
  1 using System.Collections.Generic;
  2 using System.IO;
  3 using UnityEditor;
  4 using UnityEngine;
  6 class CreateAssetbundles
  7 {
  8     // This method creates an assetbundle of each SkinnedMeshRenderer
  9     // found in any selected character fbx, and adds any materials that
 10     // are intended to be used by the specific SkinnedMeshRenderer.
 11     [MenuItem("Character Generator/Create Assetbundles")]
 12     static void Execute()
 13     {
 14         bool createdBundle = false;
 15         foreach (Object o in Selection.GetFiltered(typeof (Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets))//返回通过类型和选择模式过滤的当前选择的物体。
 18         {
 19             if (!(o is GameObject)) continue;//如果不是GameObject就跳过本次循环
 20             if ("@")) continue;//如果是动画片段就跳过本次循环
 21             if (!AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(o).Contains("/characters/")) continue;//如果含有指定的目录名就跳过本次循环
 23             GameObject characterFBX = (GameObject)o;//将o强制转换为GameObject
 24             string name =;//获取名字
 26             Debug.Log("******* Creating assetbundles for: " + name + " *******");
 28             // Create a directory to store the generated assetbundles.
 29             if (!Directory.Exists(AssetbundlePath))//检查AssetbundlePath是否存在
 30                 Directory.CreateDirectory(AssetbundlePath);//如果不存在就创建目录
 33             // Delete existing assetbundles for current character.
 34             string[] existingAssetbundles = Directory.GetFiles(AssetbundlePath);//获取AssetbundlePath目录下的文件
 35             foreach (string bundle in existingAssetbundles)
 36             {
 37                 if (bundle.EndsWith(".assetbundle") && bundle.Contains("/assetbundles/" + name))//删除重复的文件
 38                     File.Delete(bundle);
 39             }
 41             // Save bones and animations to a seperate assetbundle. Any 
 42             // possible combination of CharacterElements will use these
 43             // assets as a base. As we can not edit assets we instantiate
 44             // the fbx and remove what we dont need. As only assets can be
 45             // added to assetbundles we save the result as a prefab and delete
 46             // it as soon as the assetbundle is created.
 47             GameObject characterClone = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(characterFBX);//克隆一个GO
 48             foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer smr in characterClone.GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>())//得到子物体的SkinnedMeshRenderer组件不包括Inactive
 49                 Object.DestroyImmediate(smr.gameObject);//销毁资源
 50             characterClone.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();//添加SkinnedMeshRenderer组件到Clone体
 51             Object characterBasePrefab = GetPrefab(characterClone, "characterbase");//得到一个预制件,并销毁clone体
 52             string path = AssetbundlePath + name + "_characterbase.assetbundle";//路径及文件名
 53             BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(characterBasePrefab, null, path, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies);//建一个压缩的unity3d文件,包含资源的集合
 54             AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(characterBasePrefab));//销毁预制件
 56             // Collect materials.
 57             List<Material> materials = EditorHelpers.CollectAll<Material>(GenerateMaterials.MaterialsPath(characterFBX));//获取fbx目录下的所有Material
 59             // Create assetbundles for each SkinnedMeshRenderer.
 60             foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer smr in characterFBX.GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true))//获取fbx及子物体的SkinnedMeshRenderer组件包括Inactive
 61             {
 62                 List<Object> toinclude = new List<Object>();
 64                 // Save the current SkinnedMeshRenderer as a prefab so it can be included
 65                 // in the assetbundle. As instantiating part of an fbx results in the
 66                 // entire fbx being instantiated, we have to dispose of the entire instance
 67                 // after we detach the SkinnedMeshRenderer in question.
 68                 GameObject rendererClone = (GameObject)EditorUtility.InstantiatePrefab(smr.gameObject);//clone给定的预制件
 69                 GameObject rendererParent = rendererClone.transform.parent.gameObject;//获取父对象
 70                 rendererClone.transform.parent = null;//清空clone体的父对象引用
 71                 Object.DestroyImmediate(rendererParent);//摧毁父对象
 72                 Object rendererPrefab = GetPrefab(rendererClone, "rendererobject");//得到一个预制件,并销毁clone体
 73                 toinclude.Add(rendererPrefab);//放置到容器中
 75                 // Collect applicable materials.
 76                 foreach (Material m in materials)
 77                     if ( toinclude.Add(m);
 79                 // When assembling a character, we load SkinnedMeshRenderers from assetbundles,
 80                 // and as such they have lost the references to their bones. To be able to
 81                 // remap the SkinnedMeshRenderers to use the bones from the characterbase assetbundles,
 82                 // we save the names of the bones used.
 83                 List<string> boneNames = new List<string>();
 84                 foreach (Transform t in smr.bones)//获取骨骼
 85                     boneNames.Add(;
 86                 string stringholderpath = "Assets/bonenames.asset";
 87                 AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(new StringHolder(boneNames.ToArray()), stringholderpath);//在指定的路径创建资源
 88                 toinclude.Add(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(stringholderpath, typeof (StringHolder)));//返回在指定位置stringholderpath下第一个类型是StringHolder的资源对象。并添加到容器中
 90                 // Save the assetbundle.
 91                 string bundleName = name + "_" +;
 92                 path = AssetbundlePath + bundleName + ".assetbundle";
 93                 BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(null, toinclude.ToArray(), path, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies);
 94                 Debug.Log("Saved " + bundleName + " with " + (toinclude.Count - 2) + " materials");
 96                 // Delete temp assets.
 97                 AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(rendererPrefab));
 98                 AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(stringholderpath);
 99                 createdBundle = true;
100             }
101         }
103         if (createdBundle)
104             UpdateCharacterElementDatabase.Execute();
105         else
106             EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Character Generator", "No Asset Bundles created. Select the characters folder in the Project pane to process all characters. Select subfolders to process specific characters.", "Ok");
107     }
109     static Object GetPrefab(GameObject go, string name)
110     {
111         Object tempPrefab = EditorUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab("Assets/" + name + ".prefab");//创建一个empty预制件
112         tempPrefab = EditorUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, tempPrefab);//将GO替换为tmpPrefab
113         Object.DestroyImmediate(go);//销毁资源
114         return tempPrefab;//返回tmpPrefab
115     }
117     public static string AssetbundlePath
118     {
119         get { return "assetbundles" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; }
120     }
121 }


posted @ 2013-07-21 10:35  斯玛特琦  阅读(941)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报