OL3-Cesium 二三维鼠标事件统一处理
like the github issue:
thanks jmgomezpoveda .
i find the way to deal with it.
key point is: brower events and pixel happened.
sucess click and move event.
//二维三维的地图点击事件 // https://github.com/openlayers/ol3/blob/v3.19.0/src/ol/events/eventtype.js define(['watermap'],function(watermap) { var clickHandler; var layerNameFliter; /** * initMapEvents - 初始化地图事件 鼠标移动以及鼠标单击事件 * * * @return {type} Description */ var initMapEvents = function() { $('#' + watermap.config.target).on('mousemove touchmove', function(browserEvent) { var pixel = watermap.map.getEventPixel(browserEvent.originalEvent); HandleFeaturesAtPixelForMove(pixel); }); $('#' + watermap.config.target).on('click touchstart', function(browserEvent) { var pixel = watermap.map.getEventPixel(browserEvent.originalEvent); var features = getFeaturesAtPixelForClick(pixel); if (watermap.MapEvent.clickHandler) { watermap.MapEvent.clickHandler(features); } }); }; /** * setLayerFliters - 设置点击以及鼠标滑过去的图层过滤 * * @param {type} layerNameArray Description * * @return {type} Description */ var setLayerFliters = function(layerNameArray) { this.layerNameFliter = layerNameArray; }; var addClickHandle = function(handler) { if (handler && typeof(handler) == 'function') { this.clickHandler = handler; } else { console.log("click handler you add is not a function"); } }; /** * HandleFeaturesAtPixelForMove - 依据pixel 获取对应的ol.features - Description * * @param {type} pixel Description * * @return {type} Description */ var HandleFeaturesAtPixelForMove = function(pixel) { var features = []; if (watermap.ol3d && watermap.ol3d.getEnabled()) { var pickedObject = watermap.ol3d.getCesiumScene().pick(new Cesium.Cartesian2(pixel[0], pixel[1])); watermap.ol3d.canvas_.style.cursor = 'auto'; if (typeof pickedObject !== "undefined") { // features.push(pickedObject.primitive.olFeature); watermap.ol3d.canvas_.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } } else { watermap.map.getViewport().style.cursor = 'auto'; watermap.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature) { watermap.map.getViewport().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }, undefined, function(layer) { //标注图层过滤 var layerName = layer.get('name'); if (watermap.MapEvent.layerNameFliter && watermap.MapEvent.layerNameFliter.indexOf(layerName)>=0) { return true; } return false; }); } return features; }; /** * getFeaturesAtPixelForClick - 依据pixel 获取对应的ol.features - Description * * @param {type} pixel Description * * @return {type} Description */ var getFeaturesAtPixelForClick = function(pixel) { var features = []; if (watermap.ol3d && watermap.ol3d.getEnabled()) { var pickedObject = watermap.ol3d.getCesiumScene().pick(new Cesium.Cartesian2(pixel[0], pixel[1])); if (typeof pickedObject !== "undefined") { features.push(pickedObject.primitive.olFeature); } } else { watermap.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature) { var featureShow; features.push(feature); }, undefined, function(layer) { //标注图层过滤 var layerName = layer.get('name'); if (watermap.MapEvent.layerNameFliter && watermap.MapEvent.layerNameFliter.indexOf(layerName)>=0) { return true; } return false; }); } return features; }; return { initMapEvents:initMapEvents, clickHandler: clickHandler, layerNameFliter: layerNameFliter, setLayerFliters:setLayerFliters, addClickHandle: addClickHandle, }; });