由于类型的特殊性,对于sqlserver 2000的image字段的读取和写入操作通常会给人带来一些麻烦。应急的时候,我们并不想去重新写代码来操作数据。因此大多数情况下人们会使用textcopy这个工具(老早老早以前有人说可以用存储过程,实际上存储过程中最终也是调用的textcopy)。由于没有gui(提示符下),一些初学这可能会有些困惑。前两天就遇到一个,因此现在在将这个古老的小问题拿出来聊两句,呵呵。
说实话,也不想多说。运行->cmd->进入提示符下然后cd进入'disc:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn>'目录敲入textcopy,跟着提示一步一步操作就行了。不明白的地方看下边;)
说实话,也不想多说。运行->cmd->进入提示符下然后cd进入'disc:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn>'目录敲入textcopy,跟着提示一步一步操作就行了。不明白的地方看下边;)
1 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn>textcopy
2 TEXTCOPY Version 1.0
3 DB-Library version 8.00.194
4 Type the SQL Server to connect to: 220.**.**.*
5 Type your login: sa
6 Type your password: sa
7 Type the database: Product
8 Type the table: Image
9 Type the text or image column: data
10 Type the where clause: where id=16
11 Type the file: c:\abc.gif
12 Type the direction ('I' for in, 'O' for out):I
13 Data copied into SQL Server image column from file 'c:\abc.gif'.
下载:2 TEXTCOPY Version 1.0
3 DB-Library version 8.00.194
4 Type the SQL Server to connect to: 220.**.**.*
5 Type your login: sa
6 Type your password: sa
7 Type the database: Product
8 Type the table: Image
9 Type the text or image column: data
10 Type the where clause: where id=16
11 Type the file: c:\abc.gif
12 Type the direction ('I' for in, 'O' for out):I
13 Data copied into SQL Server image column from file 'c:\abc.gif'.
1 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn>textcopy
2 TEXTCOPY Version 1.0
3 DB-Library version 8.00.194
4 Type the SQL Server to connect to: 220.**.**.*
5 Type your login: sa
6 Type your password: sa
7 Type the database: Product
8 Type the table: Image
9 Type the text or image column: data
10 Type the where clause: where id=16
11 Type the file: c:\abc.gif
12 Type the direction ('I' for in, 'O' for out): O
13 Data copied out of SQL Server image column into file 'c:\abc.gif'..
2 TEXTCOPY Version 1.0
3 DB-Library version 8.00.194
4 Type the SQL Server to connect to: 220.**.**.*
5 Type your login: sa
6 Type your password: sa
7 Type the database: Product
8 Type the table: Image
9 Type the text or image column: data
10 Type the where clause: where id=16
11 Type the file: c:\abc.gif
12 Type the direction ('I' for in, 'O' for out): O
13 Data copied out of SQL Server image column into file 'c:\abc.gif'..