
Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit

2010-01-12 21:54  hbb  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Adobe Flash Developer Center 近期推出了10篇关于Pixel Bender的教程。



Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 1: Creating a new filter

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 2: Creating a vintage tone filter

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 3: Adding parameters to filters

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 4: Sampling multiple pixels

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 5: Applying a filter to an image in Flash

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 6: Modifying Pixel Bender parameters in Flash

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 7: Improving the displacement filter

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 8: Controlling the displacement filter with mouse positioning

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 9: Integrating multiple image sources with a Pixel Bender kernel

Effects with the Pixel Bender Toolkit – Part 10: Using a multiple-input filter as a blend shader