redis cluster

redis cluster:






(4)redis-cluster把所有的物理节点映射到[0-16383]slot上,cluster 负责维护node<->slot<->value


(6):什么时候整个集群不可用(cluster_state:fail),当集群不可用时,所有对集群的操作做都不可用,收到((error) CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down)错误



针对事务多个keys映射到同一个node的情况,redis采用hash tags处理方式,主要是针对key的构建形式做处理,规则如下

  • IF the key contains a { character.
  • AND IF there is a } character to the right of {
  • AND IF there are one or more characters between the first occurrence of { and the first occurrence of }.


  • The two keys {user1000}.following and {user1000}.followers will hash to the same hash slot since only the substring user1000 will be hashed in order to compute the hash slot.
  • For the key foo{}{bar} the whole key will be hashed as usually since the first occurrence of { is followed by } on the right without characters in the middle.
  • For the key foo{{bar}}zap the substring {bar will be hashed, because it is the substring between the first occurrence of { and the first occurrence of } on its right.
  • For the key foo{bar}{zap} the substring bar will be hashed, since the algorithm stops at the first valid or invalid (without bytes inside) match of { and }.
  • What follows from the algorithm is that if the key starts with {}, it is guaranteed to be hashed as a whole. This is useful when using binary data as key names.


posted @ 2015-09-14 18:30  scu_2008_hike  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报