在where、order by的相关列上可以考虑添加索引;
如果where列中已经存在索引,order by列的索引(假设存在)不会被利用(explain显示using filesort就表示order by没有用到索引,where列与order by列建立复合索引,就可以了,也可以在业务层进行排序);
尽量避免使用否定条件,如NOT IN、IS NOT、NOT LIKE、!=、<>等(否定句不走索引);
网上对where name is null这种查询走不走索引说法不一,有些观点说不走索引,推荐将列均设为NOT NULL,将null值替换为0、""等形式。但我从官方文档找到了相关说明,并且也做了相应测试,NULL列确实可以走索引。
MySQL can perform the same optimization on col_name IS NULL that it can use for col_name = constant_value. For example, MySQL can use indexes and ranges to search for NULL with IS NULL.
1 SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE key_col IS NULL; 2 3 SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE key_col <=> NULL; 4 5 SELECT * FROM tbl_name 6 WHERE key_col=const1 OR key_col=const2 OR key_col IS NULL;
通过show profiles可以查看查询耗时,show profile for query n可以查询某条查询语句的详细执行情况。数据库默认是不开启profiling的,变量profiling是用户变量,每次都得通过set profiling=1;重新启用,可以通过set profiling=0关闭。

1.添加PRIMARY KEY(主键,聚簇索引) mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `column` ) 2.添加UNIQUE(unique表示该字段的值唯一,这种约束需要通过建立唯一索引实现的,所以这里会建立唯一索引) mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD UNIQUE ( `column` ) 3.添加INDEX(显示建立普通索引) mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_name ( `column` ) 4.添加FULLTEXT(全文索引) mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD FULLTEXT ( `column`) 5.添加多列索引 mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_name ( `column1`, `column2`, `column3` ) 6.添加前缀索引,n表示前缀长度 mysql>ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD KEY(column1, column2(n))
- If one or both arguments are NULL, the result of the comparison is NULL, except for the NULL-safe <=> equality comparison operator. For NULL <=> NULL, the result is true. No conversion is needed.
- If both arguments in a comparison operation are strings, they are compared as strings.
- If both arguments are integers, they are compared as integers.
- Hexadecimal values are treated as binary strings if not compared to a number.
- If one of the arguments is a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column and the other argument is a constant, the constant is converted to a timestamp before the comparison is performed. This is done to be more ODBC-friendly. Note that this is not done for the arguments to IN()! To be safe, always use complete datetime, date, or time strings when doing comparisons. For example, to achieve best results when using BETWEEN with date or time values, use CAST() to explicitly convert the values to the desired data type.
- A single-row subquery from a table or tables is not considered a constant. For example, if a subquery returns an integer to be compared to a DATETIME value, the comparison is done as two integers. The integer is not converted to a temporal value. To compare the operands as DATETIME values, use CAST() to explicitly convert the subquery value to DATETIME.
- If one of the arguments is a decimal value, comparison depends on the other argument. The arguments are compared as decimal values if the other argument is a decimal or integer value, or as floating-point values if the other argument is a floating-point value.
- In all other cases, the arguments are compared as floating-point (real) numbers.
mysql> select 1+1; +-----+ | 1+1 | +-----+ | 2 | +-----+ mysql> select 'a' + '55b'; +------------+ | 'a' + '55b'| +------------+ | 55 | +------------+ mysql> select 55 = 55; +--------------+ | 55 = 55 | +--------------+ | 1 | +--------------+ mysql> select '55aaa' = 55; +--------------+ | '55aaa' = 55 | +--------------+ | 1 | +--------------+ mysql> select 'aaa55' = 55; +--------------+ | 'aaa55' = 55 | +--------------+ | 0 | +--------------+
安全问题在于字符串和数字0比较时,大概率为true,比如select * from user where username='zyong' and password=0;,知道用户名就可以登录成功了(password的首字符不为0)。
LIKE会将数字类型转换为字符串,可以避免上述问题,比如select * from user where username='zyong' and password like 0;会将password=0中的0作为字符串'0'处理,但如果是select * from user where id like 123456;(或者select * from user where id like '123%';)则id列(id为int型)会被转换为字符串来与'123'进行比较,不会走索引,所以LIKE只建议用在字符串类型上。