unit ncSerializeADO; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Variants, DB, ADODB, ADOInt, ComObj, ActiveX, OleCtrls; // SysUtils: Need TBytes // Classes: Need TBytesStream // ADODB: Need TPersistFormat // ADOInt: Need function PersistFormatEnum // ActiveX: Need IStream function RecordsetToStream(const aRecordset: _Recordset; aFormat: TPersistFormat): TBytesStream; function RecordsetToBytes(const aRecordset: _Recordset; aFormat: TPersistFormat = pfADTG): TBytes; function StreamToRecordset(const aStream: TBytesStream; aConnection: TADOConnection = nil): _Recordset; function BytesToRecordset(const aBytes: TBytes; aConnection: TADOConnection = nil): _Recordset; function VariantToBytes(aVar: Variant): TBytes; function BytesToVariant(aBytes: TBytes): Variant; function ParametersToBytes(aParameters: TParameters): TBytes; procedure BytesToParameters(aBytes: TBytes; aParameters: TParameters); implementation uses ncSources; function VariantToBytes(aVar: Variant): TBytes; var VariantType: TVarType; BufLen: Integer; begin VariantType := FindVarData(aVar)^.VType; SetLength(Result, SizeOf(VariantType)); move(VariantType, Result[0], SizeOf(VariantType)); BufLen := Length(Result); if not(VariantType in [varEmpty, varNull]) then begin case VariantType of varByte, varSmallint, varShortInt, varInteger, varWord, varLongWord: WriteInteger(aVar, Result, BufLen); varSingle, varDouble: WriteDouble(aVar, Result, BufLen); varCurrency: WriteCurrency(aVar, Result, BufLen); varDate: WriteDate(aVar, Result, BufLen); varBoolean: WriteBool(aVar, Result, BufLen); varInt64, varUInt64: WriteInt64(aVar, Result, BufLen); varOleStr, varStrArg, varString, varUString: WriteString(aVar, Result, BufLen); else raise Exception.Create('Cannot pack specified parameter'); end; end; end; function BytesToVariant(aBytes: TBytes): Variant; var VariantType: TVarType; Ofs: Integer; begin move(aBytes[0], VariantType, SizeOf(VariantType)); Ofs := SizeOf(VariantType); if not(VariantType in [varEmpty, varNull]) then begin case VariantType of varEmpty: Result := Variants.Unassigned; varNull: Result := Variants.Null; varByte, varSmallint, varShortInt, varInteger, varWord, varLongWord: Result := ReadInteger(aBytes, Ofs); varSingle, varDouble: Result := ReadDouble(aBytes, Ofs); varCurrency: Result := ReadCurrency(aBytes, Ofs); varDate: Result := ReadDate(aBytes, Ofs); varBoolean: Result := ReadBool(aBytes, Ofs); varInt64, varUInt64: Result := ReadInt64(aBytes, Ofs); varOleStr, varStrArg, varString, varUString: Result := ReadString(aBytes, Ofs); else raise Exception.Create('Cannot pack specified parameter'); end; end; end; function ParametersToBytes(aParameters: TParameters): TBytes; var BufLen: Integer; i: Integer; begin BufLen := 0; WriteInteger(aParameters.Count, Result, BufLen); for i := 0 to aParameters.Count - 1 do WriteBytes(VariantToBytes(aParameters.Items[i].Value), Result, BufLen); end; procedure BytesToParameters(aBytes: TBytes; aParameters: TParameters); var ParameterCount: Integer; Ofs: Integer; i: Integer; begin if Length(aBytes) > 0 then begin Ofs := 0; if not Assigned(aParameters) then raise Exception.Create('Parameters object not assigned'); ParameterCount := ReadInteger(aBytes, Ofs); if ParameterCount <> aParameters.Count then raise Exception.Create('Bytes stream parameters differ from SQL Parameters'); for i := 0 to ParameterCount - 1 do aParameters.Items[i].Value := BytesToVariant(ReadBytes(aBytes, Ofs)); end; end; function RecordsetToStream(const aRecordset: _Recordset; aFormat: TPersistFormat): TBytesStream; var ADOStream: IStream; begin // Create a stream to hold the data Result := TBytesStream.Create; try // Since ADO can't write directly to a Delphi stream, we must wrap the Delphi stream ADOStream := TStreamAdapter.Create(Result, soReference) as IStream; try // Save the content of the recordset to the stream aRecordset.Save(ADOStream, PersistFormatEnum(aFormat)); finally ADOStream := nil; end; // The Stream now contains the data // Position the stream at the start Result.Position := 0; except Result.Free; raise ; end; end; function RecordsetToBytes(const aRecordset: _Recordset; aFormat: TPersistFormat = pfADTG): TBytes; var tmpSS: TBytesStream; begin tmpSS := RecordsetToStream(aRecordset, aFormat); try Result := tmpSS.Bytes; finally tmpSS.Free; end; end; function StreamToRecordset(const aStream: TBytesStream; aConnection: TADOConnection = nil): _Recordset; var ADOStream: IStream; begin Result := CoRecordset.Create; try // Since ADO can't write directly to a Delphi stream, we must wrap the Delphi stream ADOStream := TStreamAdapter.Create(aStream, soReference) as IStream; try // Save the content of the stream to the recordset Result.Open(ADOStream, EmptyParam, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile); // You need to Set_ActiveConnection in order to be able to update a recordset. if Assigned(aConnection) then Result.Set_ActiveConnection(aConnection.ConnectionObject); finally ADOStream := nil; end; except Result := nil; raise ; end; end; function BytesToRecordset(const aBytes: TBytes; aConnection: TADOConnection = nil): _Recordset; var Stream: TBytesStream; begin Stream := TBytesStream.Create(aBytes); try Stream.Position := 0; Result := StreamToRecordset(Stream, aConnection); finally Stream.Free; end; end; end.
function TReadyQueryItem.Update(aUpdates: _recordset): TBytes; var tmpDS: TADODataSet; begin FSerialiser.Acquire; try tmpDS := TADODataSet.Create(nil); try tmpDS.Recordset := aUpdates; tmpDS.Recordset.Set_ActiveConnection(ADOQuery.Connection.ConnectionObject); tmpDS.Recordset.UpdateBatch(adAffectAll); // tmpDS.Recordset.Filter := adFilterAffectedRecords; Result := RecordsetToBytes(tmpDS.Recordset, pfADTG); finally tmpDS.Free; end; finally FSerialiser.Release; end; end; procedure TReadyQueryItem.GetTablesForSQL; var i: Integer; begin Tables.Clear; // Get for every field the table it comes from for i := 0 to ADOQuery.Recordset.Fields.Count - 1 do if VarIsStr (ADOQuery.Recordset.Fields.Item[i].Properties.Item['BASETABLENAME'].Value) then Tables.Add(ADOQuery.Recordset.Fields.Item[i].Properties.Item['BASETABLENAME'].Value); end;