
Use Case ID: Satellite#1

Use Case Name: Login

Actor that initiates the use case:

-------Actor1: Administrator

-------Actor2: the system server

Other actors: none

Statement of the purpose of this use case:

         This use case allow the administrator enter the system of the satellite


------The administrator must have the permission of entering the system. In other word, he must have the right username and password.

Primary scenario:

------The administrator input the right username and password and enter the button of “login”, and then he will enter the system.

------The system can return the successful message to the screen.


         ------The administrator can log out of the system.

Alternative scenarios (exception handing):

         ------Give the administrator the warning message “your username or password is wrong”.

Comments: The system should return result on time.






Use Case ID: Satellite#2

Use Case Name: warning of the space rubbish collision.

Actor that initiates the use case:

-------Actor1: the system

-------Actor2: the administrator

Other actors: none

Statement of the purpose of this use case:

          The system detects the space rubbish and gives the warning message of the possibility of collision. The administrator will deal with it.


------The detection system of the satellite finds the space rubbish which is near the satellite orbit.

Primary scenario:

------The detection system gives a warning message in the screen.


         ------The administrator click the button of ”I get this message”.

         ------The administrator will deal with this.

Alternative scenarios (exception handing):

         ------The administrator ignore the warning message and the system will sent it again until the administrator deal with it

Comments: The system should return result on time.








Use Case ID: Satellite#3

Use Case Name: taking pictures of the universe

Actor that initiates the use case:

-------Actor1: the system

-------Actor2: the administrator

Other actors: none

Statement of the purpose of this use case:

         The administrator adjusts the camera to take photo of the universe and download the pictures.


------The administrator adjusts the camera through the dragging of the mouse and click the button of “taking picture”.

Primary scenario:

------The taking-pictures system takes the photo and shows the pictures in the screen.


         ------The administrator click the button of ”download this pictures”.

Alternative scenarios (exception handing):

         ------The administrator takes the pictures but he doesn’t save it. And then the system will give a message ”if you don’t save the photo the system will delete it”

Comments: The system should return result on time.


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