我当时在场

“我不知道自己当时做了什么" 戴尔-卡萨尔说 “我没有能力......看到他是什么,他是真正的神。但现在我知道了。我看到了傀儡们的反应。我现在可以想象呼吸他的气息、沐浴他的存在、感受他的神性会是什么样子。他很生气。因为我和傀儡们在一起 而他却被绑在桌子上”


“你什么时候去傀儡团的?” 贝利撒留斯说

“他的遗言是对我说的,当时我根本不知道他们的神圣。他诅咒了我,阿尔霍纳。一位神灵对我下了诅咒!他说,享受地狱吧。你可以占我的位置 但我没有得到他的位置。我进入了他接触过的世界,他走过的世界,而他自己却感觉不到。我创造了神性,但我感觉不到,他也感觉不到。你能想象如此盲目吗?但现在我知道了,这让我痛不欲生"。


“我不是无能为力的人。"德尔-卡萨尔恳求地说。他专注地看着贝利萨留斯,拍拍他的胳膊,然后紧紧抓住他的手。“你知道一无所有是什么感觉吗?一文不值?我不再是我。我不再是我。我只是想要、想要、想要...... 它是如此之大。如此广阔 我与你看不见的世界相连 阿霍纳 我迷失在海浪中 我只是尘埃 请在我消失之前带我离开这里 带我回到傀儡们身边 我可以制造更多的 Numen。”





The woman approached in catlike silence, the Scarecrow following with soft mechanical sounds. The lights began to brighten and the centrifuges all began to whine down by themselves, as if some drama had finished. Two small camera lenses hummed as they focused on Belisarius from the loose metal weave of the sack of the Scarecrow’s head. A black smudge of paint suggested a nose over a clumsily painted black mouth. The way the Scarecrow stood and watched made the immobile mouth suggest a leer.

The metal weave of the shirt hung shapelessly over an undefined torso, but the sleeve rose a bit from the top of the glove when the arm extended, revealing shiny metal wiring in mockery of straw. What was that for? The shadow beneath the mesh cloth held many pieces of things, wires, maybe a gun barrel and electronic jacks. A wire shot out, like a grappling cable, plugging into the rails of the bed frame. Strange, faint images, ghosts of pasts, started manifesting in Belisarius’ thoughts. Measurements, glimpsed flashes of places he’d been, maybe things he seen, but... maybe not. Ghostly. He still struggled with the effects of the drugs they’d injected into him, and possibly changes Del Casal had done to him.

“Come out, Antonio,” the woman said over the last low moan of the centrifuges coasting to stillness.

Del Casal came into view from behind the bed. He fidgeted, trying to stand straight, trying to face her with dignity. A lifetime of being in control propped Del Casal against what appeared to be an overwhelmingly profound biochemical religious experience.

“I really, really want those Homo quantus to work,” she said with quiet menace. “I’m already displeased and it will be worse if you don’t succeed very soon.”

Del Casal’s resolve and courage vanished, replaced by a naked rawness of self, the last undisguised core of a fearful, fervent believer. He lowered his head submissively and backed away from her with little gulps at the air.

“What you’ve done is pointless,” Belisarius said to the woman. Faint images flitted in his thoughts. The screens lit with new data. “You’re not going to get anything out of him like that.”

The woman regarded him.

“Compelling motivation may offset the slight drop in cognition,” she said.

“You still won’t get Del Casal making new Homo quantus. Undo it. You’ll get more out of him. He’s suffering.”

“He’s motivated,” she said, running a finger along the rail of his bed, creeping closer and closer to him. “Besides, the chips can be taken out, and even the neural wiring, but his biochemistry has already been changed. The original bioengineers of the Numen and Puppets were paranoid about the Puppets ever escaping their control. The addictions produced in the awe centers of the brain are permanent. He’ll never escape the withdrawals. And while I’m close, he won’t suffer.”

She smiled sweetly, everything she said turning Belisarius’ stomach. Del Casal had betrayed them and had watched Will die, but this was too great a punishment for anyone. The creation of the Puppets was an incalculable moral error. Eye for an eye justice wouldn’t fix it. In the moral gray, Belisarius had made a Numen, but it was temporary and Will was a consenting subject.

“The Scarecrow has some questions,” the woman said. “You’re extremely valuable as a model of fully functioning Homo quantus, but you’re also an interrogation target. We can’t decide which objective is more important. If the Scarecrow doesn’t get what she wants, I’ve asked my people to look at wiring you like a Puppet too.”

His brain never stopped, couldn’t stop, but the idea of wiring a Homo quantus with the complex neural and sensory changes of the Puppets momentarily didn’t compute. Both subspecies were systems of hardware and software, like computers and operating systems. The systems were incompatible. Could even Del Casal find a way to make the two natures co-exist? Rational interrogation of the cosmos itself couldn’t meld with intense spiritual belief in a physically present divinity. He might. He might try. Belisarius almost threw up.

“Wouldn’t that be funny?” she said. “ A quantum Puppet.”

The Scarecrow loomed.

“What do you know of the Epsilon Indi Scarecrow?” the hulking AI asked. Its voice crawled from the grave, accented with the suggestion of the feminine. “The Epsilon Indi Scarecrow last reported following you to a small, stable wormhole at C99312, a chondritic, bi-lobed asteroid. It reported your entry into this wormhole and followed you. The Port-Cartier found nothing at C99312.”

He’d long ago trained his brain and body to avoid giving the unconscious signals that accompanied deception, but he didn’t know if those reactions were still in place. He couldn’t feel much of his brain. It wasn’t just like his intellect was fuzzy and hobbled – some perceptions of the world had numbed, gone blind.

“I don’t know anything about that,” Belisarius said.


金属编织的衬衫毫无形状地悬挂在躯干上,但当手臂伸展时,袖子从手套顶端稍稍翘起,露出闪闪发光的金属线,像是在嘲笑稻草人。这是干什么用的?网布下的阴影里有许多东西,有电线,也许还有枪管和电子插孔。一根电线像抓索一样射出,插入床架的导轨。贝利撒留斯的思绪中开始浮现出奇怪而模糊的影像,那是过去的幽灵。测量结果、他去过的地方的一瞥,也许是他见过的东西,但......也许不是。幽灵一般 他仍在挣扎,因为他们给他注射的药物,还有德尔-卡萨尔可能对他做的改变,对他产生了影响。









“他有动力。"她说,用手指沿着他的床栏,悄悄地靠近他。“此外,芯片可以取出来,甚至神经线路也可以取出来,但他的生物化学已经被改变了。努曼人和傀儡人最初的生物工程师很担心傀儡人逃脱他们的控制。在大脑敬畏中心产生的瘾是永久性的。他永远无法摆脱这种戒断 虽然我离他很近,但他不会受苦。”



他的大脑从来没有停止过,也不可能停止,但把一个智人与傀儡复杂的神经和感官变化连接起来的想法一时无法实现。这两个亚种都是硬件和软件系统,就像电脑和操作系统。这两个系统是不兼容的。就连德尔-卡萨尔也能找到让这两种性质共存的方法吗?对宇宙本身的理性思考 无法与对神灵的强烈信仰相融合 他也许可以。他可以试试。贝利撒留差点吐了出来。



“你对伊普西隆-印第稻草人了解多少?"这个笨重的人工智能问道。它的声音从坟墓里爬出来,带着女性的暗示。“伊普西隆印第稻草人 "最后一次报告说,它跟随你来到了位于 C99312 的一个稳定的小虫洞,这是一颗软玉质的双叶小行星。它报告说你进入了这个虫洞,并跟踪了你。卡蒂埃港号在 C99312 没有发现任何东西。”



Yet the flashes of information continued to paint themselves on the screens, walls of binary data, arrays and sets of digitized information they pulled from him. But strangely, small images, immaterial and quick, came to mind, of entering the time gates with Iekanjika, his surprise at being told by Cassie and Stills what they’d faced while he’d been on Nyanga. The character of the data on the screens seemed to shift.

“Tell me about the time travel device found by the Union,” the Scarecrow said.

Despite his hardest efforts to think of something else, transparent images and minute flashes of purpled light and the warbling electromagnetic feel of the interior of the time gates came to him. He tried to calculate something, anything, to recheck previous calculations, but this other stream of translucent, ghostly memories seemed to cut a deeper path through his thoughts. What had they done to him? They’d rewired Del Casal’s neurology to make an emulated Puppet of him. They’d done something to Belisarius too, cut him off from some of his senses and his mathematical faculties.

“They hired me for my knowledge of the Puppets,” Belisarius said. “I don’t know anything about Union technology.”

The data on the displays shifted. He recognized some of the structural characteristics as belonging to information from his mind. It was a form he would understand, but that no one else would. The kind of encryption the Homo quantus used to compress memories had some documented root algorithms, making some of the first layers of compression standard. But the subsequent steps were individual. Each Homo quantus who could enter the fugue had to work in alternation with the quantum objectivity to find a set of storage and retrieval algorithms to compress memory. The algorithm itself was like an encryption key, even though it hadn’t been designed as such. The Congregate couldn’t have found out his key, could they?

“What are...” the Scarecrow’s voice, still rough and machine-accented, took on a disturbing silkiness, “...the Hortus quantus?

The fear tickling his spine inched higher. If the Congregate war effort had captured some very old Union officers, under interrogation, some might have been able to speak of Nyanga and what the Union called the vegetable intelligences. But no one knew the name he’d given them except the Homo quantus and Iekanjika. The general was still in Bachwezi, so the only way the Congregate could have discovered his name for the aliens would be from Belisarius himself. On the displays, more data showed. Even with impaired cognitive functions, his brain could make something of the patterns, decrypting some of it to see that the data really was his.

“You think that the Hortus quantus have a different kind of intelligence,” the Scarecrow said. “Explain your perceptions of them through your quantum measurements.”

Belisarius’ heart beat harder. The Scarecrow was really reading his memories. When had she cracked an encryption that should have been unique to him? How could she have? Panic rose. Then, his laboriously constructed con man instincts kicked in.

He was the mark. He’d been conned.

The Scarecrow hadn’t cracked his encryption before entering. She’d probably had parts of it cracked, hints and guesses, but was looking for confirmation. They’d surgically cut Belisarius off from many of his senses and intellectual resources. They’d drugged him on and off for who knows how long. And they’d sent in Del Casal as a distraction. But that had been all artifice. He’d been the mark all along; his memories were the score in a vault. And with all the distraction and damage and drugs, he’d been just disoriented enough to no longer be able to hide his physical responses. The Scarecrow had examined the top level thoughts, the memories retrieved, and had used her questions and his physiological responses to break some of the algorithms that compressed his memories, maybe many.

Now the questions had stopped. And the only reason the Scarecrow would stop was because she had a working translation algorithm now, from compressed memory to legible information. It might be incomplete, but the more she read of his memories, the more inferences and translations she could establish from context. She no longer needed to question. She was reading the raw code of his memories as fast as she could process and pattern-recognize. Belisarius’ memory was vast, but it might not take her long to absorb everything. He’d seen and observed and calculated so much, including all the permanent wormholes of the Axis Mundi, including the possibilities of the time gates, including the location of the hidden Homo quantus.






“什么是...... “稻草人的声音依然粗糙,带着机器的口音,但却带着一种令人不安的丝丝凉意,”......Hortus quantus?”


“稻草人说:"你认为 Hortus quantus 拥有与众不同的智慧。“通过你的量子测量来解释你对他们的看法。”



稻草人在进入之前并没有破解他的密码。她可能已经破解了一部分,得到了一些暗示和猜测,但还在寻找确认。他们用手术切断了贝利撒瑞斯的感官和智力资源 他们断断续续地给他下药,不知持续了多久。他们还派德尔卡萨来分散他的注意力 但那都是假象 他一直都是目标,他的记忆就是保险库里的乐谱。在所有的干扰、伤害和药物的作用下,他已经迷失了方向,无法再隐藏自己的身体反应。稻草人检查了最高级别的思想,检索了记忆,并利用她的问题和他的生理反应破解了压缩他记忆的一些算法,也许是很多算法。



Belisarius closed his eyes tight, retreating to a mental world where he’d so often sought elusive comfort, but he couldn’t feel the parts of him that ought to be there. The hiss and press of the magnetism and electrical currents present in almost any habitat was missing. Access to multi-channelled, multi-layered streams of thought, the almost audible babbling hum of other thoughts happening in the parts of his brain he hadn’t recruited to complex tasks, was absent too. And over the last months, the hot presence of something else in his mind, the quantum intellect taking up residence in part of the interior world Belisarius called self; he was numb to it as well. Del Casal had damaged him inside. He needed to stop the Scarecrow from reading any more. He needed to stop her from finding out where the Homo quantus were hiding. He needed to stop her from learning why he’d come here. But he had no tools. They’d stripped his interior world. He reached helplessly within the space of his thoughts.

Help, he thought, as hard as he could. Help. They’re going to take all the data, not just from me, but from all the Homo quantus. There will be no more exploring. No more research. No more learning.

There was not even an echo. He was alone in his mind. The quantum intellect, which in other Homo quantus could only exist when the conscious self was extinguished, co-existed in him, in some partitioned portion of his brain. But by definition it could have no sense of self, could not feel the need for self-preservation as more than an algorithm to be measured against others.

They’ve broken me, Belisarius thought urgently, as more and more raw data from his memories scrawled through the displays, soaking into the armed and armored Scarecrow AI. Only you can save all the data here in me and the knowledge of where the Homo quantus are hiding. They’re studying worm holes. The time gates. Hyperspace. They’re going to flee across the galaxy and be safe and will continue learning if you help now.

Belisarius didn’t know if the quantum intellect could hear his thoughts, or if Del Casal’s surgeries had permanently sundered portions of his brain, but he thought please...

And then, Belisarius the conscious, self-aware being ceased to exist.

Something changed in the room. Del Casal, her Puppet, continued working frenetically. The display screens seemed to change subtly, even though it was all ones and zeroes to Bareilles. The Scarecrow stilled. Glimmers of blue and green shone eerily from unseen sources beneath the edge of the metal mesh sleeve the Scarecrow had open. The Scarecrow stepped closer to the bed.

“What is it?” Bareilles asked.

The Scarecrow leaned over the limp Homo quantus. Bareilles accessed Arjona’s vitals and asked for an analysis from the AI she carried in her service band. The initial analysis projected onto her retina, holographic text and graphs transparent before the patient. Arjona had entered a vegetative state. Higher neurological functions had stopped. He’d been here. Just moments ago. The next set of analyses appeared before she could react. The fugue. His neural activity matched the patterns in the Homo quantus records. The quantum fugue.

“Did you trigger this?” Bareilles said.

Still the Scarecrow didn’t reply. She just loomed over Arjona.

Bareilles looked at the display data on all the screens and demanded a quick statistical analysis from the more powerful AIs wired into the medical bay. Their answer was quick: white noise. The data emerging from Arjona was now white noise. It hadn’t been just seconds before.

She asked the AIs to recheck the previous data streams and the current ones. They concluded the same thing: until forty-five seconds ago, the data stream from Arjona’s recall had been decryptable with what the AIs estimated to be a climbing eighty-five percent accuracy rate. They’d retrieved about ten percent of all the data stored in the Homo quantus’ brain. After that, it had become a randomization so complete that the AIs could find no structure in it at all.

“Del Casal!” she said, startling him. “Get over here.” Bareilles transmitted the findings to the hurrying doctor. She grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head. “How did he get into the fugue? You turned him off.”

“I did,” he pleaded, gasping at her nearness.

“He’s not off,” she said.

“He shouldn’t... He shouldn’t be able,” the doctor said, closing his eyes to not look at her. “I grafted wiring that will inhibit the neural channels from his conscious mind to every relevant part of his new senses and thinking and the centers that activate the fugue. Unless he had... other routes none of the other Homo quantus knew about, he... shouldn’t be able to.”

贝利撒留斯紧闭双眼,退回到精神世界,他经常在那里寻求难以捉摸的慰藉,但他感觉不到本应存在的部分。几乎所有栖息地都存在的磁性和电流的嘶嘶声和压迫感不见了。他也无法获得多通道、多层次的思想流,也无法听到他大脑中未被用于执行复杂任务的部分所发生的其他思想的嗡嗡声。在过去的几个月里,他的头脑中出现了另一种炙热的东西,量子智慧占据了贝利撒留斯称之为自我的内部世界的一部分;他对此也麻木了。德尔-卡萨尔已经伤害了他的内心。他需要阻止稻草人再读下去。他要阻止她发现量子智人的藏身之处。他需要阻止她知道他为什么来这里 但他没有工具 他们剥夺了他的内部世界 他无助地伸手去触摸自己的思想空间。

救命,他拼命地想。救命啊 他们会拿走所有的数据 不仅仅是我的,还有所有量子智人的 再也没有探索 不再有研究 不再学习

连回声都没有了 他的脑海里只有他自己。量子智力,在其他量子智人身上,只有在意识自我消失时才能存在,在他身上,在他大脑的某个分割部分,与他共存。但顾名思义,它不可能有自我意识,不可能感觉到自我保护的必要性,而只是一种可以与他人进行比较的算法。

贝利撒留斯急切地想,他们已经把我搞垮了,越来越多的原始数据从他的记忆中潦草地通过显示屏,浸透到全副武装的稻草人人工智能中。只有你能拯救我体内的所有数据,并知道智人的藏身之处。他们在研究虫洞 时空门 超空间 如果你现在伸出援手,他们就会安全逃离银河系,并继续学习。



房间里发生了一些变化。她的傀儡德尔-卡萨尔继续疯狂地工作着。显示屏似乎发生了微妙的变化,尽管对巴瑞莉斯来说都是 1 和 0。稻草人静止了。在稻草人打开的金属网套边缘下,蓝色和绿色的微光从看不见的地方闪烁着。稻草人走近床边。


稻草人俯身在瘫软的智人身上。巴瑞莉斯调取了阿尔琼娜的生命体征,并要求她随身携带的人工智能进行分析。初步分析结果投射到她的视网膜上,全息文字和图表在病人面前清晰可见。阿尔琼娜已进入植物人状态。高级神经功能已经停止。他一直在这里。就在刚才 在她做出反应之前,下一组分析出现了。赋格 他的神经活动与量子智人记录中的模式一致 量子赋格

“这是你触发的吗?” 巴瑞勒斯说。




“德尔-卡萨尔!"她说,吓了他一跳。“快过来!” 巴雷莱斯把研究结果传给了匆忙赶来的医生。她抓住他后脑勺的头发。“他是怎么进入迷幻状态的?你把他关起来了。”



“他不应该...... 他不应该能。"医生说着,闭上眼睛不去看她。“我嫁接了一些线路,这些线路会抑制从他的意识到他的新感官和思维的每一个相关部分的神经通道,以及激活赋格的中枢。除非他有......其他智人都不知道的途径,否则他......应该无法做到。”

The Scarecrow still focused on the slack-faced Arjona.

“Do you want the doctor to try to shut Arjona’s fugue down?” Bareilles asked.

“Yes,” the Scarecrow’s sepulchral voice said. “I think he’s re-encrypting everything. Stop him.”

“Hurry,” Bareilles said, shoving the doctor. He activated a series of control panels that accessed the chips and electrical signalling patches in Arjona’s brain. A neural map bloomed up. Some parts darkened with just basal activities. Others were brightly busy. Bareilles’ AIs translated some of the anatomy, but not nearly enough for her to follow the blow-by-blow.

“I don’t know if he’s destroying information or hiding it,” the Scarecrow said.

“Shut off the fugue,” Bareilles said. “It should be easy. The notes say most of them can barely achieve it.”

Del Casal activated different chips anxiously. None of them seemed to be located near the active neural centers in Arjona’s brain.

“It’s not working,” Del Casal said in Anglo-Spanish. “The parts that are supposed to tell the fugue to turn on and off aren’t activated in Arjona. Something else is making this happen.”

“Turn it off,” the Scarecrow said in a cold, gravelly tone.

“I-- I’m...” Del Casal began helplessly.

Bareilles went around the bed with brisk steps, picked up a pair of defibrillator paddles, set them against Arjona’s scalp and pressed the buttons. The Homo quantus convulsed. Del Casal, who hadn’t paid attention, spasmed with a choking sound as he fell. The data on the displays abruptly paused. The neural displays rebooted quickly. The patterns had changed. Bareilles didn’t know all the details of Homo quantus neurology, but quantum systems were very fragile. The shock would have destroyed the fugue state for now. The Scarecrow made no sign that the charge had bothered her at all; her fingers, wrapped in too-large gloves of metal mesh, lifted one of Arjona’s eyelids.

“I recovered something of my last question,” the Scarecrow said, “the location of the Homo quantus, before his attempt to either destroy or re-encrypt the memories stored in his mind.”


“你想让医生尝试关闭阿尔霍纳的迷魂阵吗?” 巴雷莱斯问道。








“我--我......” 德尔-卡萨尔无助地开口。



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