



April, 2515 
The sulfuric acid clouds of Venus floated beyond the window, their ochre puffs and hollows and shadows expanding and contracting as winds pulled them. The Scarecrow hadn’t spoken for long moments, which wasn’t strange for these AIs and their secretive human souls, but this one hummed tunelessly. Lieutenant-Colonel Bareilles had never heard one hum and didn’t know what to think. The Scarecrow might not even know it was doing it; the humming had overlapped with a lengthy assessment of Bareilles’ career. A swivelling lens eye zoomed audibly on Bareilles. The Scarecrows were designed to unsettle observers, but the humming hinted that the Scarecrow might not be entirely stable, as if a parallel track of information processed in the artificial intelligence without its knowledge, as if the AI were haunted.
“You performed quite satisfactorily in Epsilon Indi for the last four years,” the Scarecrow said.
Her gravelly, feminine voice sounded distant, reaching from the other side of a death. The impression of femininity might be genuine although Scarecrows carried little of their identity past the death of the spies they’d once been. 
“Thank you,” she said.
This Scarecrow’s lines of logic seemed to follow more indirect paths than the one she’d worked with in Epsilon Indi. That vanished one had been pragmatic, focused, dogged and rarely mysterious. This one reasoned in elliptical arcs, following multi-layered, musical logic.
The winds outside became ghostly sounds to those in the mid-levels of the Ministry of Intelligence. The globe building followed the winds at various altitudes, its location at any time a state secret. The Scarecrow lumbered to the window, sounding of flexing piezoceramic musculature and carbon steel joints. Floppy gloved fingers adjusted a button on the plain carbon-weave shirt.
“I appreciated your espionage findings on the Puppets,” the Scarecrow said. Her tone was sweet and ghastly, and her accent an antique French from last century. “Your post-graduate work in biotechnology made you uniquely insightful in the field.”
“I could be out there again,” Bareilles said. “I didn’t apply for this promotion and I haven’t been to staff college. And I like field work.” 
She hadn’t found her rhythm in this new role in the last three weeks either. It felt like an ill-fitting tunic. And even if she could go back, Epsilon Indi was different now. 
“The disappearance of the Scarecrow is unfortunate,” the spectral voice continued. Her statement didn’t surprise Bareilles. The emotion-reading software in the interrogation suites was powerful, and they read facial expressions constantly, especially their own people. One became accustomed to feeling exposed.
“I should be continuing his work,” Bareilles said. 
“That would be a waste,” she said with a flat, definitive tone that belied the winsome and flighty feel in the humming. “Your three years under the Epsilon Indi Scarecrow were testing.”
“What kind of testing?” 
“The kind of testing that never relents.”
“稻草人说:"过去四年,你在 Epsilon Indi 的表现令人满意。
这个稻草人的逻辑思路似乎比她在 Epsilon Indi 与之共事的那个稻草人更间接。那个消失了的稻草人务实、专注、执着,很少有神秘感。而这个人的推理是椭圆形的,遵循多层次的音乐逻辑。
在过去的三周里,她也没有找到新角色的节奏。感觉就像一件不合身的外衣。即使她能回到过去,Epsilon Indi 现在也不一样了。
That was a euphemism about the living Venus, the kind of things grandmothers say as they tuck children into bed during bucking winds.
“Your new posting,” the Scarecrow finally said, “it is good?”
Upon her transfer back to Venus, Bareilles had been installed at the head of a new division in the Future Threats Branch of the Analysis Sector.
“It feels like a desk job.”
The second lens whirred and zoomed onto Bareilles. The mouth on the metal cloth had been painted uneven and expressionless, but the humming and the higher register of the voice gave it some illusory implied motion. Another Scarecrow trick of psychology. 
“You’ve been given policy influence here, and the ability to task units in the field,” the Scarecrow said. The humming tune, on some other channel, slipped its way under the AI’s answer, lonely, lost. “We know we want you, but our wanting only goes so far. At some point, you need to want it.”
“What do you hope I’ll want?”
“A broader canvas for your talents.”
“What does that mean?”
“Sometimes meanings have to come when they’re ready,” the gravelly voice said. “Learn more and we’ll talk again.”
Despite the dismissal, Bareilles didn’t salute. Scarecrows existed outside formal chains of command, like political officers, commissars and les petits saints. Bareilles walked back through the gray and white carbon corridors of the Ministry of Intelligence. She had guesses of what her test was, but she didn’t know what she was testing for, which was very Venusian. Venus taught her children many subtle and easily misunderstood lessons. Sometimes she taught the questions after the answers.
The strangely unfulfilling feeling suddenly gave her an awkward idea. Maybe she was mourning. She missed the Epsilon Indi Scarecrow, the half-machine, half-petrified person, the inhuman thing of performative gears and vengeful thoughts. But that was hard to credit. How could a person miss an intelligent weapon? What did that say about her?
Lieutenant Rivard, one of her deputies, waited outside her office. Rivard was dark haired and blue-eyed, twenty-six years old, a bit plain and academic in his demeanor, but a good analyst who knew how to make junior analysts work hard. He saluted and followed her in. The window looked out onto the hazy, coiling mists of the middle cloud decks of Venus from another angle, a subtly different canvas upon which meaning could write itself before being blown away. The door closed and the security seal went green. 
“I analyzed the reports you wanted, madame,” he said. “It’s not promising.”
She indicated one of the chairs. He sat, unrolled his data scroll and turned it to face her. 
“There are three mentions of time travel,” he said with a professional wince. “The captured Homo quantus say that Arjona and Mejía told them that they had a time travel device and that they’d come from a few weeks into the future. All tell the same story, but they’re simply reporting what they heard someone else say, someone they didn’t believe.”
Her stomach tingled, like the start of an elevator descent. Beyond the window, gaseous striations of brown and yellow, textured in indistinctness, were edging downward. They’d entered a pressure cell big enough to lift even a building as big as the Ministry of Intelligence.
“We don’t know exactly what capabilities the Homo quantus have,” Rivard said. “The Banks might not even know. Arjona may have laid down this story to misdirect us and the other Homo quantus from guessing his full abilities.”
“So you’re saying Arjona and Mejía guessed that Les Rapides de Lachine would be deployed to the Garret and told their own people that they knew because of time travel?” Bareilles said.
“No one has measured the full mathematical modelling abilities of the Homo quantus. The ones in detention aren’t fully functional. They might have calculated a prediction. The other possibility is that Arjona or the Banks, with years of preparation, placed some intelligence assets on Les Rapides de Lachine or at Epsilon Indi command.”
“It’s more plausible than time travel.”
里瓦德中尉是她的副手之一,在她的办公室外等候。里瓦德黑发蓝眼,26 岁,举止有点平庸,有点学院派,但他是个很好的分析员,知道如何让初级分析员努力工作。他敬了个礼,跟着她走了进去。窗口从另一个角度望出去,金星中间云层的薄雾朦胧盘绕,这是一幅微妙不同的画卷,在被吹散之前,意义可以在上面书写。门关上了,安全封条变成了绿色。
“所以你是说,阿尔霍纳和梅希亚猜到了拉希内斯会被部署到加雷特,并告诉他们自己的人,他们是因为时间旅行才知道的?” 巴雷尔说。
“The second piece of intelligence on this is from informants in the Union Cabinet,” Rivard said. “There are several allusions, over about six months, of a time travel device associated with the Sixth Expeditionary Force. At first, these reports were euphemistic and oblique. After the break-out from the Puppet Axis, the references become less cautious and take the tone of a resource they no longer have. Something to do with Major-General Iekanjika.”
Rivard advanced his presentation to a tiled display of faces and names. The Union Major-General hovered at the center of these, among a series of officers about whom the Congregate knew almost n
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