1、 paramiko 库是一个用于做远程控制的模块,使用该模块可以对远程服务器进行命令或文件操作,值得一说的是,fabric和ansible内部的远程管理就是使用的 paramiko 库来现实。(提供客户端和服务器的功能)
2、 paramiko 库是用python语言写的一个模块,遵循SSH2协议,支持以加密和认证的方式,进行远程服务器的连接。 paramiko 库支持Linux,Solaris,BSD,MacOS X,Windows等平台通过SSH从一个平台连接到另外一个平台。
3、利用 paramiko 模块,可以方便的进行ssh连接和sftp协议进行sftp文件传输。
4、 paramiko 模块包含了两个核心组件: SSHClient 和 SFTPClient 。
- ①SSHClient 类:SSHClient 类是与SSH服务器会话的高级表示。该类集成了Transport,Channel 和SFTPClient 类。(通过ssh协议和linux服务器建立连接执行命令,该类封装了传输(Transport),通道(Channel)及SFTPClient建立的方法)
- ②SFTClient 类:该类通过一个打开的SSH Transport 会话创建SFTP会话通道并执行远程文件操作。(作用类似与Linux的sftp命令,是对SFTP客户端的封装,用以实现远程文件操作,如文件上传、下载、修改文件权限等操作。)
5、 paramiko 可以通过ssh协议执行远程主机的程序或脚本,获取输出结果和返回值,使用起来简洁优雅。
Channel:是一种类Socket,一种安全的SSH传输通道; Transport:是一种加密的会话(但是这样一个对象的Session并未建立),并且创建了一个加密的tunnels,这个tunnels叫做Channel;
Channel:是一种类Socket,一种安全的SSH传输通道; Session:是client与Server保持连接的对象,用connect()/start_client()/start_server()开始会话; hostname(str类型),连接的目标主机地址; port(int类型),连接目标主机的端口,默认为22; username(str类型),校验的用户名(默认为当前的本地用户名); password(str类型),密码用于身份校验或解锁私钥; pkey(Pkey类型),私钥方式用于身份验证; key_filename(str or list(str)类型),一个文件名或文件名列表,用于私钥的身份验证; timeout(float类型),一个可选的超时时间(以秒为单位)的TCP连接; allow_agent(bool类型),设置为False时用于禁用连接到SSH代理; look_for_keys(bool类型),设置为False时用于来禁用在~/.ssh中搜索私钥文件; compress(bool类型),设置为True时打开压缩。
pip3 install paramiko
#在python2中,由于 paramiko 模块内部依赖pycrypto模块,所以先下载安装pycrypto pip3 install pycrypto pip3 install paramiko 注:如果在安装pycrypto2.0.1时发生如下错误 command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1...
可能是缺少python-dev安装包导致 如果gcc没有安装,请事先安装gcc
2、远程连接分为两种:(1)基于用户名密码连接远程服务器 (2)基于公钥秘钥连接远程服务器。
3、通过使用 paramiko 库远程操作服务器,其实本质也分为两种:(1)使用 SSHClient 类 (2) SSHClient 类 封装 transport 类
def connect( self, hostname, port=SSH_PORT, username=None, password=None, pkey=None, key_filename=None, timeout=None, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True, compress=False, sock=None, gss_auth=False, gss_kex=False, gss_deleg_creds=True, gss_host=None, banner_timeout=None, auth_timeout=None, gss_trust_dns=True, passphrase=None, disabled_algorithms=None, ): """ Connect to an SSH server and authenticate to it. The server's host key is checked against the system host keys (see `load_system_host_keys`) and any local host keys (`load_host_keys`). If the server's hostname is not found in either set of host keys, the missing host key policy is used (see `set_missing_host_key_policy`). The default policy is to reject the key and raise an `.SSHException`. Authentication is attempted in the following order of priority: - The ``pkey`` or ``key_filename`` passed in (if any) - ``key_filename`` may contain OpenSSH public certificate paths as well as regular private-key paths; when files ending in ```` are found, they are assumed to match a private key, and both components will be loaded. (The private key itself does *not* need to be listed in ``key_filename`` for this to occur - *just* the certificate.) - Any key we can find through an SSH agent - Any "id_rsa", "id_dsa" or "id_ecdsa" key discoverable in ``~/.ssh/`` - When OpenSSH-style public certificates exist that match an existing such private key (so e.g. one has ``id_rsa`` and ````) the certificate will be loaded alongside the private key and used for authentication. - Plain username/password auth, if a password was given If a private key requires a password to unlock it, and a password is passed in, that password will be used to attempt to unlock the key. :param str hostname: the server to connect to :param int port: the server port to connect to :param str username: the username to authenticate as (defaults to the current local username) :param str password: Used for password authentication; is also used for private key decryption if ``passphrase`` is not given. :param str passphrase: Used for decrypting private keys. :param .PKey pkey: an optional private key to use for authentication :param str key_filename: the filename, or list of filenames, of optional private key(s) and/or certs to try for authentication :param float timeout: an optional timeout (in seconds) for the TCP connect :param bool allow_agent: set to False to disable connecting to the SSH agent :param bool look_for_keys: set to False to disable searching for discoverable private key files in ``~/.ssh/`` :param bool compress: set to True to turn on compression :param socket sock: an open socket or socket-like object (such as a `.Channel`) to use for communication to the target host :param bool gss_auth: ``True`` if you want to use GSS-API authentication :param bool gss_kex: Perform GSS-API Key Exchange and user authentication :param bool gss_deleg_creds: Delegate GSS-API client credentials or not :param str gss_host: The targets name in the kerberos database. default: hostname :param bool gss_trust_dns: Indicates whether or not the DNS is trusted to securely canonicalize the name of the host being connected to (default ``True``). :param float banner_timeout: an optional timeout (in seconds) to wait for the SSH banner to be presented. :param float auth_timeout: an optional timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response. :param dict disabled_algorithms: an optional dict passed directly to `.Transport` and its keyword argument of the same name. :raises: `.BadHostKeyException` -- if the server's host key could not be verified :raises: `.AuthenticationException` -- if authentication failed :raises: `.SSHException` -- if there was any other error connecting or establishing an SSH session :raises socket.error: if a socket error occurred while connecting .. versionchanged:: 1.15 Added the ``banner_timeout``, ``gss_auth``, ``gss_kex``, ``gss_deleg_creds`` and ``gss_host`` arguments. .. versionchanged:: 2.3 Added the ``gss_trust_dns`` argument. .. versionchanged:: 2.4 Added the ``passphrase`` argument. .. versionchanged:: 2.6 Added the ``disabled_algorithms`` argument. """ if not sock: errors = {} # Try multiple possible address families (e.g. IPv4 vs IPv6) to_try = list(self._families_and_addresses(hostname, port)) for af, addr in to_try: try: sock = socket.socket(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if timeout is not None: try: sock.settimeout(timeout) except: pass retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) # Break out of the loop on success break except socket.error as e: # Raise anything that isn't a straight up connection error # (such as a resolution error) if e.errno not in (ECONNREFUSED, EHOSTUNREACH): raise # Capture anything else so we know how the run looks once # iteration is complete. Retain info about which attempt # this was. errors[addr] = e # Make sure we explode usefully if no address family attempts # succeeded. We've no way of knowing which error is the "right" # one, so we construct a hybrid exception containing all the real # ones, of a subclass that client code should still be watching for # (socket.error) if len(errors) == len(to_try): raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) t = self._transport = Transport( sock, gss_kex=gss_kex, gss_deleg_creds=gss_deleg_creds, disabled_algorithms=disabled_algorithms, ) t.use_compression(compress=compress) t.set_gss_host( # t.hostname may be None, but GSS-API requires a target name. # Therefore use hostname as fallback. gss_host=gss_host or hostname, trust_dns=gss_trust_dns, gssapi_requested=gss_auth or gss_kex, ) if self._log_channel is not None: t.set_log_channel(self._log_channel) if banner_timeout is not None: t.banner_timeout = banner_timeout if auth_timeout is not None: t.auth_timeout = auth_timeout if port == SSH_PORT: server_hostkey_name = hostname else: server_hostkey_name = "[{}]:{}".format(hostname, port) our_server_keys = None our_server_keys = self._system_host_keys.get(server_hostkey_name) if our_server_keys is None: our_server_keys = self._host_keys.get(server_hostkey_name) if our_server_keys is not None: keytype = our_server_keys.keys()[0] sec_opts = t.get_security_options() other_types = [x for x in sec_opts.key_types if x != keytype] sec_opts.key_types = [keytype] + other_types t.start_client(timeout=timeout) # If GSS-API Key Exchange is performed we are not required to check the # host key, because the host is authenticated via GSS-API / SSPI as # well as our client. if not self._transport.gss_kex_used: server_key = t.get_remote_server_key() if our_server_keys is None: # will raise exception if the key is rejected self._policy.missing_host_key( self, server_hostkey_name, server_key ) else: our_key = our_server_keys.get(server_key.get_name()) if our_key != server_key: if our_key is None: our_key = list(our_server_keys.values())[0] raise BadHostKeyException(hostname, server_key, our_key) if username is None: username = getpass.getuser() if key_filename is None: key_filenames = [] elif isinstance(key_filename, string_types): key_filenames = [key_filename] else: key_filenames = key_filename self._auth( username, password, pkey, key_filenames, allow_agent, look_for_keys, gss_auth, gss_kex, gss_deleg_creds, t.gss_host, passphrase, )
exec_command(command, bufsize=-1, timeout=None, get_pty=False, environment=None)
def exec_command( self, command, bufsize=-1, timeout=None, get_pty=False, environment=None, ): """ Execute a command on the SSH server. A new `.Channel` is opened and the requested command is executed. The command's input and output streams are returned as Python ``file``-like objects representing stdin, stdout, and stderr. :param str command: the command to execute :param int bufsize: interpreted the same way as by the built-in ``file()`` function in Python :param int timeout: set command's channel timeout. See `.Channel.settimeout` :param bool get_pty: Request a pseudo-terminal from the server (default ``False``). See `.Channel.get_pty` :param dict environment: a dict of shell environment variables, to be merged into the default environment that the remote command executes within. .. warning:: Servers may silently reject some environment variables; see the warning in `.Channel.set_environment_variable` for details. :return: the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the executing command, as a 3-tuple :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the server fails to execute the command .. versionchanged:: 1.10 Added the ``get_pty`` kwarg. """ chan = self._transport.open_session(timeout=timeout) if get_pty: chan.get_pty() chan.settimeout(timeout) if environment: chan.update_environment(environment) chan.exec_command(command) stdin = chan.makefile_stdin("wb", bufsize) stdout = chan.makefile("r", bufsize) stderr = chan.makefile_stderr("r", bufsize) return stdin, stdout, stderr
- command (str类型),执行的命令串;
- bufsize (int类型),文件缓冲区大小,默认为-1(不限制)
2、使用 exec_command() 方法执行命令会返回三个信息:
- 标准输入内容(用于实现交互式命令)--- stdin
- 标准输出(保存命令的正常执行结果)--- stdout
- 标准错误输出(保存命令的错误信息)--- stderr
3、通过 exec_command() 方法命令执行完毕后,通道将关闭,不能再使用。如果想继续执行另一个命令,必须打开一个新通道。
4、 方法:用来判断命令是否执行完成,当 exec_command() 方法中的命令没有执行完成时,这个方法会一直阻塞。如果 exec_command() 方法运行结束,则会返回0表示执行成功。-1表示执行失败。
5、如果需要通过 exec_command() 方法连续的在远程服务器上执行命令,则command参数中多个命令需要使用 ;分号 隔开。(例如场景:需要进入远程服务器中的xx路径,随后在该路径中执行命令)。
import paramiko # 创建SSH对象(ssh_clint) ssh_clint = paramiko.SSHClient() # 通过这个set_missing_host_key_policy方法用于实现远程登录是否需要确认输入yes,否则保存(相当于白名单的作用) ssh_clint.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 使用connect类来连接远程服务器 ssh_clint.connect(hostname='', port=22, username='test', password='123') # 使用exec_command方法执行命令,并使用变量接收命令的返回值并用print输出 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_clint.exec_command('df') # 获取命令结果 result = print(result.decode('utf-8')) # 关闭连接 ssh_clint.close()
# 允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
配置 set_missing_host_key_policy(policy) 方法的参数常见取值有三种:
AutoAddPolicy :自动添加远程服务器的主机名及主机密钥到本地主机的known_hosts,不依赖load_system_host_key的配置。即新建立ssh连接时不需要再输入yes或no进行确认。最为常用。(将信任的主机自动加入到host_allow列表)
WarningPolicy :用于记录一个未知的主机密钥的python警告。并接受,功能上和AutoAddPolicy类似,但是会提示是新连接。
RejectPolicy : 自动拒绝未知的主机名和密钥,依赖load_system_host_key的配置。此为默认选项。
[解决本地主机首次连接连接远程服务器出现的known_hosts问题:通过 set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 方法用于实现ssh远程登录时是否需要确认输入yes,否则保存]
使用 recv_exit_status() 方法判断服务器上的命令是否已经执行完成
import paramiko # 建立一个sshclient对象 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 将信任的主机自动加入到host_allow列表,须放在connect方法前面 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 调用connect方法连接服务器 ssh.connect(hostname="", port=22, username="test", password="123") # 执行命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("echo `date` && df -hl") # 结果放到stdout中,如果有错误将放到stderr中 print('utf-8')) # recv_exit_status方法会一直阻塞直到命令执行完成 return_code = print("return_code:", return_code) # 关闭连接 ssh.close()
使用 exec_command() 方法连续的执行多个命令并获取终端输出
import paramiko # 创建SSH对象(ssh_clint) ssh_clint = paramiko.SSHClient() # 通过这个set_missing_host_key_policy方法用于实现登录是需要确认输入yes,否则保存 ssh_clint.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 使用connect类来连接远程服务器 try: ssh_clint.connect(hostname='', port=22, username='test', password='123') except Exception as e: raise # 使用exec_command方法执行命令,并使用变量接收命令的返回值并用print输出 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_clint.exec_command( command='pwd; cd /home/test/PycharmProjects/hls_practice/practice_python; pwd; ls -lh') # 获取命令结果 result = status = print('1、命令是否成功执行完成的结果:(0表示执行成功,非0表示执行失败)', status) print('2、远程服务器上成功执行命令后的控制台输出结果:\n', result.decode('utf-8')) # 关闭连接 ssh_clint.close()
import paramiko import sys # 定义函数ssh,把操作内容写到函数里 def sshExeCMD(): # 定义一个变量ssh_clint使用SSHClient类用来后边调用 ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() # 通过这个set_missing_host_key_policy方法用于实现登录是需要确认输入yes,否则保存 ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 使用try做异常捕获 try: # 使用connect类来连接服务器 ssh_client.connect(hostname="", port=22, username="test", password="123") # 如果上边命令报错吧报错信息定义到err变量,并输出。 except Exception as err: print("服务器链接失败!!!") print(err) # 如果报错使用sys的exit退出脚本 sys.exit() # 使用exec_command方法执行命令,并使用变量接收命令的返回值并用print输出 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("df -hT") print(str( # 通过判断模块名运行上边函数 if __name__ == '__main__': sshExeCMD()
1、使用SSHClient对象的 invoke_shell 方法创建一个交互式的终端,然后向终端依次发送多条完整的命令,最后关闭连接即可。
import paramiko # 创建SSHClient对象 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 密钥认证 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname='服务器IP地址', port=22, username='用户名', key_filename='私钥文件路径') # 创建交互式终端 channel = ssh.invoke_shell() # 发送多个命令 channel.send("command1\n") channel.send("command2\n") channel.send("command3\n") # 关闭终端和连接 channel.close() ssh.close()
2、在一个SSH会话中,使用exec_command方法执行一条长命令,其中多个子命令之间使用分号 ';' 或者并列排列。
import paramiko # 创建SSHClient对象 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 密钥认证 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname='服务器IP地址', port=22, username='用户名', key_filename='私钥文件路径') # 执行长命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('command1; command2; command3') print( # 关闭连接 ssh.close()
# 导入paramiko,(导入前需要先在环境里安装该模块) import paramiko import sys # 定义函数ssh,把操作内容写到函数里,函数里接收参数(写在括号里),其中port=是设置一个默认值如果没传就用默认 def sshExeCMD(ip, username, password, port=22): # 定义一个变量ssh_clint使用SSHClient类用来后边调用 ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() # 通过这个set_missing_host_key_policy方法用于实现登录是需要确认输入yes,否则保存 ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 使用try做异常捕获 try: # 使用connect类来连接服务器 ssh_client.connect(hostname=ip, port=port, username=username, password=password) # 如果上边命令报错吧报错信息定义到err变量,并输出。 except Exception as err: print("服务器链接失败!!!" % ip) print(err) # 如果报错使用sys的exit退出脚本 sys.exit() # 使用exec_command方法执行命令,并使用变量接收命令的返回值并用print输出 # 这里也可以把命令做成参数传进来 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("hostname") # 使用decode方法可以指定编码 print("utf-8")) # 通过判断模块名运行上边函数 if __name__ == '__main__': # 定义一个字典,写服务器信息 servers = { # 以服务器IP为键,值为服务器的用户密码端口定义的字典 "": { "username": "songxk", "password": "123123", "port": 22, }, "": { "username": "root", "password": "123123", "port": 22, }, } # 使用items方法遍历,使用ip 和info把字典里的键和值遍历赋值,传给函数sshExeCMD for ip, info in servers.items(): # 这里的info也就是上边定义的ip对应值的字典,使用get获取这个字典里对应username键对应的值,赋值给变量username传给函数中使用 sshExeCMD( ip=ip, username=info.get("username"), password=info.get("password"), port=info.get("port") )
SSHClient 封装 Transport 连接远程服务器:
import paramiko # 获取transport对象,配置主机名,端口 transport = paramiko.Transport(('', 22))
# 设置登录名、密码 transport.connect(username='test', password='123')
# 获取ssh_client对象 ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client._transport = transport # 获取远程服务器的主机名 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command('hostname') res = print(res.decode('utf-8')) transport.close()
3、id_rsa文件的来源:终端执行命令 ssh-keygen ,然后一直回车,最后会在~/.ssh目录下生成该文件。
import paramiko private_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file('/tmp/id_rsa') # 创建SSH对象 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 连接服务器 ssh.connect(hostname='', port=22, username='root', pkey=private_key) # 执行命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('df') # 获取命令结果 result = print(result.decode('utf-8')) # 关闭连接 ssh.close()
SSHClient 封装 Transport 连接远程服务器:
import paramiko private_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file('/tmp/id_rsa') # 获取transport对象,配置主机名,端口 transport = paramiko.Transport(('', 22)) # 设置登录名、连接远程服务器的登录密钥 transport.connect(username='root', pkey=private_key) # 获取ssh_client对象 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh._transport = transport # 获取远程服务器的主机名 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('hostname') result = print(result.decode('utf-8')) # 关闭连接 transport.close()
import paramiko from io import StringIO key_str = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEoQIBAAKCAQEAsJmFLrSeCumJvga0Gl5O5wVOVwMIy2MpqIyQPi5J87dg89a4 Da9fczJog7qoSbRwHFOQoCHNphSlp5KPhGsF6RJewkIw9H1UKV4dCOyl/4HOAkAD rKrsEDmrJ9JlzF2GTTZSnTgVQWcvBS2RKB4eM2R9aJ11xV6X2Hk4YDLTExIWeabb h2TUKw0iyjI8pRuYLKkF2X16u9TBwfOTroGYgiNFHQvhsQppbEbI49NF2XkCkFMi 8/7tLjf95InE/VUUq56JqfzyHwdpHou+waXbwtvGgXN3sz+KkuEv6R2qDz06upZV FCZRRpDhzoR8Uh/UEzTGZb8z7FB6EJXUiXJikQIBIwKCAQBBmBuGYFf1bK+BGG7H 9ySe81ecqVsJtx4aCFLVRGScWg4RbQKIvXs5an6XU/VdNGQnx0RYvBkvDvuzRRC8 J8Bd4kB0CfTtGJuaVigKoQp02HEWx1HSa17+tlWD0c4KFBvwywi+DYQ83S64x8gz eOalX9bPFenqORPUD8R7gJeKvPVc6ZTPeorpuH7u9xayP0Eop8qKxZza9Xh3foVj Qo4IxoYnDN57CIRX5PFSlDDggpmr8FtRF4nAxmFq8LhSp05ivzX/Ku1SNHdaMWZO 7va8tISXdLI5m0EGzoVoBvohIbwlxI6kfmamrh6Eas2Jnsc4CLzMsR4jBWt0LHLv /SLnAoGBANaEUf/Jptab9G/xD9W2tw/636i3gLpTPY9KPtCcAxqStNeT6RAWZ5HF lKJg+NKpu3pI45ldAwvts0i+aCZk2xakEWIZWqCmXm31JSPDQTaMGe7H0vOmUaxx ncdpBVdvhMbfFUgei15iKfuafgrKaS9oIkntXEgrC+3wBOI0Gbx3AoGBANLAGxAF TK7ydr+Q1+6/ujs6e8WsXt8HZMa/1khCVSbrf1MgACvZPSSSrDpVwaDTSjlRI4AL bb0l0RFU+/0caMiHilscuJdz9Fdd9Ux4pjROZa3TF5CFhvP7PsZAoxOo+yqJg4zr 996GG/aAv4M8lQJ2rDFk/Dgn5y/AaAun1oM3AoGAGIQmoOPYjY4qkHNSRE9lYOl4 pZFQilKn8x5tlC8WTC4GCgJGhX7nQ9wQ/J1eQ/YkDfmznH+ok6YjHkGlgLsRuXHW GdcDCwuzBUCWh76LHC1EytUCKnloa3qy8jfjWnMlHgrd3FtDILrC+C7p1Vj2FAvm qVz0moiTpioPL8twp9MCgYEAin49q3EyZFYwxwdpU7/SJuvq750oZq0WVriUINsi A6IR14oOvbqkhb94fhsY12ZGt/N9uosq22H+anms6CicoQicv4fnBHDFI3hCHE9I pgeh50GTJHUA6Xk34V2s/kp5KpThazv6qCw+QubkQExh660SEdSlvoCfPKMCi1EJ TukCgYAZKY1NZ2bjJyyO/dfNvMQ+etUL/9esi+40GUGyJ7SZcazrN9z+DO0yL39g 7FT9NMIc2dsmNJQMaGBCDl0AjO1O3b/wqlrNvNBGkanxn2Htn5ajfo+LBU7yHAcV 7w4X5HLarXiE1mj0LXFKJhdvFqU53KUQJXBqR6lsMqzsdPwLMJg== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""" private_key = paramiko.RSAKey(file_obj=StringIO(key_str)) # 获取transport对象,配置主机名,端口 transport = paramiko.Transport(('', 22)) # 设置登录名、连接远程服务器的登录密钥 transport.connect(username='root', pkey=private_key) # 获取ssh_client对象 ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client._transport = transport # 远程在服务器上执行命令(获取远程服务器的主机名) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command('df') result = print(result.decode('utf-8')) # 关闭连接 transport.close()
from_transport 方法:# 创建一个已连通的SFTP客户端通道。
# 方法定义: from_transport(cls,t) # 参数说明: t(transport),一个已通过验证的传输对象。
get 方法:从远程SFTP服务端下载文件到本地。
# 方法定义: get(remotepath, localpath, callback=None)
# 参数说明: remotepath(str类型),需要下载的远程文件(源); callback(funcation(int,int)),获取已接收的字节数及总和传输字节数,以便回调函数调用,默认为None.
import paramiko # 与服务器创建ssh连接,transport方法建立通道,以元组的方式歇服务器信息 ssh_conn = paramiko.Transport(('', 22)) ssh_conn.connect(username='root', password='xxx') # 创建连接后,使用SFTPClient类和from_transport(括号里写上边创建的Transport通道)基于上边ssh连接创建一个sftp连接,定义成ftp_client变量后边方便引用 ftp_client = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_conn) # 下载文件 # ftp_client.get("远程服务器上的目标文件", "本地主机上的保存位置(需要具体到文件名)") ftp_client.get("/etc/fstab", r"C:\Users\Administrator.USER-CH3G0KO3MG\Desktop\test\fstab") # 上传文件 # ftp_client.put("本地主机上的文件位置", r"保存至远程服务器上的具体位置(需要具体到文件名)") ftp_client.put(r"C:\Users\Administrator.USER-CH3G0KO3MG\Desktop\test\fstab", "/etc/fstab") # 关闭ssh连接 ssh_conn.close()
import paramiko private_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file('/tmp/id_rsa') transport = paramiko.Transport(('', 22)) transport.connect(username='root', pkey=private_key) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) # 将 上传至服务器 /tmp/ sftp.put('/tmp/id_rsa', '/tmp/a.txt') # 将remove_path 下载到本地 local_path sftp.get('remove_path', 'local_path') transport.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import paramiko import uuid def create_file(): file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('sb') return file_name class Haproxy(object): def __init__(self): = '' self.port = 22 self.username = 'root' self.pwd = '123' self.__k = None def run(self): self.connect() self.upload() self.rename() self.close() def connect(self): transport = paramiko.Transport((, self.port)) transport.connect(username=self.username, password=self.pwd) self.__transport = transport def close(self): self.__transport.close() def upload(self): # 连接,上传 file_name = create_file() sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self.__transport) # 将 上传至服务器 /tmp/ sftp.put(file_name, '/home/root/') def rename(self): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh._transport = self.__transport # 执行命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('mv /home/root/ /home/root/') # 获取命令结果 result = return result.decode('utf-8') ha = Haproxy()
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