



select top 5 * from book_info --显示前5行数据
select top 30 percent * from book_info --显示前30%行数据 [percent]:结果行集的百分比


select distinct publishName from book_info --[distinct]:消除重复数据



select name,STR(stocknum,3,2)+'' from book_info --STR(表达式数,长度,小数点)(+)连接符


SQL Server 2008 R2提供了14个聚合函数,常用函数如下:

select count(*) as '记录',
sum(price) as '总和',
avg(price) as '平均值',
max(price) as '最大值',
min(price) as '最小值'
from book_info


select * from book_info where publishName=3--等于
select * from book_info where publishName<>3--不等于
select * from book_info where price>40--大于

select * from book_info where publishName=3 and price>40 and not(style=1471)

--范围运算符:between 开始 and 结束
select * from book_info where price between 40 and 50 --价格在40到50之间
select * from book_info where publishDate between '2012-01-01' and '2013-12-31' --出版时间在2012年到2013年

select * from book_info where name like '%系统%'

select * from book_info where author in ('曹忠明','王伟平')

select * from book_info where introduction is null --介绍为空值

6、group by分组统计查询

--group by分组统计查询
select publishName,count(*) from book_info group by publishName

 7、having子句限定查询(对group by统计后结果进行筛选,用法与where一样,但where不能出现在group by后面)

select publishName,count(*) from book_info group by publishName having COUNT(*)<3

8、order by排序查询,无法对varchar(max)使用

--asc:升序(默认) desc:降序
select * from book_info order by price desc --价格从高到底
select * from book_info order by publishName asc,price desc --先排序出版社在价格从高到底

9、内连接:inner join

select * from book_info inner join sys_code on publishName=sys_code.type_bm where sys_code.type=9


--left join显示“left join”左边表所有数据,如果在“left join”右边找不到,相应列为null值
select * from book_info left outer join sys_code on publishName=sys_code.type_bm where sys_code.type=9
--right join显示“right join”右边表所有数据,如果在“right join”左边表找不到,相应列为null值
select * from book_info right outer join sys_code on publishName=sys_code.type_bm where sys_code.type=9
--right join显示“full outer join”左右边表所有数据,如果找不到,相应列为null值
select * from book_info full outer join sys_code on publishName=sys_code.type_bm where sys_code.type=9

11、多表连接:from table1 join table2 on 连接表达式 join table2 on 连接表达式

select * from book_info b 
join sys_code s on b.publishName=s.type_bm 
join book_type t on b.style=t.id 
where s.type=9


select * from sys_code 
where type=9 and --查询出版社
type_bm in (select style from book_info)--图书信息里已有的出版社


select * from sys_code where type=9 and type_bm>=all(select style from book_info)
select * from sys_code where type=9 and type_bm=any(select style from book_info)



select * from book_info where author='王伟平'
union --并运算,不包括重复   --union all并运算,包括重复
select * from book_info where author='向忠宏'



select * from borrow where Bid in (select Bid from borrow group by Bid having COUNT(1)>=2)


select REPLACE(CusID,SUBSTRING(CusID,4, 4),'****') from Ord_Comment--手机号码处理


@GPSLng DECIMAL(12,6)=106.661443,  
@GPSLat DECIMAL(12,6)=26.728694,  
@Lng  DECIMAL(12,6)=106.661518,
@Lat DECIMAL(12,6)=26.720831

SELECT 6378137.0*ACOS(SIN(@GPSLat/180*PI())*SIN(@Lat/180*PI())+COS(@GPSLat/180*PI())*COS(@Lat/180*PI())*COS((@GPSLng-@Lng)/180*PI())) 


posted @ 2015-11-17 21:23  hllive  阅读(412)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报