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----在下面的代码中演示如何在修改表(表已经创建完毕)时给字段设置约束;需要使用alter table语句(作用:修改表的结构)
create table student
stuid int,
stuname varchar(20),
stuage int,
stuaddress varchar(50),
stucardid varchar(20)
create table marks
examno varchar(20),
stuid int,
writtenExam float,
labExam float

alter table student add stuphone varchar(20)
alter table student drop column stuphone

alter table student alter column stuid int not null
alter table student add constraint pk_stuid primary key(stuid)
alter table student alter column stuname varchar(20) not null
alter table student add constraint chk_stuage check(stuage between 0 and 100)
alter table student add constraint df_stuaddress default('地址不详') for stuaddress
alter table student add constraint uq_stucardid unique(stucardid)

alter table marks alter column examno varchar(20) not null
alter table marks add constraint pk_examno primary key(examno)
alter table marks add constraint fk_stuid foreign key(stuid) references student(stuid)
alter table marks add constraint chk_writtenexam check(writtenexam>=0 and writtenexam<=100)
alter table marks add constraint chk_labexam check(labexam>=0 and labexam<=100)

select name from sys.all_objects where type = 'S' order by name

posted on 2015-04-27 16:52  Vanish.  阅读(539)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报