Excel add-in是继承Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2接口,基于Excel Object Model的实现对Excel对象的操作,MSDN上有详细的讲解....这里只是说一下如何进入迅速进入编程状态,然后在该状态下,思考Excel add-in开发的一些可扩展,或者更好的一些应用,我做了一个PPT,放在这里,大家可以看看。

VSTO 2005有两个模板,一个是创建Excel add-in的模板,另外一个是基于单个Excel应用的模板....
Add-in的一般都是属于CommandBar的类型,能在Excel初始化的时候加载进来,大家见过金山的Word Add-in,跟那个原理类似,金山的其实就是在add-in里面处理一个打开一个金山application的逻辑(貌似)。

Excel add-in分为Com add-in和VBA,VBA就不在这讲了....

Excel Add-in可以干什么用呢?

A COM Add-in is an in-process COM server (an ActiveX DLL) that must implement the Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2 interface. All COM Add-ins must implement each of the five methods of this interface: OnConnection, OnStartupComplete, OnAddinsUpdate, OnBeginShutDown, and OnDisconnection.

COM Add-in DEFINATION : COM Add-ins present the developer with a way to extend the functionality of Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003 and Office 2007 applications for custom tasks. COM Add-ins are typically used to automate Excel in response to a click of a CommandBar button, a form or dialog box, or some other event specific to Excel such as opening or closing workbooks or entering data on worksheets. COM Add-in functions cannot be directly called from cell formulas in worksheets.


总之,你能操作Excel里面所涉及到的对象:Cell、Range、Sheet、Worksheet, 来做任何的可以解析的数据,进行分析,挖掘,用Excel来表现出来
 posted on 2007-06-01 17:25  Will Hua  阅读(2214)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报