数学知识:Convex Optimization A
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Convex sets
- affine set
- convex set
- convex combination and convex hull
- convex cone
- hyperplane and half-sapces
- euclidean balls and ellipsoids
- norm balls and cones
- polyhedra
- positive semidefinite cone
- operations that preserve convexity
- intersection
- affine function
- perspective and linear-fractional function
- generalized inequalities
- minimum and minimal elements
- separating hyperplane thoerem
- supporting hyperplane theorem
- dual cones and generalized inequalities
- minimum and minimal elements via dual inequality
- Convex functions
- definition
- examples on \(\mathbf{R}\)
- example on \(\mathbf{R}^n\) and \(\mathbf{R}^{m\times n}\)
- restriction of a convex function to a line
- extended-value extension
- first-order condition
- second-order condition
- examples
- epigraph and sublevel set
- Jense's inequality
- operations that preserve convexity
- positive weighted sum & composition with affine function
- pointwise maximum
- pointwise supremum
- composition with scalar functions
- vector composition
- minimization
- perspective
- the conjugate function
- quasiconvex functions
- examples
- properties
- log-concave and log-convex functions
- properties of log-concave functions
- consequences of integration property
- convexity with respect to generalized inequalities
1. Introduction
- mathematical optimization
- least-squares and linear programing
- convex optimization
- example
- course goals and topics
- nonlinear optimization
- brief history of convex optimization
mathmetical optimization
optimization problem
- \(x=(x_1,...,x_n)\): optization variables
- \(f_0:R^n{\rightarrow}R\): objective function
- \(f_i:R^n{\rightarrow}R,~i=1,...,m\): constraint functions
optimal solution \(x^*\) has smallest value of \(f_0\) among all vectors that satisfy the constraints
portfolio optimization
- variables:amounts inveated in different assets
- constraints:budget,max./min. investment per asset, minimum return
- objective:overall risk or return variance
device sizing in eletronic circuits
- variables: device widths and lengths
- constraints: manufacturing limits, timing requirements, maximum area
- objective: power consumption
data fiting
- variables: model parameters
- constraints: prior information, parameter limits
- objective: measure of misfit or prediction error
solving optimization problems
general optimization problem
- very difficult to solve
- methods involve some compromise, e.g., very long computation time or not always finding the solution
examples: certain problem classes can be solved efficiently and reliably
- least-squares problems
- linaer programming problems
- convex optimization problems
solving least-square problems
- analytical solution: \(x^*=(A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb\)
- reliabe and efficient algorithems and software
- computation time proportional to \(n^2k(A{\in}R^{k×n})\); less if structured
- a mature technology
using least-squares
- least-squares problems are easy to recognize
- a few standard techniques increase flexibility(e.g., including weights, adding regularization terms)
linear programming problem
solving linear programs
- no analytical formula for solution
- reliable and efficient algorithms and software
- computation time proportional to \(n^2m\) if \(m{\ge}n\); less with structure
- a mature technology
using linaer programming
- not as easy as least-square problems
- a few standard tricks used to convert problems to linear programs(e.g., problems involving \(l_1\) or \(l_{\infty}\) norms, piecewise-linear functions)
convex optimization problem
- objective and constraint are convex:
if \({\alpha}+{\beta}=1, {\alpha}{\ge}0, {\beta}{\ge}0\)
- includes least-square problems and linaer program problems as special cases
solving convex optimization problem
- no analytic solution
- reliable and efficient algorithms
- consumption time proportional to \(max\{n^3, n^2m, nm^2, F\}\), where \(F\) is cost of evaluating \(f_i\)'s and their first and second derivatives
- almost a technology
using convex optimization
- often difficult to recognize
- many triks for transforming problems into convex form
- surprisingly many problems can be solved via convex optimization
\(m\) lamps illuminating \(n\)(small, flat) patches
intensity \(I_k\) at patch \(k\) depends linearly on lamp power \(p_j\):
problem: achieve desired illumination \(I_{des}\) with bounded lamp powers
- use uniform power: \(p_j=p\), vary \(p\)
- use least-squares:
round \(p_j\) if \(p_j>p_max\) or \(p_j<0\)
- use weighted least-squares:
iteratively adjust weights \(w_j\) until \(0 \le p_j \le p_{max}\)
- use linear programming:
which can be solved via linear programming
- use convex optimization: problem is equivalent to
with \(h(u)=max\{u,1/u\}\)
\(f_0\) is convex because maximum of convex functions is convex
additional constraints:
Does add 1 or 2 below complecate the problem?
- no more than 50% total power is in 10 lamps
- no more than half of lamps are on (\(p_j>0\))
- answer: whit (1), still easy to solve; whit (2), extremely difficult
- moral: (untrained) intuition doesn't always work; whitout the proper background very easy problems can appear quite similiar to very difficult
course goals and topics
- recognize/formulate problems (such as illumination problem) as convex optimization problems
- develop code for problems of moderate size (1000 lamps, 5000 patchs)
- characterize optimal solutin (optimal power distribution), give limits of performace, etc.
- convex sets, functions, optimization problems
- examples and applications
- algorithms
nonlinear optimization
2. Convex sets
- affine and convex sets
- some important example
- operations that preserve convexity
- genaralized inequalities
- separating and supporting hyperplanes
- dual cones and generalied inequalized
affine set
line through \(x_1, x_2\): all points
affine set: contains the line through any two distinct points in the set
example: soultion set of linear equation \(\{x|Ax=b\}\)
(conversely, every affine set can be expressed as solution set of system of linear equations)
convex set
line segment between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\): all points
with \(0\le\theta\le1\)
convex set: contains any line segment between two points in the set
convex combination and convex hull
convex combination of \(x_1,x_2,...,x_k\): any point \(x\) of the form
with \(\theta_1+...+\theta_k=1,\theta_k\ge0\)
convex hull conv \(S\):set of all convex combination of points in \(S\)
convex cone
conic (nonnegative) combination of \(x_1\) and \(x_2\): any point of the form
with \(\theta_1\ge0,\theta_2\ge0\)
convex cone: set that contains all conic combinations of points in the set
hyperplane and half-sapces
hyperplane: set of the form \(\{x|a^Tx=b\}(a\ne0)\)
halfspace: set of the form \(\{x|a^Tx\le b\}(a\ne0)\)
- \(a\) is the normal vector
- hyperplanes are affine and convex; halfspaces are convex
euclidean balls and ellipsoids
(euclipsoid) ball with center \(x_c\) and radius \(r\):
ellipsoid: set of the form
with \(P\in S_{++}^n\) (\(i.e., P\) symmetic positive definite matrix)
other representation: \(\{x_c+Ax\vert \Vert u\Vert_2\le1\}\) with \(A\) suqare and nonsigular
norm balls and cones
norm: a function \(\Vert\cdot\Vert\) that satisfis
- \(\Vert x\Vert\ge0;~\Vert x\Vert=0\) if and only if \(x=0\)
- \(\Vert tx\Vert=\vert t\vert~\Vert x\Vert\) for \(t\in R\)
- \(\Vert x+y\Vert\le\Vert x\Vert+\Vert y\Vert\)
notation:\(\Vert\cdot\Vert\) is general (unspecified) norm; \(\Vert\cdot\Vert_{symb}\) is particular norm
norm ball with center \(x_c\) and radius \(r:~\{x\vert~\Vert x-x_c\Vert\le r\}\)
norm cone: \(\{(x,t)\vert~\Vert x\Vert\le t\}\)
euclidean norm cone is called second-order cone;
norm balls and cones are convex
solution set of finitely many linear inequalities and equalities
(\(A\in R^{m\times n},~C\in R^{p\times n},~\preceq\) is componentwise inequality)
polyhedron is intersection of finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes
positive semidefinite cone
- \(S^n\) is set of symmetric \(n\times n\) matrices
- \(S_+^n=\{X\in S^n\vert X\succeq0\}:\) positive semidefinite \(n\times n\) matices
\(S_+^n\) is a convex cone
- \(S_{++}^n=\{X\in S^n\vert X\succ0\}:\) positive definite \(n\times n\) matrices
example: \(\left[\begin{array}{} x & y \\ y & z\end{array}\right]\in S_+^2\)
operations that preserve convexity
practical methods to establishing convexity of a set \(C\)
- apply definition
- show that \(C\) is obtained from simple convex sets (hyperplanes, halfspaces, norm balls, ...) by operations that preserve convexity
- intersection
- affine function
- perspective function
- linear-fractional function
the intersection of (any number of) convex sets is convex
where \(p(t)=x_1\cos t+x_2\cos 2t+...+x_m\cos mt\)
affine function
suppose \(f~:~R^n\rightarrow R^m\) is affine (\(f(x)=Ax+b~with~A\in R^{m\times n},~b\in R^m\))
- the image of a convex set under \(f\) is convex
- the inverse image \(f^{-1}(C)\) of a convex set under \(f\) is convex
- scaling, translationg, projection
- solution set of linear matrix inequality \(\{x\vert x_1A_1+...+x_mA_m\preceq B\}\) (with \(A_i,B\in S^p\))
- hyperbolic cone \(\{x\vert x^TPx\le(c^Tx)^2, c^Tx\ge0\}\) (with \(P\in S^n_{\perp}\))
perspective and linear-fractional function
perspective function \(P:R^{n+1}\rightarrow R^n\):
images and inverse images of convex sets under perspective are convex
linear-fractional function \(f:R^n\rightarrow R^m\):
images and inverse images of convex sets under linear-fractional functions are convex
example of a linear-fractional function
generalized inequalities
a convex cone \(K\subseteq R^n\) is a proper cone if
- \(K\) is closed (contains its boundary)
- \(K\) is solid (has nonempty interior)
- \(K\) is pointed (contains no line)
- nonnegtive orthant \(K=R_+^n=\{x\in R_n\vert x_i\ge0,i=1,...,n\}\)
- positive semidefinite cone \(K=S_+^n\)
- nonnegtive polynomials on \([0,1]\):
generalized inequality defined by a proper cone \(K\):
- componentwise inequality (\(K=R_+^n\))
- martrix ineqaulity (\(K=S_+^n\))
these two types are so common that we drop the subscript in \(\preceq_{K}\)
properties: many properties of \(\preceq_{K}\) are much similar to \(\le\) on \(R\), \(e.g.\),
minimum and minimal elements
\(\preceq_{K}\) is not in general a linear ordering: we can have \(x\npreceq_{K}y\) and \(y\npreceq_{K}x\)
\(x\in S\) is the minimum element of \(S\) with respect to \(\preceq_{K}\) if
\(x\in S\) is a minimal element of \(S\) with respect of \(\preceq_{K}\) if
example (\(K=R_+^2\))
\(x_1\) is the minimum element of \(S_1\)
\(x_2\) is a minimal elementof \(S_2\)
separating hyperplane thoerem
if \(C\) and \(D\) are disjoint convex sets, then there exists \(a\ne0,b\) such that
the hyperplane \(\{x\vert a^Tx=b\}\) separates \(C\) and \(D\)
strict separation requires additional assuptions (\(e.g.\), \(C\) is closed, \(D\) is a singleton)
supporting hyperplane theorem
supporting hyperplane to set \(C\) at boundary point \(x_0\):
where \(a\ne0\) and \(a^Tx\le a^Tx_0\) for all \(x\in C\)
supporting hyperplane theorem: if \(C\) is convex, then there exists a supporting hyperplane at every boundary point of \(C\)
dual cones and generalized inequalities
dual cone of a cone \(K\):
- \(K=R_+^n:~K^*=R_+^n\)
- \(K=S_+^n:~K^*=S_+^n\)
- \(K=\{(x,t)~\vert~\Vert x\Vert_2\le t\}:~K^*=\{(x,t)~\vert~\Vert x\Vert_2\le t\}\)
- \(K=\{(x,t)~\vert~\Vert x\Vert_1\le t\}:~K^*=\{(x,t)~\vert~\Vert x\Vert_{\infty}\le t\}\)
first three examples are self-dual cones
dual cones of paper cones are proper, hence define generalized inequalities:
minimum and minimal elements via dual inequality
minimum element w.r.t. \(\preceq_{K}\)
\(x\) is minimum element of \(S\) if for all \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\), \(x\) is the unique minimizer of \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(S\)
minimal element w.r.t. \(\preceq_{K}\)
- if \(x\) minimizes \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(S\) for some \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\), then \(x\) is minimal
- if \(x\) is a minimal element of a convex set \(S\), then there exists a nonzero \(\lambda\succeq_{K^*}0\) such that \(x\) minimizes \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(S\)
optimal production frontier
- different production methods use different amounts of resources \(x\in R^n\)
- production set \(P\): resource vectors \(x\) for all possibel production methods
- efficient (Pareto optimal) methods correspond to resource vectors \(x\) that are minimal w.r.t. \(R_+^n\)
example (\(n=2\))
\(x_1,x_2,x_3\) are efficient; \(x_4,x_5\) are not
Convex functions
- basic properties and examples
- oerations that preserve convexity
- the conjugation function
- quasiconvex functions
- log-concave and log-convex functions
- convexity with respect to generalized inequality
\(f~:~R^n\rightarrow R\) is convex if dom \(f\) is a convex set and
for all \(x,y\in\) dom \(f,~0\le\theta\le 1\)
- \(f\) is concave if \(-f\) is convex
- \(f\) is strictly convex if dom \(f\) is convex and
for \(x,y\in\) dom \(f,~x\ne y,~0<\theta<1\)
examples on \(\mathbf{R}\)
- affine: \(ax+b\) on \(\mathbf{R}\), for any \(a,b\in\mathbf{R}\)
- exponential: \(e^{ax}\), for any \(a\in\mathbf{R}\)
- powers: \(x^\alpha\) on \(\mathbf{R}_{++}\), for \(\alpha\ge1\) or \(\alpha\le0\)
- powers of absolute value: \(\vert x\vert^p\) on \(\mathbf{R}\), for \(p\ge1\)
- negative entropy: \(x\log x\) on \(\mathbf{R}_{++}\)
- affine: \(ax+b\) on \(\mathbf{R}\), for any \(a,b\in\mathbf{R}\)
- powers: \(x^\alpha\) on \(\mathbf{R}_{++}\), for \(0\le\alpha\le1\)
- logarithm: \(\log x\) on \(\mathbf{R}_{++}\)
example on \(\mathbf{R}^n\) and \(\mathbf{R}^{m\times n}\)
affine functions are convex; all norms are convex
example on \(\mathbf{R}^n\)
- affine function \(f{x}=a^Tx+b\)
- norms: \(\Vert x\Vert_p=(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\vert x_i\vert^p)^{1/p}\) for \(p\ge1;~\Vert x\Vert_\infty = \max_k\vert x_k\vert\)
example on \(\mathbf{R}^{m\times n}\) (\(m\times n\) matrices) - affine function
- spectral (maximum singular value) norm
restriction of a convex function to a line
\(f:\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\) is convexif and only if the function \(g:\mathbf{R}\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\),
is convex (int \(t\)) for any \(x\in dom~f,~v\in\mathbf{R}^n\)
can check convexity of F by checking convexity of functions of one variable
example: \(f:\mathbf{S}^n\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\) with \(f(X)=\log\det X,~dom~f=\mathbf{S}_{++}^n\)
where \(\lambda_i\) are the eigenvalues of \(X^{-1/2}VX^{-1/2}\)
\(g\) is concave in \(t\) (for any choice of \(X\succ0,V\)); hence \(f\) is concave
extended-value extension
(extended value extension: 拓展值延伸)
extended-value extension \(\tilde{f}\) of \(f\) is
often simplifies notation; for example, the condition
(as an inequality in \(\mathbf{R}\cup\{\infty\}\)), means the same as the two conditions
- \(dom~f\) is convex
- for \(x,y\in dom~f\),
first-order condition
\(f\) is differentiable if dom f is open and the gradient
exists at each \(x\in dom~f\)
1st-order condition: differentiable \(f\) with convex domain is convex if
first-order approximation of \(f\) is global underestimator
second-order condition
\(f\) is twice differentiable if dom f is open and the Hessian \(\nabla^2f(x)\in\mathbf{S}^n\),
exists at each \(x\in dom~f\)
2nd-order conditions: for twice differentiable \(f\) with convex domain
- \(f\) is convex if and only if
- if \(\nabla^2f(x)\succ0~\) for all \(x\in dom~f\), then \(f\) is strictly convex
quadratic function: \(f(x)=(1/2)x^TPx+q^Tx+r\) (with \(P\in\mathbf{S}^n\))
convex if \(P\succeq0\)
least-suqares objective: \(f(x)=\Vert Ax-b\Vert_2^2\)
convex (for any A)
quadratic-over-linear: \(f(x,y)=x^2/y\)
convex for \(y>0\)
log-sum-exp \(f(x)=\log\sum\limits_{k=1}^n\exp x_k\) is convex
to show \(\nabla^2f(z)\succeq0\), we must werify that \(v^T\nabla^2f(x)v\ge0\) for all \(v\):
since (\((\sum_kv_kz_k)^2\le(\sum_kz_kv_k^2)(\sum_kz_k)\)) (from Cauchy-Schwarz inequality)
geometric mean: \(f(x)=(\prod_{k=1}^nx_k)^{1/n}\) on \(\mathbf{R}_{++}^n\) is concave (similar proof as for log-sum-exp)
epigraph and sublevel set
(epigraph:上境图;sublevel set:下水平集)
\(\alpha\)-sublevel set of \(f:\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\):
sublevel sets of convex functions are convex (converse is false)
epigraph of \(f:\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\):
\(f\) is convex if and only if \(epi~f\) is a convex set
Jense's inequality
basic inequality: if \(f\) is convex, then for \(0\le\theta\le1\),
extension: if \(f\) is convex, then
for any random variable \(z\)
basic inequality is special case with discrete distribution
operations that preserve convexity
practical methods for establishing convexity of a function
- verify definition (often simplified restricting to a line<1>)
- for twice differentiable function, show \(\nabla^2f(x)\succeq0\)
- show that \(f\) is obtainted form simple convex functions by operation that preserve convexity
- nonnegative weighted sum
- composition with affine function
- pointwise maximum or supremum
- composition
- minimization
- perspective
<1>: Generally we know that a function is convex it is convex even after we restrict it to a line. "Restricting a function to a line" simply means that you draw a line in the domain of that function and evaluate the function along that line.
positive weighted sum & composition with affine function
nonnegative multipe: \(\alpha f\) is convex if \(f\) is convex, \(\alpha \ge 0\)
sum: \(f_1+f_2\) convex if \(f_1,~f_2\) convex (extends to infinite sums and integrals)
composition with affine function: \(f(Ax+b)\) is convex if \(f\) is convex
- log barrier for linear inequalities
- (any) norm of affine function: \(f(x) = \Vert Ax+b\Vert\)
pointwise maximum
if \(f_1,...,f_m\) is convex, then \(f(x)=max\{f_1(x),...,f_m(x)\}\) is convex
- piecewisw-linear function: \(f(x)=\max\limits_{i=1,...,m}(a_i^Tx+b_i)\)
- sum of \(r\) largest components of \(x\in\mathbf{R}^n\):
is convex (\(x_{[i]}\) is \(i\)th largest component of \(x\))
pointwise supremum
if \(f(x,y)\) is convex in \(x\) for each \(y\in\mathcal{A}\), then
is convex
support function of a set \(C:S_C(x)=\sup_{y\in C}y^Tx\) is convex
distance to farthest point in a set \(C\):
- maximun eigenvalue of symmetric matrix: for \(X\in\bf{S}^n\),
composition with scalar functions
composition of \(g:\bf{R}^n\rightarrow\bf{R}\) and \(h:\bf{R}\rightarrow\bf{R}\):
\(f\) is convex if:
\(g\) convex, \(h\) convex, \(\tilde{h}\) nondecreasing;
\(g\) convave, \(h\) convex, \(\tilde{h}\) nonincreasing
- proof (for \(n=1\), differentiable \(g,h\))
- note: monotonicity must hold for extended-value extension \(\tilde{h}\)
- \(\exp g(x)\) is convex if \(g\) is convex
- \(1/g(x)\) is convex if \(g\) is concave and positive
vector composition
composition of \(g:\bf{R}^n\rightarrow\bf{R}^k\) and \(h:\bf{R}^k\rightarrow\bf{R}\):
\(f\) is convex if
\(g_i\) convex, \(h\) convex, \(\tilde{h}\) nondecreasing in each argument
\(g_i\) concave, \(h\) convex, \(\tilde{h}\) nonincreasing in each argument
proof (for \(n=1\), differentiable \(g,h\))
- \(\sum_{i=1}^m\log g_i(x)\) is concave if \(g_i\) are concave and positive
- \(\log\sum_{i=1}^m\exp g_i(x)\) is convex if \(g_i\) is covex
(infimum: 下界;Schur complement(舒尔补):https://blog.csdn.net/sheagu/article/details/115771184)
if \(f(x,y)\) is convex in \((x,y)\) and \(C\) is a convex set, then
is convex
- \(f(x,y)=x^TAx+2x^TBy+y^TCy\) with
minimizing over \(y\) gives \(g(x)=\inf_yf(x,y)=x^T(A-BC^{-1}B^T)x\) \(g\) is convex, hence Schur complement \(A-BC^{-1}B^T\succeq0\)
-distance to a set: \(dist(x,S)=\inf\limits_{y\in S}\Vert x-y\Vert\) is convex if \(S\) is convex
the perspective of a function \(f:\bf{R}^n\rightarrow\bf{R}\) is the function \(g:\bf{R}^n\times\bf{R}\rightarrow\bf{R}\),??有问题!
\(g\) is convex if \(f\) is convex
- \(f(x)=x^Tx\) is convex; hence \(g(x,t)=x^Tx/t\) is convex for \(t>0\)
- negative logrithm \(f(x)=-\log x\) is convex; hence relative entropy \(g(x,t)=t\log t-t\log x\) is convex on \(\bf{R}_{++}^2\)
- if \(f\) is convex, then
is convex on \({x\vert c^Tx+d>0, (Ax+b)/(c^Tx+d)\in dom~f}\)
the conjugate function
the conjugate of a function \(f\) is
- \(f^*\) is convex (even if \(f\) is not)
- will be useful in chapter 5
- negative logarithm \(f(x)=-\log x\)
- strictly convex quadratic \(f(x)=(1/2)x^TQx\) with \(Q\in\bf{S}_{++}^n\)
quasiconvex functions
\(f:\bf{R}^n\rightarrow\bf{R}\) is quasiconvex if \(dom~f\) is convex and the sublevel sets
are convex for all \(\alpha\)
- \(f\) is quasiconcave if \(-f\) is quasiconvex
- \(f\) is quasilinear if it is quasiconvex and quasiconcave
- \(\sqrt{\vert x\vert}\) is convex on \(\bf{R}\)
- ceil\((x)=\inf\{z\in\bf(Z)\vert z\ge x\}\) is quasilinear
- \(\log x\) is quasilinear on \(\bf{R}_{++}\)
- \(f(x_1,x_2)=x_1x_2\) is quasicave on \(\bf{R}_{++}^2\)
- linear-fractional function
is quasilinaer
- distance ratio
is quasiconvex
internal rate of return
modified Jeson inequality: for quasiconvex \(f\)
first-order condition: differentiable \(f\) with convex domain is quasiconvex if
sums of quasiconvex functions are not necessarily quasiconvex
log-concave and log-convex functions
a positive function \(f\) is log-concave if \(\log f\) is concave:
\(f\) is log-covex if \(\log f is convex\)
- powers: \(x^a\) on \(\bf{R}_{++}\) is log-convex for \(a\le0\),log-convave for \(a\ge0\)
- many common probability densities are log-concave, \(e.g.\), normal:
- cumulative Gaussian distribution function \(\Phi\) is log-cocave
properties of log-concave functions
- twice differentiable \(f\) with convex domain is log-concave if and only if
for all \(x\in dom~f\)
- product of log-concave functions is log-concave
- sum of log-concave is not always log-concave
- integration:if \(f:\bf{R}^n\times\bf{R}^m\rightarrow\bf{R}\) is log-concave, then
is log-concave (not easy to show)
consequences of integration property
- convolution \(f*g\) of log-concave functions \(f,g\) is log-concave
- if \(C\subseteq \bf{R}^n\) concex and \(y\) is a random variable with log-concave pdf then
is log-concave
proof: write \(f(x)\) as integral of product of log-concave functions
\(p\) is pdf of \(y\)
注:pdf(probability density function)概率密度函数;prob() 求概率运算?
example: yield function
- \(x\in\bf{R}^n\): nominal parameter vlues for product
- \(w\in\bf{R}^n\): random variations of parameters in manufactured peoduct
- \(S\): set of acceptable values
if \(S\) is convex and \(w\) has a log-concave pdf, then
- Y is log-concave
- yield regions \(\{x\vert Y(x)\ge\alpha\}\)
convexity with respect to generalized inequalities
\(f:\bf{R}^n\rightarrow\bf{R}^m\) is \(K\)-convex if \(f\) is convex and
for \(x,y\in dom~f,0\le\theta\le1\)
example \(f:\bf{S}^m\rightarrow\bf{S}^m\), \(f(X)=X^2\) is \(\bf{S}_+^m\)-convex
proof: for fixed \(z\in\bf{R}^m\), \(z^TX^2z=\Vert Xz\Vert_2^2\) is convex in \(X\), \(i.e.\),
for \(X,Y\in\bf(S)^m\), \(0\le\theta\le1\)
therefore \(f(\theta X+(1-\theta)Y)^2\preceq_K\theta X^2+(1-\theta)Y^2\)