mormot2 https演示
mormot2 https演示
function TFileServer.StartServer(const pmcPort: RawUtf8; pmMode: THttpServerMode; const pmcCertFileName, pmcPrivKeyFileName: TFileName; const pmcPrivKeyPassword: RawUtf8): Boolean; const WAIT_SECONDS = 10; var tls: TNetTlsContext; keepAliveMs: Integer; serverOptions: THttpServerOptions; begin Result := False; if FHttpServer <> Nil then Exit; //=> if (pmMode = hsmHttpsCert) and not (FileExists(pmcCertFileName) and FileExists(pmcPrivKeyFileName) and (pmcPrivKeyPassword <> '')) then Exit; //=> keepAliveMs := 30000; if pmMode = hsmHttp10 then keepAliveMs := 0; // HTTP/1.0: KeepAliveTimeOut = 0 serverOptions := []; if (pmMode = hsmHttpsSelf) or (pmMode = hsmHttpsCert) then serverOptions := [hsoEnableTls]; FHttpServer := THttpServer.Create(pmcPort, Nil, Nil, '', {ServerThreadPoolCount=} 2, keepAliveMs, serverOptions); if (pmMode = hsmHttp10) or (pmMode = hsmHttp11) then FHttpServer.WaitStarted(WAIT_SECONDS) else begin if pmMode = hsmHttpsSelf then begin InitNetTlsContextSelfSignedServer(tls);//自签名证书 try FHttpServer.WaitStarted(WAIT_SECONDS, @tls); finally DeleteFile(Utf8ToString(tls.CertificateFile)); DeleteFile(Utf8ToString(tls.PrivateKeyFile)); end; end else begin InitNetTlsContext(tls, True, pmcCertFileName, pmcPrivKeyFileName, pmcPrivKeyPassword); //非自签名证书 FHttpServer.WaitStarted(WAIT_SECONDS, @tls); end; end; Result := FHttpServer.Started; if Result then begin FServerPort := pmcPort; if pmMode in [hsmHttpsSelf, hsmHttpsCert] then FUrlScheme := 'https' else FUrlScheme := 'http'; FHttpServer.OnRequest := DoRequest; end; end;