例1:C++使用POST方法向网页提交数据 转自:http://www.it165.net/pro/html/201208/3534.html
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <afxinet.h> //定义了MFC CInternetSession类等 bool PostHttpPage(const std::string& hostName, const std::string& pathName, const std::string& postData) { using namespace std; CInternetSession session("your app agent name"); try { INTERNET_PORT nPort = 80; DWORD dwRet = 0; CHttpConnection* pServer = session.GetHttpConnection( hostName.c_str(),nPort); CHttpFile* pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection:: HTTP_VERB_POST,pathName.c_str()); CString strHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form- urlencoded"; //请求头 //开始发送请求 pFile->SendRequest(strHeaders,(LPVOID)postData.c_str(), postData.size()); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { CString result, newline; while(pFile->ReadString(newline)) {//循环读取每行内容 result += newline+"\r\n"; } std::cout<<result<<std::endl;//显示返回内容 } else { return false; } delete pFile; delete pServer; } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { //catch errors from WinInet TCHAR pszError[200]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(pszError, 200); std::cout<<pszError<<std::endl;//显示异常信息 return false; } session.Close(); return true; } int main(void) { //向本机Web目录下面的welcome.php页面发送发送 PostHttpPage("localhost","welcome.php","name=rain&age=21"); }
在工程设计中,要选择-Use mfc in a shard dll 选项。
在本机Web目录下面(就是Apache服务器配置文件中Directory配置的路径 ),存有welcome.php文件,当该文件收到post请求时,将请求的数据写入到文件中:
<?php $file = fopen("./test.txt","w"); fwrite($file,$_POST["name"]); fwrite($file,$_POST["age"]); fclose($file); ?>
例2:C++发送HTTP数据获取Google天气预报 转自:http://www.it165.net/pro/html/201208/3534.html
#ifndef DOWNDATA_H_INCLUDED #define DOWNDATA_H_INCLUDED #define BUFFSIZE_H 1024 #ifdef __cpluscplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief 向网络请求资源,返回值存储到当前目录的临时文件whether.txt中. * @param pUrl - 请求的URL. * @return if get data return true, else if get nothing return false. */ bool WEBQuest(const char * pUrl); #ifdef __cpluscplus } #endif #endif // DOWNDATA_H_INCLUDED
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //#include "windows.h" #include "winsock2.h" #include "downdata.h" #include "freeptr.h" #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") //在某些编译器下,需要添加编译参数到工程设置中,比如CodeBlocks(这样,这行就不需要了). //Code::blocks 中新建一个工程, 然后右击工程 //选择 build options //选择Linker setting //在 Other linker options 中添加: -lwsock32 /** * @brief 为了加深http的理解和数据相关的操作,实现之. */ bool WEBQuest(const char * pUrl) { #if 1 //no this declaration, socket create failed. WSADATA WsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&WsaData)) { printf("The socket failed"); return false; } #endif SOCKET sockeId; SOCKADDR_IN addr; if (-1 == (sockeId = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) { printf("socket create failed\n"); return false; } //> dest_addr addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(""); //> googleIP,可以用IP地址查询得到 addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(80); //> request_url /* www.it165.net * 分离url中的主机地址和相对路径 */ char *phost = 0; char * myurl = (char * ) malloc (BUFFSIZE_H * sizeof(char)); char * host = (char * ) malloc (BUFFSIZE_H * sizeof(char)); char * GET = (char * ) malloc (BUFFSIZE_H * sizeof(char)); char * head =(char * ) malloc(BUFFSIZE_H * sizeof(char)); memset(myurl, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); memset(host, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); memset(GET, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); memset(head, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); //> pUrl - www.google.com/ig/api?hl=zh_cn&weather=beijing //> www.google.com - &host //> /ig/api?hl=zh_cn&weather=beijing - &GET strcpy(myurl, pUrl); for (phost = myurl; *phost != '/' && *phost != '\0'; ++phost); if ( (int)(phost - myurl) == strlen(myurl) ) strcpy(GET, "/"); else strcpy(GET, phost); *phost = '\0'; //> 相当于在www.google.com/的/位置替换为'\0'. strcpy(host, myurl);//> 在www.google.com/的/位置为'\0',因此www.google.com被拷贝到&host. printf("%s\n%s\n", host, GET); /* * 组织发送到web服务器的信息 * 为何要发送下面的信息connect请参考HTTP协议的约定 */ strcat(head, "GET "); strcat(head, GET); strcat(head, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); strcat(head, "host: "); strcat(head, host); strcat(head, "\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); printf(head); if (SOCKET_ERROR == connect(sockeId, (SOCKADDR * )&addr, sizeof(addr))) { printf("connect failed!\n"); closesocket(sockeId); WSACleanup(); #if 0 free(myurl); free(host); free(GET); free(head); myurl = NULL; host = NULL; GET = NULL; head = NULL; #endif freeCharPtr(&myurl, &host, &GET, &head, NULL); return false; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == send(sockeId, head, strlen(head), 0)) { printf("send &header error!\n"); closesocket(sockeId); WSACleanup(); #if 0 free(myurl); free(host); free(GET); free(head); myurl = NULL; host = NULL; GET = NULL; head = NULL; #endif freeCharPtr(&myurl, &host, &GET, &head, NULL); return false; } memset(head, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); FILE *fp; fp = fopen("whether.xml", "w+"); if (NULL == fp) { printf("whether file create failed!\n"); closesocket(sockeId); WSACleanup(); #if 0 free(myurl); free(host); free(GET); free(head); myurl = NULL; host = NULL; GET = NULL; head = NULL; #endif freeCharPtr(&myurl, &host, &GET, &head, NULL); return false; } while (recv(sockeId, head, BUFFSIZE_H, 0) > 0) { fputs(head, fp); memset(head, '\0', BUFFSIZE_H); } #if 0 free(myurl); free(host); free(GET); free(head); myurl = NULL; host = NULL; GET = NULL; head = NULL; #endif freeCharPtr(&myurl, &host, &GET, &head, NULL); closesocket(sockeId); WSACleanup(); return true; }
#include <iostream> //> system #include <stdio.h> #include "downdata.h" using namespace std; int main(void ) { if (!WEBQuest("www.google.com/ig/api?hl=zh_cn&weather=beijing" )) { return -1; } printf( "Whether have been writtend to file whether.xml\n" ); system( "pause"); return 0; }
关于内存释放,自己封装了一个变参形式的(char *参数)释放函数
#ifndef FREEPTR_H #define FREEPTR_H #ifdef __cpluscplus extern "C" { #endif void freeCharPtr(char ** ch, ...); #ifdef __cpluscplus } #endif #endif
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "freeptr.h" void freeCharPtr(char ** ch, ...) { va_list ap; char ** p; va_start(ap, ch); free(*ch); *ch = NULL; while (p = va_arg(ap, char ** )) { free(*p); *p = NULL; } }