

FOAF (Friend of a Friend) Overview


 FOAF is a way to describe people and relationships to computers. FOAF stands for Friend Of A Friend. Technically, it is an RDF/XML Semantic Web vocabulary. Because of this, FOAF data is easy to process and merge.

 FOAF用机器可理解的方式来描述人员以及人们之间的联系,它基于RDFXML等语义网技术,所以易于理解和处理。这种想法和Social Network以及六度空间的理论相近。





FOAF isn't a software package. FOAF isn't a user database or Web site either. You own your own content; FOAF just gives you some terminology and structure to make it easy to share that content however you see fit.

 FOAF文件和vCard文件的设计初衷不同,FOAF内容更多地强调个人的兴趣,希望更好的为Semantic Web服务,而vCard属于更为传统的商务个人信息描述。他们之间的转换目前可以通过jabfoaf ( )foaf2vCard ( )来完成。


  • Smushing:   

an informal term for 'merging data based on knowledge of uniquely identifying properties'. 把那些表示同一个属性的数据聚合起来。

  • Scutter

In the context of RDFWeb and FOAF, a scutter is simply a computer program that loads, parses, interprets and acts upon the contents of a Web of interconnected RDF/XML documents. In this sense it is just a Semantic Web variant on the old theme of distributed Web indexing, sometimes called a 'harvester', 'spider', or 'robot'. The links between RDF documents are usually, but not necessarily, expressed using RDF's 'rdfs:seeAlso' property.

  • Slashdot/SlashCode

Slash (a backronym for Slashdot Like Automated Story-telling Homepage) is the open source collection of Perl scripts which runs Slashdot, one of the oldest and most popular collaborative weblogs around. Slash was originally written by Rob Malda, and is now maintained by Jamie McCarthy and Chris Nandor, among others. The package is often incorrectly called Slashcode, which is the name of the website and SourceForge project.

  • Advogato

Advogato is an online community site dedicated to free software development, created by Raph Levien. It describes itself as "the free software developer's advocate."

posted @ 2005-11-09 10:29  hgdfr  阅读(1321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报