Murmurhash 哈希算法
Murmurhash 哈希算法
MurmurHash 是一种非加密型哈希函数,适用于一般的哈希检索操作。 由Austin Appleby在2008年发明, 并出现了多个变种,都已经发布到了公有领域(public domain)。与其它流行的哈希函数相比,对于规律性较强的key,MurmurHash的随机分布特征表现更良好。
unit Grijjy.Hash; {$INCLUDE ''} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF} // required since overflow checks will fail (code works ok w/o checking on) interface type { Incremental Murmur-2 hash. See Uses the CMurmurHash2A variant, which can be used incrementally. The results are *not* the same as for goMurmurHash2 in Grijjy.SysUtils } TgoHashMurmur2 = record {$REGION 'Internal Declarations'} private const M = $5bd1e995; R = 24; private FHash: Cardinal; FTail: Cardinal; FCount: Cardinal; FSize: Cardinal; private class procedure Mix(var H, K: Cardinal); static; inline; private procedure MixTail(var AData: PByte; var ALength: Integer); {$ENDREGION 'Internal Declarations'} public { Starts a new hash. Parameters: ASeed: (optional) seed value for the hash. This is identical to calling Reset. } class function Create(const ASeed: Integer = 0): TgoHashMurmur2; static; inline; { Restarts the hash Parameters: ASeed: (optional) seed value for the hash. This is identical to using Create. } procedure Reset(const ASeed: Integer = 0); inline; { Updates the hash with new data. Parameters: AData: the data to hash ALength: the size of the data in bytes. } procedure Update(const AData; ALength: Integer); { Finishes the hash and returns the hash code. Returns: The hash code } function Finish: Cardinal; end; implementation { TgoHashMurmur2 } class function TgoHashMurmur2.Create(const ASeed: Integer): TgoHashMurmur2; begin Result.Reset(ASeed); end; function TgoHashMurmur2.Finish: Cardinal; begin Mix(FHash, FTail); Mix(FHash, FSize); FHash := FHash xor (FHash shr 13); FHash := FHash * M; FHash := FHash xor (FHash shr 15); Result := FHash; end; class procedure TgoHashMurmur2.Mix(var H, K: Cardinal); begin K := K * M; K := K xor (K shr R); K := K * M; H := H * M; H := H xor K; end; procedure TgoHashMurmur2.MixTail(var AData: PByte; var ALength: Integer); begin while (ALength <> 0) and ((ALength < 4) or (FCount <> 0)) do begin FTail := FTail or (AData^ shl (FCount * 8)); Inc(AData); Inc(FCount); Dec(ALength); if (FCount = 4) then begin Mix(FHash, FTail); FTail := 0; FCount := 0; end; end; end; procedure TgoHashMurmur2.Reset(const ASeed: Integer); begin FHash := ASeed; FTail := 0; FCount := 0; FSize := 0; end; procedure TgoHashMurmur2.Update(const AData; ALength: Integer); var Data: PByte; K: Cardinal; begin Inc(FSize, ALength); Data := @AData; MixTail(Data, ALength); while (ALength >= 4) do begin K := PCardinal(Data)^; Mix(FHash, K); Inc(Data, 4); Dec(ALength, 4); end; MixTail(Data, ALength); end; end.