1 | [root@centos7 ~]# yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ cmake bison bison-devel zlib-devel libcurl-deel libarchivve-devel boost-devel ncurses-devel gnutls-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel libevent-devel libaio-devel perl-Data-Dumper |
1 | [root@centos7 ~]# useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin -d /data/mysql mysql #-r 创建一个系统帐户 -s 指定登录的SHELL解释器 -d 指定家目录 |
1 2 | [root@centos7 ~]# mkdir /data/mysql [root@centos7 ~]# chown mysql.mysql /data/mysql |
[root@centos7 ~]#tar xvf mysql-boost-5.7.30.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
[root@centos7 ~]#tar xvf boost_1_59_0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | [root@centos7 ~]#cd /usr/local/src/mysql-5.7.30/ [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#pwd /usr/local/src/mysql-5.7.30 [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#cmake . \ > -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/apps/mysql \ > -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/data/mysql/ \ > -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc/ \ > -DMYSQL_USER=mysql \ > -DWITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \ > -DWITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \ > -DWITH_BLACKHOLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \ > -DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \ > -DWITHOUT_MROONGA_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \ > -DWITH_DEBUG=0 \ > -DWITH_READLINE=1 \ > -DWITH_SSL=system \ > -DWITH_ZLIB=system \ > -DWITH_LIBWRAP=0 \ > -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1 \ > -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/data/mysql/mysql.sock \ > -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 \ > -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci \ > -DDOWNLOAD_BOOST=1 \ > -DWITH_BOOST=/usr/local/src/boost_1_59_0 [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#make && make install |
1 2 | [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#echo 'PATH=/apps/mysql/bin:$PATH' >/etc/profile.d/mysql.sh [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#. /etc/profile.d/mysql.sh |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | [root@centos7 mysql-5.7.30]#cd /apps/mysql/ [root@centos7 mysql]#pwd /apps/mysql [root@centos7 mysql]#vim /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] explicit_defaults_for_timestamp= true datadir=/data/mysql/ basedir=/apps/mysql/bin/mysql/ port=3306 pid-file=/data/mysql/mysql.pid socket=/data/mysql/mysql.socket symbolic-links=0 character_set_server=utf8 user=mysql [mysqld_safe] log-error=/data/mysql/mysql.log [client] port=3306 socket=/data/mysql/mysql.socket default -character- set =utf8 |
1 | [root@centos7 mysql]#bin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --datadir=/data/mysql/ --user=mysql |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | [root@centos7 mysql]#cp /apps/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld [root@centos7 mysql]#chkconfig --add mysqld [root@centos7 mysql]#systemctl start mysqld [root@centos7 mysql]#ss -ntl State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port LISTEN 0 128 *:22 *:* LISTEN 0 100 *:* LISTEN 0 128 [::]:22 [::]:* LISTEN 0 100 [::1]:25 [::]:* LISTEN 0 80 [::]:3306 [::]:* |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | [root@centos7 mysql]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 2 Server version: 5.7.30 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> status -------------- mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.30, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper Connection id: 2 Current database: Current user: root@localhost SSL: Not in use Current pager: stdout Using outfile: '' Using delimiter: ; Server version: 5.7.30 Source distribution Protocol version: 10 Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket Server characterset: utf8 Db characterset: utf8 Client characterset: utf8 Conn. characterset: utf8 UNIX socket: /data/mysql/mysql.socket Uptime: 15 min 17 sec Threads: 1 Questions: 5 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 105 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 98 Queries per second avg: 0.005 -------------- mysql> alter user root@ 'localhost' identified by 'MySQL@2022.' ; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> exit Bye |
1 | yum -y install libaio numactl-libs |
1 2 | groupadd mysql useradd -r -g mysql -s /bin/ false mysql |
1 2 3 4 5 | wget http: //mirrors.163.com/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.35-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz tar xvf mysql-5.7.35-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local cd /usr/local/ ln -s mysql-5.7.35-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/ mysql chown -R root.root /usr/local/mysql/ |
1 2 | echo 'PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/mysql.sh . /etc/profile.d/mysql.sh |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | cp /etc/my.cnf{,.bak} vim /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] datadir=/data/mysql skip_name_resolve=1 socket=/data/mysql/mysql.sock log-error=/data/mysql/mysql.log pid-file=/data/mysql/mysql.pid [client] socket=/data/mysql/mysql.sock |
6、初始化数据库文件并提取root密码,生成 root 空密码
1 | mysqld --initialize-insecure --user=mysql --datadir=/data/mysql |
1 2 3 | cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld chkconfig --add mysqld service mysqld start |
1 | mysqladmin -uroot password MySQL@2022. |
1 | mysql -uroot -pMySQL@2022. |
1 | [root@centos7 ~]#yum -y install libaio numactl-libs |
1 2 | [root@centos7 ~]#groupadd mysql [root@centos7 ~]#useradd -r -g mysql -s /bin/ false mysql |
1 2 3 4 | [root@centos7 ~]#tar xfv mariadb-10.4.22-linux-glibc_214-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local [root@centos7 ~]#cd /usr/local/ [root@centos7 local]#ln -s mariadb-10.4.22-linux-glibc_214-x86_64 mysql [root@centos7 local]#chown -R root.root /usr/local/mysql/ |
1 2 | [root@centos7 local]#echo 'PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/mysql.sh [root@centos7 local]#. /etc/profile.d/mysql.sh |
1 2 3 | [root@centos7 local]#mkdir /data/mysql -pv mkdir: created directory ‘/data/mysql’ [root@centos7 local]#chown -R mysql:mysql /data/mysql/ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | [root@centos7 local]#cd /usr/local/mysql/ [root@centos7 mysql]#cp /etc/my.cnf{,.bak} [root@centos7 mysql]#vim /etc/my.cnf [root@centos7 mysql]#cat /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] #datadir=/var/lib/mysql datadir=/data/mysql socket=/ var /lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 # Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used. # If you need to run mysqld under a different user or group, # customize your systemd unit file for mariadb according to the # instructions in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd [mysqld_safe] #log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log log-error=/data/mysql/mysql.log pid-file=/ var /run/mariadb/mariadb.pid # # include all files from the config directory # !includedir /etc/my.cnf.d |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | [root@centos7 mysql]#mkdir / var /lib/mysql [root@centos7 mysql]#chown -R mysql:mysql / var /lib/mysql/ [root@centos7 mysql]#touch / var /lib/mysql/mysql.sock [root@centos7 mysql]#ll / var /lib/mysql total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:00 mysql.sock [root@centos7 mysql]#chmod guo+wr / var /lib/mysql/mysql.sock [root@centos7 mysql]#ll / var /lib/mysql total 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:00 mysql.sock [root@centos7 mysql]#touch /data/mysql/mysql.log [root@centos7 mysql]#ll /data/mysql/ total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:18 mysql.log [root@centos7 mysql]#chmod guo+rw /data/mysql/mysql.log [root@centos7 mysql]#ll /data/mysql/mysql.log -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:18 /data/mysql/mysql.log [root@centos7 mysql]#mkdir / var /run/mariadb [root@centos7 mysql]#chown -R mysql:mysql / var /run/mariadb/ [root@centos7 mysql]#touch / var /run/mariadb/mariadb.pid [root@centos7 mysql]#ll / var /run/mariadb/ total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:32 mariadb.pid [root@centos7 mysql]#chmod guo+rw / var /run/mariadb/mariadb.pid [root@centos7 mysql]#ll / var /run/mariadb/ total 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Feb 1 13:32 mariadb.pid |
8、初始化数据库文件并生成 root 空密码
1 | [root@centos7 mysql]#./scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --datadir=/data/mysql |
1 | [root@centos7 mysql]#./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql --datadir=/data/mysql & |
1 | [root@centos7 mysql]#cd ./mysql-test ; perl mysql-test-run.pl |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | [root@centos7 mysql]#cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld [root@centos7 mysql]#chkconfig --add mysqld [root@centos7 mysql]#chkconfig --list mysqld Note: This output shows SysV services only and does not include native systemd services. SysV configuration data might be overridden by native systemd configuration. If you want to list systemd services use 'systemctl list-unit-files' . To see services enabled on particular target use 'systemctl list-dependencies [target]' . mysqld 0:off 1:off 2: on 3: on 4: on 5: on 6:off [root@centos7 mysql]#systemctl start mysqld.service |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | [root@centos7 mysql]#ln -s / var /lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock [root@centos7 mysql]#./bin/mysql -uroot -p MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql; MariaDB [mysql]> select user,host,password from user; MariaDB [mysql]> SELECT VERSION(); +-----------------+ | VERSION() | +-----------------+ | 10.4.22-MariaDB | +-----------------+ MariaDB [mysql]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY "MySQL@2022." ; MariaDB [mysql]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; MariaDB [mysql]> Bye [root@centos7 mysql]# |
1 | [root@centos7 mysql]#mysql -uroot -pMySQL@2022. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | [root@centos7 mysql]#mysql_secure_installation NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MariaDB SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY! In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and haven't set the root password yet, you should just press enter here. Enter current password for root (enter for none): #输入root用户的当前密码 OK, successfully used password, moving on ... Setting the root password or using the unix_socket ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation. You already have your root account protected , so you can safely answer 'n' . Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] n #root帐户已受保护,回答“n” ... skipping. You already have your root account protected , so you can safely answer 'n' . Change the root password? [Y/n] n #已经设置好密码了,不用改,回答“n” ... skipping. By default , a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y #删除匿名用户,回答“y” ... Success! Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost' . This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y #不允许root用户远程登录,回答“y” ... Success! By default , MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove database and access to it? [Y/n] y #删除test数据库,回答“y” - Dropping test database... ... Success! - Removing privileges on test database... ... Success! Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y #重新加载特权表,回答“y” ... Success! Cleaning up... All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB installation should now be secure. Thanks for using MariaDB! |
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