




August, 2515

Manafwa was the inner of two gas giants in the Bachwezi system. Belisarius watched its translucent blue methane clouds three hundred thousand kilometers below. They turned with deceptive calm. Manafwa’s hot core churned the entire atmosphere into convection cells that mixed everything to near-featurelessness. When Belisarius adjusted his augmented eyes to catch infrared and ultraviolet, the wind streams appeared in blurred brushstrokes, converging on a south polar double storm system. Beautiful. Self-organizing. Logical.

Manafwa had captured dozens of moons, four of them sizable iron-nickel nuggets dozens of kilometers in diameter. In the distance, his telescoped vision could make out solar-powered mining and smelting operations on the nearest moon. All around the lunar orbits furious construction was happening in new shipyards, factories and orbital fortifications.

General Rudo had set up her military headquarters here, rather than at the capital at Bachwezi or its moon habitat Kitara. The Manafwa yards didn’t need Rudo here so Belisarius guessed that she headquartered here because of continuing assassination dangers.

The local magnetic field altered as Cassandra floated near and touched his arm. She watched the fluid dynamic artistry below, as he returned his visual senses to normal. False colors faded. Storms melted into the methane haze. The sounds in the room changed too. Voices impinged on the fragile, temporary tranquility he’d constructed: Anglo-Spanish, smatterings of Shona, and the strange dialect of français 8.3 that had evolved in the forty-year isolation of the Sixth Expeditionary. When the voices quieted, he rotated to face the room. General Rudo was floating in after her bodyguards. Some of the other guests began floating to seats.

Two Puppet representatives, Gates-15 and Rosalie Johns-10 huddled with a small bishop Belisarius had seen several times on the news in the Free City, Grassie-6. Rosalie, his friend once, eyed him furtively. It was unlikely she was his friend anymore. Three Bank representatives formed a similar cluster, their external AI and sensory augmentation shining against brown skin. Through his electroplaques, Belisarius felt the gentle white noise of computation emitting faintly in the EM. Iekanjika followed Rudo into the stateroom, her eyes sweeping the attendees with neutral evaluation, not lingering on Belisarius any more than on anyone else, although he saw her visual scan dip to the service band on his wrist that contained Saint Matthew.

Rudo made her way around the room, greeting each guest. A politician from Bachwezi followed, shaking hands. He was introduced as Foreign Minister Akuffo, Rudo’s cabinet colleague. Rudo had the barest of smiles for Belisarius before she was introduced to Cassandra and Saint Matthew. When she came to the Bank representatives, four were introduced instead of three. They apparently carried an AI, one important enough to be introduced as a person. She sat at the head of the table. In the months since Belisarius had last seen Rudo, she’d aged. The sixty-two year old woman now looked her years, her black hair gone to gray, wrinkles etching deep into dark skin, her expression more stately and commanding. The uncertain, overcompensating twenty-two year old woman he’d met in the past, the one who’d ordered him beaten, was there too, but leavened with something more substantial.

Belisarius took a spot beside Rosalie, across from the Bank representatives. The foreign minister strapped into the seat beside Cassandra’s and smiled amiably. A hologram appeared over one of the empty seats, outlining a dark volume into which part of an alien, gilled face drifted off center. Belisarius half-expected one of the Bank officials to speak first, as if this were their meeting. He didn’t expect that Bank analysts put too much faith in the Union rebellion. He wouldn’t have. And yet, here the Banks sat, waiting for the diminutive general of a tiny nation to speak. Rudo’s eyes moved from face to face and she gradually constructed on her own a tight smile, straining at humor.




卡珊德拉漂浮到贝利萨留斯手臂附近时,当地的磁场发生了变化。当他的视觉感官恢复正常时,她看着下面流畅的动态艺术。虚假的色彩褪去了。风暴融化在甲烷雾霾中。房间里的声音也发生了变化。声音冲击着他构建的脆弱而暂时的宁静: 英式西班牙语、零星的绍纳语,还有在第六远征军与世隔绝的四十年里演变出来的奇怪的法语 8.3 方言。话音刚落,他便转身面向房间。鲁道将军跟在她的保镖后面飘了进来。其他一些客人也开始陆续入座。

两位傀儡代表盖茨-15 和罗莎莉-约翰斯-10 与一位小个子主教挤在一起,贝利撒留斯曾多次在自由之城格拉西-6 的新闻中看到过这位主教。罗莎莉曾是他的朋友,她鬼鬼祟祟地看着他。她不可能再是他的朋友了。三位银行代表形成了一个类似的集群,他们的外部人工智能和感官增强技术在棕色皮肤上闪闪发光。贝利撒留斯通过他的电斑,感受到电磁中微弱发出的柔和的计算白噪声。伊坎吉卡跟在鲁多身后走进舱房,她的目光以中性的评价扫视着与会者,没有在贝利撒留斯身上多停留,尽管他看到她的视线扫描到了他手腕上戴着圣马修的服务带。

鲁多在房间里转了一圈,向每一位来宾问好。一位来自巴赫韦齐的政治家紧随其后,与大家握手。据介绍,他是鲁多的内阁同事、外交部长阿库福。在被介绍给卡珊德拉和圣马修之前,鲁多对贝里萨留斯露出了最勉强的笑容。当她来到银行代表面前时,介绍的是四位而不是三位。他们显然携带了一个人工智能,一个重要到足以作为一个人来介绍的人工智能。她坐在桌前。自从贝利撒瑞斯上次见到鲁道后的几个月里,她变老了。这位六十二岁的老太太现在看起来和她的年龄相仿,黑发变成了白发,皱纹深深地刻在黝黑的皮肤上,她的表情更加庄重和威严。他过去见过的那个不确定的、过度补偿的 22 岁女人,那个命令他挨打的女人,也在那里,但掺杂了一些更实质的东西。


“Common enemies make for strange... acquaintances.” she said.

Belisarius eyed the Bank officials. Gillbard carried an admiral’s rank and seemed to be the highest-ranking one, but Luisa Pacheco, some flavor of technical advisor, spoke first.

“The Banks of the Anglo-Spanish Plutocracy see themselves as interested parties, General,” she said, “and have empowered the four of us to discuss economic, military and political implications with great frankness.”

“I am similarly empowered by the Episcopal Conclave of the Theocracy,” the Puppet bishop said, thrusting out his jaw. A strap under his chin kept his mitre from floating away. Rudo maintained her precise smile and then looked to Belisarius.

“The Homo quantus came for information,” Cassandra said.

“Hopefully there’s more than information in the conversation,” Rudo said. “The Homo quantus pose a threat to all of us.”

Belisarius would have objected, but no one would believe him. The legend of the Homo quantus had obviously grown large. Attempting to turn the attention away, Belisarius gestured to Stills.

“Don’t look at me,” Stills said in his mechanical monotone. “The mongrels don’t got an economy, politics or a military.” The tone his translator inserted into his voice suggested he wasn’t finished. The table waited as his dark fish face left the camera view and his blubbery arm came into view, a single finger extended.

“Of common interest is the weaponization of the Homo quantus by the Congregate,” Rudo said. “Some mix of genetic and electronic augments are flying combat missions. We don’t know if Homo quantus assets have been deployed to other uses by the Congregate, but their presence in a theatre of war poses a risk we can’t yet quantify.”

The general’s look went to the Bank officials rather than Belisarius and Cassandra.

“The Homo quantus were never meant to be front-line combatants,” Pacheco said. “The project designed them to be strategists, tacticians and forecasters. Our first concern is assuring the safety of the other Homo quantus and the immediate end of Congregate violations of our licences and patents, ideally by the rescue of the captive Homo quantus.”

That was very interesting. A rescue. If the Banks moved directly against the Congregate, it might force even the other patron nations to choose sides. There had never been a real war between the patrons; their cold war smouldered in small flames here and there, in plausibly deniable skirmishes and client nation proxy battles.

“Failing that?” Iekanjika said.

Pacheco made a gesture of indecision.

“For less ideal circumstances, there are less ideal solutions,” Admiral Gillbard said.

“We don’t know where the captive Homo quantus are,” Belisarius said.

“They’re being held at one of the Ministry of Intelligence globes in the clouds of Venus,” Gillbard said.

Cassandra met Belisarius’ eyes, but there was no hope in them; her expression mirrored his inner turmoil. Despite all that she’d said about blame and choices, his choices had hurt his people. He’d brought suffering to them.

“We have more details,” the admiral said, “but they would need to be revealed in a smaller meeting.” None of the Bank representatives looked at the Puppets, although Gillbard might have meant Stills.

“We’re part of this,” Grassie-6 said. “We have more than a stake. The Congregate will regret making enemies of the Puppets.”

Iekanjika quirked an eyebrow. Belisarius didn’t know Iekanjika to ever waste time. He didn’t understand why the Puppets might be here. On the surface, they had nothing to offer the Union, or anyone.

“How do you hope this matters to the table?” Gillbard said.

“We’re going to send a Puppet assault force to Venus, to rescue a person of great importance to us,” Grassie-6 said without a hint of irony or doubt. “Antonio Del Casal, a genetic engineer, was helping us address serious medical concerns in the Puppet theocracies. Congregate agents stole him from the Free City.”

“We saw the Congregate take the geneticist,” the third Bank official said, the Teixiera woman, “although at the time we didn’t know his identity or significance. Since then, Bank intelligence operatives in the Venusian cloud cities have co-located Del Casal with the Homo quantus. He’s an extraordinary geneticist.”


贝利撒留斯注视着银行的官员们。吉尔巴德拥有海军上将军衔,似乎是级别最高的一位,但路易莎-帕切科(Luisa Pacheco)作为某种技术顾问首先发言。






“别看我,"斯蒂尔斯用他那机械的单音说道。“杂种们没有经济、政治和军事。” 他的翻译插入的语气表明他还没说完。当他那张黝黑的鱼脸离开摄像机视角,他那胖乎乎的手臂出现在视野中,伸出一根手指时,桌子上的人都在等待。




这很有意思。拯救 如果银行直接对公会采取行动,甚至会迫使其他赞助国选择阵营。赞助国之间从未有过真正的战争;他们的冷战在这里和那里,在似是而非的小规模冲突和客户国的代理战争中,小规模地燃烧着。







“我们有更多的细节,“海军上将说,”但需要在一个较小的会议上透露。” 银行的代表们都没有看傀儡们,尽管吉尔巴德可能指的是斯蒂尔斯。

“我们也有份。"格拉西-6 说。“我们不仅仅是利益相关者。公会会后悔与傀儡为敌的。”


“你希望这对谈判桌有什么意义?” 吉尔巴德说。



“Extraordinary enough to try to reverse engineer the Homo quantus, perhaps,” Gillbard said.

“He’s starting from scratch?” Rudo said.

“We fled with the Homo quantus in a hurry. There was no time to erase the backups,” Belisarius said. “And to get Del Casal to help us, I offered him a chance to look at my biology.”

“And because you violated your NDA around your IP, he may have a chance to provide assistance to the Congregate,” Gillbard said angrily.

“I’m not IP,” Belisarius said. “This is my body.”

“You have a poor understanding of the law,” Pacheco said.

“None of the captured Homo quantus are capable of entering the fugue,” Cassandra said.

“Could he fix them?” Iekanjika said. “Could he make those Homo quantus fully functional?”

“The resources of the Homo quantus project couldn’t,” Belisarius said.

“The project ran within some ethical guidelines,” Teixiera said with a disturbing silkiness in her voice “And the project wasn’t rushing to product with manuals and prototypes in front of them.”

“The Congregate are strongly resistant to genetic engineering,” Rudo said.

“With respect, General,” Gillbard said, “they were until you took away the Freya Axis. Their House names have changed. They’ve lowered the ensign of the House of Saints and raised the standard of the House of Styx for the first time in sixty years. Their wartime criminal, security and civil codes now apply.”

“Our own autopsies of Homo quantus pilots were revealing,” Teixiera said, her long fingers stroking her jawline.

“How many have they killed?” Cassandra demanded.

“The Congregate aren’t relying strictly on genetic engineering,” the risk analyst said. “They’re using our AI tech and internal nano-wiring to supplement the neurological pieces that aren’t functional.”

“AIs?” Belisarius said, looking with a queasy horror at the bulbous metallic lumps growing out of the heads of both Gillbard and Pacheco. His feelings were illogical. He’d been wired and built and designed as much as they, probably more, but all of the changes to Belisarius and Cassandra and the Homo quantus were biological.

“You think they’re achieving the fugue by supplementing with AIs?” Belisarius said.

“We don’t know what they’re achieving,” Gillbard said. “The Homo quantus aren’t the only path we’ve been investing in to develop superior perceptions in humanity. We know you’re carrying a prototype of ours, Mister Arjona.”

Belisarius kept his eyes on the Bank admiral, but his hand brushed the service band. After a moment, the hologram of Saint Matthew appeared, rendered in the scultped limestone style of pre-contact Mayan.

“He chose to leave,” Belisarius said.

“That’s not something he can choose,” the admiral said, “nor is it something you can possess, under Plutocracy law, but everything is negotiable.”

“No one possesses me,” Saint Matthew said.

“Our primary concern for the rest of the Homo quantus is their safety” Gillbard said. “We have the resources to set up a new Garret almost anywhere you want, with all the resources you want, so that you can return to lives of study and peace. Even your... Saint Matthew can negotiate new licensing terms.”

Beside Gillbard’s head, on the side where the chrome-reflective dome emerged, a hologram appeared, lit only in yellow light, its features those of a hairless, androgynous human head.

“That’s your new general artificial intelligence,” Belisarius said.

“Yes, the Aleph Class AI, like your AI but without the instabilities,” Gillbard said “and integrable with human neurology. We can lease you one if you want. Yours is clearly broken.”

“No thank you,” Belisarius said.

Gillbard’s shrug was insouciant. He and the AI holographic face looked to Rudo, but she gave no encouragement. Iekanjika had already shown herself to be wary of Saint Matthew’s capabilities. A hungering Bank AI wouldn’t get a warmer welcome.

Teixiera still watched Belisarius and Cassandra. “We’ve been running projections since the break-out of the Puppet Axis,” the risk analyst said. “No model has shown the Congregate ever relenting in their pursuit of the Homo quantus. They can’t afford to, given your role in all of this. We’re responsible for the Homo quantus and we’ll protect you, but that needs to start soon. We’re massing Bank naval forces in Epsilon Indi, but so is the Congregate. We can pick up the hidden Homo quantus and we can fend off anti-matter warheads, but we can’t do both for long, and doing it at the same time is risky.”

“We’re safe,” Cassandra said. “We’re concerned about the Homo quantus in captivity.”

“The problems are related,” Grassie-6 said in his clumsy Anglo-Spanish. He switched to his native Anglo patois. “Antonio Del Casal needs to be safely among the Puppets. We will protect him and keep him from ever falling into the clutches of the Congregate.”

“You couldn’t this time,” Pacheco said dryly.


“他要从头开始?” 鲁道说。






“他能治好他们吗?” 伊坎吉卡说。“他能让那些智人量子完全发挥作用吗?”






“他们杀了多少人?” 卡珊德拉问道。



“你认为他们是通过人工智能来实现迷幻的?” 贝利撒留斯说。

“我们不知道他们在实现什么。"吉尔巴德说。“智人(Homo quantus)并不是我们投资开发人类卓越感知的唯一途径。我们知道你携带着我们的原型机,阿尔霍纳先生。”





“我们最关心的是其他智人的安全。"吉尔巴德说。“我们有足够的资源,几乎可以在你们想要的任何地方建立一个新的加勒特,提供你们想要的一切资源,让你们重新过上学习和平静的生活。甚至你们的 圣马修都能谈妥新的许可条款。”






特谢拉仍然注视着贝利萨留斯和卡珊德拉。“自傀儡轴心爆发以来,我们一直在进行预测,"风险分析师说。“没有任何一个模型显示,公会在追捕智人的过程中有所松懈。考虑到你们在这一切中的作用,他们不能松懈。我们要对智人负责,我们会保护你们,但这需要尽快开始。我们正在伊普西隆印第集结银行的海军力量 但聚集地也在集结海军力量 我们可以找到隐藏的智人 量子星人,我们也可以抵御反物质弹头 但我们不能长久地同时做到这两点 同时做到这两点是有风险的。”


“问题是相关的,"格拉西-6 用他笨拙的盎格鲁西班牙语说。他又换成了他的母语盎格鲁土语。“安东尼奥-德尔卡萨尔需要安全地待在傀儡中。我们会保护他,不让他落入会党的魔掌。”


The little bishop’s pink cheeks flushed in blotches. “Had we known he was a target of the Congregate, he would have been as secure as the divine themselves. We know how to protect what’s ours. Their interest in him came without warning.”

Teixiera’s expression shifted, the geometry of the scarlet tattoo lines on her bare scalp and forehead became eloquently dubious.

“Puppet troopers are willing to break Del Casal out of wherever he is in the clouds of Venus,” Grassie-6 said, pointing at Iekanjika emphatically. “That will stop part of your problem.”

Cassandra leaned around Belisarius to look at the bishop. “In your rickety ships? Against Congregate dreadnoughts?”

“I wouldn’t gamble on the Puppet navy,” Belisarius said, “and under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t bet on the typical Puppet, but when they sense some danger to the Numen, Puppet troopers can be vicious.”

“We’re prepared to send in a war Numen,” Grassie-6 said.

Cassandra was about to ask, but Belisarius signalled her to wait with the faintest of electrical discharges from his fingertips. She wouldn’t like the answer and whatever the Puppet plan, it wasn’t the rate limiting step.

“It doesn’t matter that the problems are related or not,” Belisarius said to the Puppets. “Venus is Venus. It’s more fortified than any Axis. The bulk of the planet and the immensity of atmosphere not only shield it from covert entry, but we literally have no way to know where anything is. It doesn’t have a fixed geography. Like every other part of Venus, the Ministry of Intelligence follows the winds. We wouldn’t even know which altitude to begin searching for it.”

“That’s not entirely true,” Gillbard said. “We have, with extreme difficulty, placed some agents within Venusian society. We know where the Ministry of Intelligence globes are.”

“Are you able to move weapons through customs?” Belisarius said. “Can you get drones through the defense net? Are you able to get warships into any orbit? It not, this conversation is academic.”

“No one thought anyone could get the Sixth Expeditionary Force through the Puppet Axis,” Rudo said. “And yet...”

“I lived in the Puppet Free City for years. I knew the Puppets, their passions, their blind spots.”

“Are you saying the Congregate has none of these things?” Rudo said.

“We’re not dealing with a wormhole with public access,” Belisarius said. “A Ministry of Intelligence globe is a fortification. None of the Homo quantus, even me, were ever successful military analysts.”

“We didn’t hire a military strategist to get the Expeditionary Force across the Puppet Axis,” Rudo said. “We hired a con man. A magician. Your people need your magic as much as mine do.”

“Nothing but the Plutocracy’s entry into the war will be any help to you,” Belisarius said. “If you’re not clear on that, you’re in trouble. Cut a deal with the Banks and save yourselves.”

“We didn’t come through all of this to trade one yoke for another,” Rudo said.

“Neither did we,” Cassandra said.

“The captive Homo quantus are not the only ones paying for your freedom, Arjona,” Gillbard said. “The Union will pay and the shareholders of the Banks will pay when the Congregate perfects its own Homo quantus technology.”

Belisarius unstrapped himself from his seat.

“The Banks made the Homo quantus to do exactly what they’re doing,” Belisarius said. “The Banks made hard AIs as weapons. It sounds to me like you’re reaping what you sowed.”



“傀儡部队愿意把德尔-卡萨尔从金星云层的任何地方解救出来。"格拉西-6 指着伊坎吉卡强调说。“这样就能解决你的部分问题。”



“我们准备派出一支战争努曼人。"格拉西-6 说。




“你们能通过海关运送武器吗?” 贝利撒留斯说。“你们能让无人机通过防御网吗?你们能让战舰进入任何轨道吗?如果不能,这次谈话就是学术性的。”



“你是说公会没有这些东西?” 鲁道说。










The Trial of Timmy Hill-9

Parish Notes

Timothy Hill-9 was borned into the Hill family in Hill Town, and was immunologically compatible with both the Hill and Carter families. At age twelve, Timmy started his puberty with the right symptoms. On testing, I found he properly saw, felt and smelled the Numen of Hill Town (Cindy Hill, Bethany Hill, Roger Hill, and Samantha Hill, hallowed be their names, I love you) with no special features. Timmy was entered into normal schooling to be a welder. At fourteen, Timmy was brain-chipped with a normal worker one and at fifteen, Timmy began to see visions. I conducted standard scriptural tests for vision orthodoxy (the Blackmore test, the Triple Color test, and the Hose test, but not strapping). Timmy’s visions were unconsistent to the canon, even after deepish searches into the The Book of Unverified Notes. Timmy was punished according to The Book of Assessments and put into corrective school. Timmy kept having visions, abstract images with nothing to do with the Numen. His chip was removed and destroyed and a new one put in, but the visions didn’t stop. At age seventeen, following procedures in the Book of Assessments, Timmy was tried for thinking of heresy and nonsense, and sentenced to death by stoning. A small stoning festival was set up. Cindy Hill and Roger Hill, hallowed be their names, I love you, were wheeled out so it was a wonderful day.

Dennis Hill-3, Priest

Parish of Hill Town



蒂莫西-希尔-9 出生在希尔镇的希尔家族,与希尔家族和卡特家族都有免疫相容性。12 岁时,提米开始出现青春期症状。经过测试,我发现他能正确地看到、感觉到和闻到希尔镇的努门人(辛迪-希尔、贝瑟妮-希尔、罗杰-希尔和萨曼莎-希尔,他们的名字神圣不可侵犯,我爱你),没有任何特别之处。提米进入普通学校学习,成为一名焊接工。14 岁时,提米的大脑被植入了一个正常工人的芯片,15 岁时,提米开始出现幻觉。我进行了标准的视力正统性圣经测试(布莱克摩尔测试、三色测试和软管测试,但不包括捆绑测试)。即使深入研究了《未经证实的注释之书》,提米的幻觉也与正典不符。根据《评估手册》,提米受到了惩罚,并被送进了矫正学校。提米不断出现幻觉,都是与努门无关的抽象图像。他的芯片被取出并销毁,又换上了新的芯片,但幻象并没有停止。17 岁那年,按照《评估手册》中的程序,提米因思想异端和胡言乱语而受到审判,并被判处石刑。一个小型的石刑节成立了。辛迪-希尔和罗杰-希尔(他们的名字神圣不可侵犯,我爱你)被推了出来,这真是美好的一天。



Rosalie Johns-10 floated in the back cabin of the Puppet warship All the Blackmores Punch Hard. Although the cabin was pressurized, she wore her vacuum suit. This was a special communion for her, so none of the other envious Puppets around her would be allowed to smell His Holiness Lester. The War Numen was safe and secure and really strong inside his battle cage and hidden by the curtains behind the shock-proof glass. A frisson of anticipation tickled up her spine.

Bishop Grassie-6 attached the hose to her helmet. She already breathed deep and heavy in anticipation. Her bodyguard Jill floated near and watched Rosie’s face with eager trepidation. Jimbo had somehow squirmed just behind Jill and steadied himself by holding onto her shoulders. He watched Rosie’s face with fearless envy. Idiot.

Rosie’s visions were getting stronger. Her visions had been tested multiple times and had been the subject of a study during her time in the seminary. A couple of times she’d come close to being kicked out of the seminary or to being tried for them, but some of the bishops, Grassie-6 included, had been waiting to see what came of her visions. Until she was convicted of heresy or nonsense, the Puppet warriors and troopers treated her as a sort of religious talisman, a priest with one eye seeing another world.

There were no Numen in her visions, no odor of the immaculate, no feeling of the consecrated, and that was the problem. By definition, visions without the holy were profane, false images and knowledges meant to draw the faithful away from the Numen and into the absence. Some of the examining bishops wondered if she might be seeing the souls of the Numen. Others thought the nature of the Puppet Axis was being revealed to her, although her drawings didn’t mean anything to anyone. Some of the doctors looked to see if she had an enzyme or neurotransmitter loose somewhere. And until told not to, the watching Puppets thought she was special, possibly oracular, hopefully lucky, probably not heretical.

Bishop Grassie-6 turned the spigot and air flowed through the two channels of the hose. Stale, hot air began to fill her helmet, rich with the scent of old sweat and unwashed body, laced with the tang of urine and the pungent rankness of feces. Air from her own helmet and suit pumped outward, to the Numen’s War Cage. She and she alone shared air now with His Holiness Lester.

She sighed as a feeling of overwhelming connection stole over her, a contact with something larger than herself. She shrank to insignificance in the face of an immense, cosmic truth. At the same time, she grew large and important, because she was connected to it, through Lester, blessed be his name. She may have released a groan of spiritual satisfaction, a kind of sacred ecstasy. She controlled her journey though. She could think in this connected world in ways other Puppets could not. The tide of divinity sometimes just swept the workers, the warriors and the servants away, but priests could hold against it to find new truths. Jimbo slapped his hands excitedly on Jill’s shoulders, beside himself just from seeing Rosie’s communion.

Rosie’s eyes widened, painfully, with unblinking dryness as the powerful, beautiful taste of the Numen pulled her along in an alien dreamscape. The colors were wrong, nonsensical. Light didn’t shine into her eyes; it was already inside them, behind tightly squeezed lids. Pale greens shifted to somber reds or watery blues, switching from second to second, struggling to emerge from a gray mist. Shapes hid in that mist, like great lumbering animals, but seen only through impressions. They weren’t really animals. She knew from other dream trips with the Numen that her thoughts made patterns. Oracular priests received something too large and sublime to understand, so the Puppets translated it down to something they could hold onto, like holding on to just a snippet of a song.

There was so much to apprehend, but her arms were too small, her mind too humble. And the world squeezed her. A claustrophobia made her heart thump, as it had when tied up as a child for training, when it was so tight it was hard to breathe. She didn’t panic, because she knew the knots were as tight as they needed to be to teach little Rosie a lesson. She didn’t panic because little Rosie had known that she could be the Good Boy. But there was something in the grayness; looking upon it stoked up fleeting, alien fears.

罗莎莉-约翰斯-10 漂浮在 “傀儡战舰 ”的后舱里。虽然船舱是加压的,但她还是穿上了真空服。这对她来说是一次特殊的圣餐,所以她周围其他羡慕的傀儡都不能闻到莱斯特教皇的气味。战神努曼在他的战斗笼子里安全无忧,而且真的很强大,被防震玻璃后面的窗帘遮挡住了。她的脊背上痒痒的,一阵期待。

格拉西-6 主教将软管连接到头盔上。她已经在期待中深深地喘着粗气。她的保镖吉尔漂浮在附近,焦急而惶恐地注视着罗西的脸。金博不知何时已经爬到了吉尔的身后,扶着她的肩膀稳住了身体。他看着罗西的脸,心中充满了无畏的羡慕。傻瓜。


她的幻象中没有 Numen,没有圣洁的气味,没有神圣的感觉,这就是问题所在。顾名思义,没有圣洁的幻象是亵渎,是虚假的图像和知识,目的是把信徒从努门引向虚无。一些审查主教怀疑她是否看到了努曼人的灵魂。其他人则认为,傀儡轴心的本质正在向她揭示,尽管她的图画对任何人都没有任何意义。一些医生想看看她是否体内的酶或神经递质松动了。在被告知不要这样做之前,观看的傀儡们认为她很特别,可能有神通,希望她是幸运的,但可能不是异端。

格拉西-6 主教拧开水龙头,空气从软管的两个通道中流出。陈腐的热空气开始灌入她的头盔,其中弥漫着陈年汗水和未清洗身体的气味,还夹杂着尿液的味道和粪便刺鼻的味道。空气从她自己的头盔和战衣中抽出,流向努曼人的 “战争牢笼”。现在,只有她和莱斯特教皇共享空气。




Puppets knew only one real fear: the absence, the unique Puppet terror of being away from the Numen. Others were just shadows of the absence. That was why this fear of being lost came to worm beneath her experience and confidence. It wasn’t a fear she knew how to handle. She translated it into her kind of fear, a fear of being in the absence and not being able to find her way back to divinity.

Shapes in the gray shadows, outlined in uncertain, stippled light, made no sense to her and she heard her own voice in her ears, her voice yelling into her helmet, saying nonsense. She opened her eyes. Jimbo cowered behind Jill, hugging her neck, staring wide-eyed at Rosie, no envy in his eyes at all. Cold, dry air blew into her helmet, flushing out the taste of Numen, but Lester permeated her body now, her soul, and would until the experience decayed. The visions weren’t going away. Even with open eyes she saw the shapes, the strange architecture overlaid on the inside of the bay of the war ship. And she cried because she didn’t know what it was happening to her and the idea of speaking heresy and nonsense terrified her as much as the visions.

傀儡们只知道一种真正的恐惧:缺席,傀儡们对离开 Numen 的独特恐惧。其他人只是缺失的影子。这就是为什么这种对迷失的恐惧会在她的经验和自信之下滋生。她不知道如何处理这种恐惧。她把这种恐惧转化成了自己的恐惧,一种身处缺失之中却找不到回归神性之路的恐惧。



Iekanjika had given her and Bel a small suite. The right angles and gray plastic walls of their suite here felt cramped and uninviting compared to the rolling hills they’d carved out of the ice of the Garret, but it was an improvement on the conditions in the freighters with the other Homo quantus refugees. She let herself feel those unpleasant thoughts, even a bit of guilt. In part she might owe it to the other Homo quantus as the mayor. She allowed the unpleasant feelings too in part because of Bel. He let himself or made himself feel all the guilt, earned or unearned, for what happened to the Homo quantus and the Hortus quantus. She still took some cues from him, but that had to stop. She’d learned so much since leaving the Garret, about the wide world, about herself, that she sometimes felt she was handling things better than Bel.

In the sleep sack next to her, he had a distant, thinking stare, as if disengaged from the here and now. She doubted he was thinking healthy thoughts like new theories of space-time geometry. Unseeing Homo quantus eyes could examine the past with perfect memory and every blink could flicker the torn bodies of Martín, Ana Teresa, and Edmer into view. Like a nightmare. More than enough reason not to blink.

The tearing of their bodies, by Stills’ pilots, by imbalanced accelerations and explosions and shrapnel felt like an accident, a downstream consequence of a far greater violence. Their bodies had been violated by wires, their skulls invaded by AIs, their pensive, pacifist personalities disengaged, like Bel’s eyes while he thought. It was like the Congregate engineers had illustrated a fully complete and self-consistent theory of bodily violations and it was hard to stop thinking about it. Her brain was very good at visualizing space-time configurations in four, six and even seven dimensions. The footpaths of electronic invasions in the corpses in three dimensions was so childishly easy that left on its own, her brain began to optimize design, finding more efficient ways for Congregate engineers to have enslaved her dead cousins.

Someone knocked at the door. She and Bel looked at one another questioningly and then began unzipping their sleep sacks.

“Should we be worried?” she whispered to Bel at the door.

“The Banks want us, but we’re worth more to them cooperating than not.”

“That’s not reassuring, Bel.”

The knocking sounded again, impatient. Cassandra unlocked it and pressed the release to slide it open. Two Puppets floated in the hallways, beyond the two Union MPs who’d been guarding their room. Coulibaly was there too, one of Iekanjika’s staff.

“The Puppets wanted to see you,” Coulibaly said. “The major-general didn’t know if you’d want to see them or not.”

Cassandra’s first reaction was just to close the door. She didn’t care about the mad wants of the Puppets, but the woman, Rosalie, had a look of hopefulness. The bishop was with her, with his tall green and gold hat.

“Rosalie,” Bel said. Cassandra didn’t know what emotion colored the way he said her name.

“Hi, boss,” she said with a tentative smile. “You, uh, you said to tell you if I ever had more of the dreams.”

“Come in, Rosalie,” he said. He paused one point one seconds, looking over the bishop. “Come in, Your Grace.”

Coulibaly appeared uncertain about something in the hallway.

“There isn’t much room in here, lieutenant,” Bel said, “but I imagine that you have orders.”

Coulibaly floated to the doorway and held herself pointedly there so that it didn’t close.

“What dreams, Rosie?” Bel said, smiling kindly.

The Puppet woman drew folded papers out of a suit pocket.

“You burned reaction mass on your way here to transport paper?” Cassandra asked.

“No one will intercept the transmission,” Bel said wryly.

“The Numen themselves enjoyed paper and pencil,” the bishop said, adjusting his hat. “We follow their example.”

“I like to draw,” Rosalie said.



斯蒂尔斯的飞行员、不平衡的加速度、爆炸和弹片撕裂了他们的身体,感觉就像一场意外,是更大暴力的下游后果。他们的身体被电线侵犯,他们的头颅被人工智能入侵,他们沉思的、和平主义的个性被剥离,就像贝尔思考时的眼睛一样。这就像会聚点的工程师们阐述了一个完全完整、自洽的身体侵犯理论,让人难以停止思考。她的大脑非常擅长将四维、六维甚至七维的时空配置形象化。在三维空间中,电子入侵尸体的路径是如此幼稚而简单,以至于她的大脑开始自行优化设计,为 “会聚 ”工程师奴役她死去的表亲找到更有效的方法。














“做什么梦呢,罗茜?” 贝尔和蔼地笑着说。


“你在来这里运纸的路上烧掉了反应块?” 卡桑德拉问。




Cassandra didn’t chase the flaws in their reasoning. Rosalie unfolded the pages. The abstract drawings didn’t mean anything to her. She needed only a glimpse for her brain to render the images in her thoughts, giving a dimensionality absent in the lead lines on paper. She visualized in three, four, five dimensions, looking for patterns. Bel examined the papers, holding each one so that for a brief moment Cassandra could also see and memorize each. They were all drawings that looked vaguely similar to solutions to space-time structure theories that Cassandra had worked on, but ones that had no physical meaning, not representing anything that could really exist. But vaguely similar wasn’t enough. Homo quantus pattern recognition had been amplified so she had to be suspicious of similarities.

“What is this?” Cassandra said.

“Rosie has strange dreams sometimes,” Bel said, “since puberty.”

“That’s when I could first taste and smell divinity,” Rosalie added helpfully.

“All Puppets have dreams and nightmares,” Grassie-6 said. “The dreams of priests can be quite potent. Hers are different. Mister Arjona has looked at them before, but perhaps never with a tongue free to speak. We’re under far different conditions than when you lived in the Free City, Mister Arjona. Can you tell us what this is? Are the Numen giving us new technology through her dreams? Weapons? Propulsion? Induced wormhole tech? Maybe coordinates to other Axes?”

Bel gently folded the papers and pressed them into Rosalie’s hands.

“Are you able to send me the chip recordings?” Bel said.

The Puppet woman nodded and started manipulating a service band on her wrist before Cassandra realized what Bel was talking about.

“She has processing chips in her brain and you’re going to upload from her?” she demanded.

The Homo quantus couldn’t have chips in their skulls; they interfered with quantum coherence in the fugue, but each of them had a sophisticated innervated input jack on the outside of the skull. It had some storage space and theoretically, its algorithms could be infected with a virus. Bel held up his wrist and Saint Matthew’s service band.

“Saint Matthew can project the dreams so we can both see.”

Cassandra couldn’t name her misgivings, but no one else seemed wary. The little bishop gulped briefly at the air, a strange movement, before smiling at her and floating nearer.

“I believe that I should address you as Your Worship, shouldn’t I, Mayor Mejía?” he said.

“What do you want?”

“Although this meeting is unexpected, it may be an opportunity to advance bilateral issues,” he said, before looking pointedly at Lieutenant Coulibaly. “Or trilateral issues.”

“We don’t have any issues with the Puppets,” she said.

“As I understand more and more the interactions between the Reverend Johns-10 and Mister Arjona,” he said, “I see hidden commonalities between the Holy Puppets and the Homo quantus. Our people each have access to parts of the cosmos that are inaccessible to all other beings, and possibly insights to offer one another as we are doing right now. And at the very least, the Homo quantus obviously do not want to be under the thumb of the Congregate or the Banks. Through the Holy Axis, the Homo quantus could make a home at Port Stubbs, away from both powers.”

Cassandra didn’t know where to begin with her offended retort and before she could decide, a set of weird holographic images bloomed above the service band storing Saint Matthew. The abstract shape looked like some kind of multidimensional manifold, more complex than the Puppet woman had been able to put into her pencil drawings. It had a basic structure that Cassandra would have associated with space-time curvature. She’d studied the six-dimensional tesseract architecture of the Axes Mundi throats, and the temporary structures of induced wormholes; this looked to be of the same class of topologies, but she’d not seen its like before. It was incomplete. Her brain tried to interpolate the missing parts, to guess what kind of fields or forces this might describe.

“What is it?” Grassie-6 asked. “It’s important, isn’t it? A secret.”


“这是什么?” 卡桑德拉说。



“所有傀儡都会做梦和做噩梦,"格拉西-6 说。“牧师的梦境可能相当强烈。她的梦与众不同。阿尔霍纳先生以前也看过,但也许从来没有用舌头自由地说过。我们所处的环境与您在自由城时大不相同,阿尔霍纳先生。你能告诉我们这是什么吗?努曼人通过她的梦给了我们新技术吗?武器?推进器?诱导虫洞技术?也许是其他轴心的坐标?


“你能把芯片记录发给我吗?” 贝尔说。










“随着我越来越多地了解约翰斯-10 牧师和阿尔霍纳先生之间的互动,“他说,”我看到了神圣傀儡和智人之间隐藏的共同点。我们每个人都能接触到宇宙中其他生物无法接触到的部分,并有可能像我们现在这样为彼此提供真知灼见。最起码,量子智人显然不希望受到公会或银行的控制。通过神圣轴心,智人可以在斯塔布斯港安家,远离这两个势力。”


“这是什么?格拉西-6 问。“这很重要,不是吗?一个秘密。”

“I don’t know what it is,” Bel said. “It reminds me of things that Cassandra is better at than me.”

“What do you think it is?” Cassandra said.

He shook his head. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say it’s a space-time model, but....”

“But it doesn’t correspond to anything real,” Cassandra said.

“It is important,” the bishop said, “and you’re holding back because you know it’s important. You’ve looked at her dreams before.”

“She’s had these dreams before,” Bel said. “The shapes are always intriguing and suggestive, but I’ve never found any physical meaning in them. Is there anything else to it, Rosie?”

The Puppet woman blushed and shook her head.

“Have you looked at the audio component?” Saint Matthew’s voice said.

“What audio component?”

“Some repeated patterns in here could be taken as a dimension of space-time,” the AI said, “but if you’re trying to interpret this as a space-time diagram, one portion of this looks like gravitational waves. I can render them as sound.”

The diagram shrank as if one of its dimensions had vanished, and the lines throbbed or pulsed on a loop as a low thrumming sounded in the tiny room. Bel frowned. Grassie-6 squinted.

“What is it?” the bishop demanded.

“Did you hear this sound in your dreams, Rosie?” Bel asked.

“I don’t know,” she said.

“What is it?” Grassie-6 repeated.

“I don’t know,” Bel said. “I’ve never looked in her other dreams to see if there was an audio component.”

“It means something to you? Space-time you said. Is it a map? A technology?”

“It could be a very vivid and very innocent dream,” Bel said. “Puppet neurology, like Homo quantus neurology, is very new. It hasn’t been tested by tens of thousands of years of selection. My dreams, waking and asleep, are just my brain coming to terms with my waking life. It’s very probable that Rosie’s are too.”

“Is she talented in mathematical and geometric thinking?” Saint Matthew asked, turning off the projection of the Puppet woman’s dream and showing his own strange carved face.

Bel shook his head. “I don’t think so. The opposite, isn’t it, Rosie?”

She nodded.

“Johns-10 scored quite low on mathematical aptitude,” Grassie-6 said. “Destiny chose her for the priesthood.”

“This isn’t—” Cassandra began.

“If this is a religious vision,” Bel said, “you’re really best placed to help Rosie understand it, Your Grace. The geometry is interesting in an academic, abstract sense, but this dream isn’t very different from other dreams she’s shared with me over the years.”

The bishop didn’t seem at all satisfied with this answer, but smiled diplomatically and repeated his views on the benefits of an alliance between their peoples. He backed out, pulling possessively on the priest’s arm. Lieutenant Coulibaly saluted and closed their door.

“What was that, Bel?”

“I don’t know. Rosie really has been having dreams like this for a long time. They changed her chips a couple of times. It’s not the chips. I’ve dialed into them.”

“You connected to her thoughts?”

“I’ve never found out what the dreams mean, if they mean anything. I’ve also tried not to let my brain run away with her dreams. I’ve tried to look at my reactions to them as false positives. It could be just biochemical imbalances in the Puppet brain. Do her dreams mean something to you?”

“She’s creepy, Bel,” she said in frustration. “They all are. What do you want from her?”

“They’re different, Cassie,” he said cautiously. “They’ve been used in the most fundamental ways, at the cores of their beings. Their abusers changed them. We can’t judge them for how they were twisted by others. She’s not normal, to the Puppets or to us. I reached the Free City when I was nineteen. I was... kind of running. I hadn’t found a place to belong in three years with Will Gander. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could resist entering the fugue. The Free City was different from anything I’d seen. Nothing made sense. For me, the Free City was all questions, each one with contradictory answers. I met a lot of Puppets, including some pre-seminarians, like Rosie. She wasn’t like other Puppets. She was kind of isolated because she made them uncomfortable. She was curious in ways that most Puppets aren’t. She had these dreams.”

“They don’t all hallucinate?”

“The Puppets think she’s oracular.”

“What if you’d gotten infected with something from her neural chips?” Cassie said. “Did you? Is that why you like them?”

“I don’t... like them. I sympathize with them. I pity what they’ve gone through. I respect that they haven’t just crawled into a hole and died. And I’m not stupid, Cass,” he returned with a bit of heat. “Do you think a computer virus could get into our brains? There’s certainly something objectively there in her visions. Her neural chips record her brain chemistry and activity during these episodes and they found something to measure, so she’s not making it up.”

“You talk about her like you’re close,” Cassandra said.

“We’re friends.”

“Were you more?” she said.



“你觉得它是什么?” 卡桑德拉说。






“你看过音频组件了吗?” 圣马修的声音说道。



图表缩小了,仿佛其中一个维度消失了,线条在循环中跳动或脉动,狭小的房间里响起了低沉的震颤声。贝尔皱起了眉头。格拉西 6 号眯起了眼睛。


“你在梦里听到过这种声音吗,罗西?” 贝尔问道。


“是什么声音?” 格拉西-6 重复了一遍。




“她在数学和几何思维方面有天赋吗?” 圣马修问道,他关掉了女木偶的梦境投影,露出了自己那张奇异的雕刻脸。



“约翰斯-10 的数学能力得分很低,"格拉西-6 说。“命运选择她成为神职人员。”





“我也不知道。罗西真的做这样的梦很久了。他们给她换了几次芯片。不是芯片的问题 我已经拨通了他们的电话。”


“我一直不知道这些梦是什么意思 如果有什么意思的话 我也试着不让我的大脑去想她的梦境 我试着把我对梦的反应看成是假阳性反应。这可能只是傀儡大脑的生化失衡。她的梦对你有什么意义吗?”


“它们与众不同,卡茜。"他谨慎地说。“他们在最根本的方面被利用了,在他们生命的核心。施虐者改变了他们。我们不能因为他们是如何被别人扭曲的就对他们下结论。对傀儡和我们来说,她都不正常 我19岁时到了自由城 我当时... 在逃亡 和威尔-甘德在一起的三年里 我一直没有找到归属感 我不知道自己还能抵抗多久 进入迷幻状态 自由城与我见过的任何地方都不同 一切都没有意义 对我来说,自由之城充满了问题 每个问题的答案都自相矛盾 我遇到了很多傀儡 包括一些先知,比如萝西 她和其他傀儡不一样。她被孤立了,因为她让他们感到不舒服。她的好奇心是大多数木偶所没有的。她有这些梦



“如果你被她的神经芯片感染了怎么办?” 卡西说 “是吗?所以你才喜欢他们?”






“Were you more than friends with her? Was she... a lover?”

Bel frowned and pushed off the wall to come closer. She moved out of the way and came to a stop at the next surface.

“What is this about, Cassie?”

“You spent years among the Puppets and now I find out you tried to connect to their brains, maybe an intellectual connection. Am I going to your bed after some Puppet was there?”

“Where is this coming from?”

“Stills!” she said. “Stills! He called you a Puppet poker.”

“What? When?”

“Months ago.”

“Why didn’t you say something if it bothered you?”

“It didn’t matter,” she said, huffing and crossing her arms. She felt like she wanted to hit something. “We weren’t going to see any more Puppets or Congregate or Banks or anyone ever again if we got far enough away. It was one thing to bury the past. It’s another to have her come to your bedroom at night to share her dreams while I’m here and find out this isn’t your first intellectual intimacy.”

“Cassie, no Puppet was ever my lover. It couldn’t have worked even if I’d wanted to. The Numen were jealous gods; they didn’t want their slaves to experience any pleasure except through them. They wanted their biological cult to be inescapable. Puppets don’t experience sexual arousal or pleasure away from the Numen. Without a Numen nearby, sexual advances toward a Puppet trigger a fight or flight response. Puppets aren’t even fertile without the Numen. In their presence, Puppets experience a kind of estrus along with the religious awe effect, and that’s when they become fertile. There’s no such thing as a Puppet lover to an outsider, even if that’s what I would have wanted. Sexual arousal is another deeply personal experience that the Numen twisted in the Puppets.”

Cassandra’s hand had tightened painfully around the grip bar. She had relief, and disgust, and the tiniest bit of pity, the kind that maybe Bel felt. Bel neared, but not too close. He met her eyes, smiling hopefully.

“I’ve always loved you and only you, Cassie.”

He offered his hand. She clasped the warm fingers.

“I’ve been thinking about what we should do,” he said.

“Is there anything we can do?” she asked. She pulled him closer, changing their moment of inertia, but both of them instinctively adjusted the angles of their legs and the bends of their knees to keep them rotationally still in the zero-g, perfectly synchronized.

“Venus is a fortress,” he said. “There’s no way to get conventional forces there, even if the Banks threw all their fleets at it. And if the Congregate thought the Banks were close to taking the Homo quantus, they would move them through the Axis Mundi in Venus’ crust.”

“To protect our own refugees, we should move them deeper into the Axis network, where no one knows where we are, not even Stills,” she said.

“There might be unconventional ways to get unconventional forces to Venus,” Bel said. “The problem is we still wouldn’t know where the Homo quantus are. We need some kind of marker or beacon. We’ve used markers before.”

They had. To navigate the Union break-out, they’d left entangled particles within the Puppet Axis. And from within the fugue, Cassandra had been able to follow the lines of entanglement from the particles in her possession to the ones floating in the Puppet Axis. She’d been able to locate that wormhole within all of the vastness of space-time.

“How would we get entangled particles to where the Homo quantus are?” she said. “Would you put some in the corpses of the dead pilots, and let them be recovered by the Congregate?”

“The Homo quantus are valuable test subjects, but dead ones might not be valuable enough to bring all the way back to Venus. Or they might be stored somewhere different from the captives. But an injured Homo quantus is a different story. To fix an injured pilot, they would bring him back to their specialists at Venus.”

“The chances of us finding a pilot who survived meeting Stills’ people is tiny, Bel.”

“Unless we make one.”

A sense of disaster crept up her spine. She pulled away, setting them both to very slow rotation.

“It wouldn’t work,” she said. “It’s throwing your life away for nothing.”

“They’re our brothers and sisters and cousins. I spent half my life alone. Now that I’m back, I feel what I’ve been missing. They’re frustrating, narrow-minded and impractical, but in the most important ways, they’re real family and my choices put them in danger. This isn’t a question of just me. It’s about what I owe to my family.”

“Throwing your life away isn’t what you owe, Bel! Living for them. Leading them together is what we owe.”

She caught a grip bar and stopped her rotation. So did he. They faced each other from opposite walls.

“The real risk of Congregate Homo quantus isn’t to the Union,” he said. “The Union has already lost; it’s only a matter of time. But if the Congregate can make Homo quantus, they might have the ability to find new axes like we did. They could follow us, Cassie, no matter where we went.”

















“金星是一座堡垒,"他说。“常规部队根本无法到达那里,即使班克斯把他们所有的舰队都派到那里。如果公会认为班克斯就快占领智人星了 他们就会通过金星地壳中的轴心移动他们”











“抛弃生命不是你的责任,贝尔!为他们而活 带领他们一起生活,这才是我们欠他们的。”

她抓住了一根握杆,停止了转动。他也是 他们从对面的墙壁面对面。



“They already have all the project notes. They’ll have copies scattered safely. Even if we got the captives back, the Congregate can always replicate the project’s work.”

“Over decades,” he said, “and by then maybe our trail would be cold. But they’re starting with more than a hundred Homo quantus of generations nine, ten and eleven. They might be trying to create new embryos even now, with all the resources of a motivated imperial power.”

“What about the Hortus quantus? What about resurrecting that species?” she said.

“I want that, more than anything. But right now, the Hortus quantus are dead and our captive people are alive. I’ve given everything I know to our people. They might make a breakthrough. If our people live, they can try to recreate what I destroyed. But if in decades or centuries we’re all just captive subjects of the Congregate, we never will.”

Words stuck in her heart. Maybe there weren’t even words to express what she felt. Or even experience to know what emotions these were. Bel neared along the wall, but didn’t touch.

“There’s a chance I could live, Cassie, but that doesn’t have to be part of the calculation. Sometimes one person has to cover the escape of everyone else.”




“我最想要的就是这个。但现在,Hortus quantus 死了,而我们的俘虏还活着。我已经把我所知道的一切都给了我们的人。他们可能会有所突破。如果我们的人还活着 他们可以尝试重建被我摧毁的东西 但如果几十年或几百年后,我们都只是会社的俘虏,那就永远不会了。”




April 2515

The yacht shuddered as the first wisps of Venus’ skirts brushed the ship. Seventy-five kilometers above the surface was far, even for the goddess, but as the saying went, Venus was a grasping bitch. Marie took it as a good omen. She was strapped in her seat, looking out the window at star-spotted black space over fluffy clouds lit white by the hard sun behind her. Colored lights high above showed orbital traffic, approaching, leaving and orbiting. They were too high yet, and Venus too expansive and secretive for her to see any detail of home yet. While a good fraction of Venus’ people floated in the sun above the clouds, a larger portion lived within her diaphanous, stormy skirts, hidden from orbit. Marie did see something though: a tiny, distant flyer matched their trajectory, rising as the yacht neared aerobraking.

Tabarnak,” she said, unstrapping.

Mademoiselle, please stay in your seat during descent,” a waiter said, strapped into his own seat.

“I’m gotta hurl,” Marie said as she moved back through the games room and bar. He called after her. She wobbled as the yacht hit the atmosphere hard and unevenly. The bar’s glassware was packed snugly and nothing got damaged, although she might be when the turbulence got worse. She found her minder in his utility seat at the back. He wore a yacht uniform and his badge said “Social Convenor.” He’d been keeping them all entertained for the last six days.

“Get in your seat!” he said.

Marie’s hard fingers gripped the bar rail.

“There’s someone coming up,” she said.


“There’s a goddamn flyer coming up. You said we wouldn’t have any trouble with border services.”

“Maybe it’s customs,” he said, “or a coincidence.”

“You’re not being paid for coincidences,” Marie said.

Strictly speaking, she wasn’t paying him though. As best she understood, her aunt’s clean up lawyers had hired a refueling logistics company to pay a hefty fee to a service consultant who was really a people-smuggler. And Marie wasn’t Marie anymore. Well, she was, but she was carrying the passport chip of a woman called Andrée Fortier. The passport was legit and just enough of Fortier’s blood and DNA was in a special sack implanted in Marie’s arm that the chip would transmit an identity match signal when queried by automated systems. But Marie didn’t look anything like the tall, willowy Fortier and if asked for a DNA sample from a real person, well...

The social convenor called up external sensors in a holographic display as the yacht bucked again. A long rumble accompanied their atmospheric braking and Marie held onto the bar rail hard. The hologram showed their descent vector and the flyer below keeping pace with them. Its identification was Border Services.

Crisse. Câlisse,” she swore.

“It might be a spot inspection. They might not be here for us,” he said, but his cheeks had paled.

Marie didn’t know the law very well, but if it was more than a coincidence and Border Services found the four illegals, the law wouldn’t be throwing the people-smuggler a party, that’s for sure.

“How hot are the other three?” she whispered. Had she wound up travelling with some spies or war criminals?

“They shouldn’t be hot,” he said. Then he frowned and looked at her.

“I have tax problems,” Marie said. “”Nobody important wants me.”

“I know the others. They wouldn’t have drawn attention.”

“Why the hell would I?” Marie said. “Listen. We’re gonna be bleeding speed until sixty-eight kilometers. I could drop out the back if I had a pair of wings.”

“While the Border Services flyer is out there?”

“All four of us could drop out. They can’t catch all of us.”

“What did you do?” he said. “Who are you?”

“I’m nobody! I owe a lot of taxes, but Congregate Revenue doesn’t send out accountants in intercept flyers. And let’s get one thing straight, mister coincidence. If they ask me how I got someone else’s passport in my arm, I’m not going to be shy about getting them to think about you. So how do we get me off this yacht?”

“They’re outside! If they’re boarding, their ship will be under us the whole time.”

“I wonder if I could go outside the yacht, onto the roof or get behind the thrusters?”

“The yacht sensors will know when an airlock opens. Just go to your seat. The passport will work. Stay cool.”

“I’m always cool,” Marie said, stomping to the door beside him leading to the cargo areas and engine rooms. “Emergency suits and wing packs are back there, eh? Open this,” she said.

The yacht descended into thicker cloud and the sudden deceleration flung Marie onto her back and dragged her to the door back to the passenger cabin. She caught a floor bar and then hauled herself back to her feet. She staggered back to her stupid social convenor and the sternward door.

当维纳斯的第一缕裙摆擦过游艇时,游艇颤抖了一下。离海面 75 千米的高度,即使对女神来说也很遥远,但俗话说,维纳斯是个抓不住的婊子。玛丽认为这是个好兆头。她被绑在座位上,望着窗外星星点点的黑色空间,蓬松的云朵被身后坚硬的太阳照得发白。高空的彩色灯光显示着轨道交通,接近的、离开的、绕行的。它们还太高,金星也太广阔和神秘,她还看不到家园的任何细节。金星上的大部分人都漂浮在云层之上的阳光中,而更多的人则生活在她那薄如蝉翼、风雨交加的裙摆里,被轨道遮挡住了。不过,玛丽还是看到了一些东西:一个微小而遥远的飞行器与他们的轨迹一致,在游艇接近空中制动时上升。



“我要吐了,"玛丽边说边穿过游戏室和酒吧。他在后面叫她。她摇摇晃晃地走着,因为游艇重重地撞在大气层上,而且撞得很不均匀。酒吧里的玻璃器皿被挤得严严实实,没有受到任何损坏,不过当气流更加剧烈时,她可能会受到损坏。她在后面的杂物间座位上找到了她的看管人。他穿着游艇制服,徽章上写着 “社交召集人”。在过去的六天里,他一直在逗他们开心。








严格来说,她并没有付钱给他。据她所知,她姨妈的清理律师雇了一家加油物流公司,付给一个服务顾问一笔不菲的费用,而这个服务顾问其实是个偷渡客。玛丽不再是玛丽了。好吧,她是玛丽,但她带着一个叫安德烈-福蒂埃的女人的护照芯片。这本护照是合法的,在玛丽手臂上植入的特制袋子里有足够多的福蒂埃的血液和 DNA,当自动系统查询时,芯片会发出身份匹配信号。但玛丽看起来一点也不像身材高大、杨柳依依的福蒂埃,如果被要求提供真人的 DNA 样本,那么......









“我怎么会?” 玛丽说 “听着 我们在六十八公里之前都在高速飞行。如果我有一对翅膀,我就能从后面掉下来。”




“我什么都不是!我是个无名小卒!我欠了很多税,但公理会税务局不会派会计去拦截传单。让我们把话说清楚,巧合先生。如果他们问我是怎么把别人的护照塞进胳膊里的 我可不会害羞地让他们想到你 那我们怎么把我从游艇上弄下来?”


“我想知道我能不能到游艇外面去,到屋顶上去 或者到推进器后面去?”




“Go back to your seat!” he said. “You’re going to draw attention to yourself.”

“I told them I was puking. Open the door.”

“If Border Services boards, they’re going to see one passenger is unaccounted for.”

“If I fall, I’m falling on you. So trust me. I have a plan and my plans always work.”

He didn’t move so she gripped his wrist hard enough for him to understand he was playing with fire as she scanned his service band over the door control. The door slid open.

“See?” she said. “We’re a good team. We’ll get out of this fine.”

He cradled his wrist. Wimp. She hadn’t even squeezed that hard.

Marie almost fell backwards again as the yacht descended and its deceleration peaked, but she clung to the door frame and pulled herself sternward.

“Show me a smile, sweetie,” she said. “It’s going to be fine.”

She struggled against the deceleration and shut the door behind her. The utility area was packed with food stuffs, empty wine jars, and emergency vacuum and atmospheric suits. The atmospherics weren’t high end, just enough to abandon ship, blow an emergency balloon and wait a few hours for pick up. There were some wing packs though, and no cameras here, which was promising.

The yacht had slowed and flew level now. The bumps and hops of turbulence might have been deeper storms bulging up beyond sixty-five kilometers, or airlocks opening. She imagined the Border Services agents in their armor, looking around, checking passenger manifests. Hopefully someone was hotter than her and they left, but she doubted it. She would have loved to have known how many of them were coming sternward, and how heavily armed they were. Marie was tough, but lots of weapons would still make a big hole in her guts. Luckily, those weapons would also hole a yacht hull and wouldn’t be anyone’s first choice.

After a while, she started getting bored. It had been forty-five minutes and nothing was happening. She found a head and went pee. She didn’t go back to her hiding place yet and pressed her ear to the door. She couldn’t hear anything. The view out the portholes further back didn’t hint at what the hold-up was. Maybe they were gunning for someone else? Maybe they’d netted the other three and no one had ratted her out. She was about to go back to the door to listen again when it chirped and opened. She darted back into the head and slid the door shut. She wished she’d gotten back into her real hiding spot behind some crates. This head was for crew and she wasn’t sure how much they cleaned it.

There was a knock at the door.

She flushed. Turned on the water. Washed her hands.

Services frontaliers,” an electonically-amplified voice said. “Come out.”

“Almost done,” Marie sang, turning on the air dryer.

The door shook as a fist hit it.

“There’s another head!” she yelled through the door. “Don’t be a dick.”

She flipped off the lock, smiled sweetly and slid the door open with one hand as her other shot out grasping the agent’s throat tightly. He struggled and tried to draw a sidearm, but Marie grabbed his wrist. She leaned out of the head and looked forward. No one was there, but the door to the passenger area was open. The yacht rocked with turbulence.

Marie carried the flailing, punching agent sternward by his neck. She didn’t want to kill him, but she couldn’t afford him to speak a single command into his radio. If she remembered right, it took a minute knock someone out by choking. Or was it less? She might not be able to squeeze his carotid arteries through the neck of the suit.

“Shut up,” she whispered, shaking him. “If you make noise, everyone’s coming back here and you already found three people on false passports, right? And a people smuggler. Did you meet the social convener? He sold fake passports to those people. And he’s not even entertaining. I had to drink myself stupid on this trip.”

After a while, the border agent stopped wiggling. She flipped the clasps on his helmet and took it off. He was still breathing shallowly. She stripped off his suit. He was a bigger than her, but it wasn’t the first time she’d found a suit designed without the petite soldier in mind. She moved briskly, and in about two minutes she was locking the helmet into place. French messages and commands were coming through.

“Nothing back here,” she texted back.



“如果边防局登机 他们会发现有一名乘客下落不明”

“如果我摔倒了,我会摔在你身上 所以相信我 我有计划,我的计划总是有效的。”



他握住了自己的手腕。胆小鬼 她甚至都没捏那么用力。





过了一会儿,她开始感到无聊。已经过了四十五分钟,什么也没发生。她找了个地方撒了泡尿。她还没有回到藏身之处,而是把耳朵贴在门上。她什么也听不到。从后面的舷窗往外看,也看不出有什么动静。也许他们在找别人?也许他们已经抓住了另外三个人,但没有人告发她。她正准备回到门边再听一遍,门 “吱呀 ”一声开了。她飞快地跑回头,把门关上。她真希望自己能回到箱子后面真正的藏身之处。这个脑袋是给工作人员用的,她不知道他们打扫得有多干净。









“闭嘴,"她低声说,摇了摇他。“如果你发出声音,所有人都会回到这里,你已经发现了三个持假护照的人,对吧?还有一个人口走私犯。你见过那个社会召集人吗?他把假护照卖给了那些人。他一点都不有趣 这次旅行我把自己都喝傻了。”



She darkened the faceplate further and headed forward. Four border agents were checking passports and visas in the passenger area. Two of the people Marie had been smuggled with were standing in handcuffs at the front of the passenger area. So was the social convener. No one paid her any mind and she mounted the stairs to an observation deck and the opening to the airlocks. Two wingpacks were near the airlock. Good ones too, government issued, made for chasing contraband someone might dump into the atmosphere when customs enthusiasts came close. She strapped one on and plugged the command feed into her helmet. The airlock wheeled open easily, and she closed herself in and blew the air. Someone signalled the airlock panel through the yacht comms. She gave a thumbs up.

Messages started showing up in her HUD: “Bélanger, what are you doing?”

Someone just went through and is making a run for it, she texted. They bypassed the airlock alerts but I saw them go.

A flurry of activity filled her message screens and earpieces as she emerged onto the roof. The wide black bowl of the sky took up half the world, while below yellow-white clouds reflected blinding sunlight from horizon to horizon. The yacht rocked, passing from one pocket of high weather to another. She was home. All-points-bulletins and alarms filled the helmet displays.

I think I see him! she texted to the other border agents. In pursuit.

She ran along the top of the yacht, extending her wings. Their buoyancy was already set for high-atmosphere flight. The engine on her back whirred to life and showed green as she leapt out over the turbulent, fickle goddess who had raised her.


信息开始显示在她的 HUD 上:"贝朗格,你在做什么?”





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