codeforces 612C Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence
C. Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence
You are given string s consists of opening and closing brackets of four kinds <>, {}, [], (). There are two types of brackets: opening and closing. You can replace any bracket by another of the same type. For example, you can replace < by the bracket {, but you can't replace it by ) or >.
The following definition of a regular bracket sequence is well-known, so you can be familiar with it.
Let's define a regular bracket sequence (RBS). Empty string is RBS. Let s1 and s2 be a RBS then the strings <s1>s2, {s1}s2, [s1]s2,(s1)s2 are also RBS.
For example the string "[[(){}]<>]" is RBS, but the strings "[)()" and "][()()" are not.
Determine the least number of replaces to make the string s RBS.
The only line contains a non empty string s, consisting of only opening and closing brackets of four kinds. The length of s does not exceed 106.
If it's impossible to get RBS from s print Impossible.
Otherwise print the least number of replaces needed to get RBS from s.
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn=1e6+5; typedef long long ll; stack<char>S; int check(char x,char y) { if((x=='['&&y==']')||(x=='<'&&y=='>')||(x=='{'&&y=='}')||(x=='('&&y==')'))return 0; int tx=((x=='['||x=='<'||x=='{'||x=='(')?1:2); int ty=((y=='['||y=='<'||y=='{'||y=='(')?1:2); if(tx==1&&ty==2)return 1; else return 2; } int main() { char s[maxn]; scanf("%s",s); int len=strlen(s); if(len&1) { puts("Impossible"); return 0; } int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { if(S.empty()){S.push(s[i]);continue;} int tt=check(,s[i]); if(tt==2){S.push(s[i]);continue;} else ans+=tt,S.pop(); } if(S.empty()) printf("%d\n",ans); else puts("Impossible"); return 0; }