function StringToJSONString(const S: string; strict: Boolean = False): string; var I, J, L: Integer; P: PChar; C: Char; begin I := 1; J := 1; Result := ''; L := Length(S); P := PChar(S); while I <= L do begin C := Char(P^); Result := Result + Copy(S, J, I - J); if (C in ['a'..'z']) or (C in ['A'..'Z']) or (C in ['0'..'9']) or (C = ':') or (c='{') or (c='}') or (c='"') or (c='[') or (c=']') or (c=',' ) then Result := Result + C else case C of '\': Result := Result + '\\'; '/': if strict then Result := Result + '\/' else Result := Result + '/'; #8: //退格 Result := Result + '\b'; #9: //水平定位符号 Result := Result + '\t'; #10: //换行键 Result := Result + '\n'; #12: //换页键 Result := Result + '\f'; #13: //回车 Result := Result + '\r'; else //汉字 Result := Result + '\u' + IntToHex(Ord(C), 4); end; J := I + 1; Inc(I); Inc(P); end; Result := Result + Copy(S, J, I - 1); end;
function JSONStringToString(const S: string): string; var I, J, L: Integer; P: PChar; w: string; begin I := 1; J := 1; L := Length(S); Result := ''; P := PChar(S); while (I <= L) do begin if (P^ = '\') then begin Result := Result + Copy(S, J, I - J); Inc(P); if (P^ <> #0) then begin Inc(I); case Char(P^) of '\', '"', '/': Result := Result + P^; 'b': Result := Result + #8; 't': Result := Result + #9; 'n': Result := Result + #10; 'f': Result := Result + #12; 'r': Result := Result + #13; 'u': begin w := Copy(S, I + 1, 4); Inc(I, 4); Inc(P, 4); Result := Result + Char(StrToInt('$' + w)); end; end; end; J := I + 1; end; Inc(I); Inc(P); end; Result := Result + Copy(S, J, I - J + 1); end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin var s: string; s := StringToJSONString('{"Key1":"张三"}'); memo2.Lines.Add(s); //{"Key1":"\u5F20\u4E09"} s := JSONStringToString(s); //{"Key1":"张三"} memo2.Lines.Add(s); end;