mORMot 的 Fast Format 到底是% 还是 ? 作为参数!,先看看关键代码。
function FormatSql(const Format: RawUtf8; const Args, Params: array of const): RawUtf8;
fast Format() function replacement, handling % but also ? inlined parameters
- will include Args[] for every % in Format
- will include Params[] for every ? in Format, as "inlined" ORM or DB values,
e.g. :(1234): for numbers, and 😦'quoted '' string'): for text - note that, due to a Delphi compiler limitation, cardinal values should be
type-casted to Int64() (otherwise the integer mapped value will be converted) - is a wrapper around FormatParams(Format, Args, Params, false, result);
- Format中每个%都将包含Args[]
- Format中每个?都将包含Params[],作为“内联”ORM或DB值,
例如,数字用:(1234):表示,文本用:('quoted '' string'):表示 - 请注意,由于Delphi编译器的限制,基数值应转换为Int64()(否则映射的整数值将被转换)
- 是FormatParams(Format, Args, Params, false, result)的包装函数;
- “Args[] for every % in Format” 指的是,在Format字符串中,每一个百分号(%)都将对应一个Args数组中的元素,用于替换该百分号。
- “Params[] for every ? in Format” 指的是,在Format字符串中,每一个问号(?)都将对应一个Params数组中的元素,这个元素可能是一个ORM(对象关系映射)值或者数据库值。
- “cardinal values should be type-casted to Int64()” 指的是,由于Delphi编译器的某些限制,需要将基数值(无符号整数值)显式转换为Int64类型,以避免整数值的自动转换可能引发的问题。
- “wrapper around FormatParams” 指的是,这个函数实质上是对另一个函数FormatParams的封装,使得调用更加简便,或者增加了额外的功能。
function FormatJson(const Format: RawUtf8; const Args, Params: array of const): RawUtf8;
fast Format() function replacement, handling % but also ? parameters as JSON
- will include Args[] for every % in Format
- will include Params[] for every ? in Format, as their JSON value, with
proper JSON double quotes and escaping for strings - note that, due to a Delphi compiler limitation, cardinal values should be
type-casted to Int64() (otherwise the integer mapped value will be converted) - is a wrapper around FormatParams(Format, Args, Params, true, result);
- 将为每个在Format中出现的%包含Args[]
- 将为每个在Format中出现的?包含Params[],作为它们的JSON值,字符串会使用适当的JSON双引号和转义字符
- 注意,由于Delphi编译器的限制,基数值应该被类型转换为Int64()(否则映射的整数值将被转换)
- 是FormatParams(Format, Args, Params, true, result)的包装函数;
{$ifndef PUREMORMOT2}
// rather call FormatSql() and FormatJson() functions
// 更应该调用 FormatSql() and FormatJson() 使代码清晰
function FormatUtf8(const Format: RawUtf8; const Args, Params: array of const; JsonFormat: boolean = false): RawUtf8; overload;
{$endif PUREMORMOT2}
fast Format() function replacement, handling % and ? parameters
- call rather FormatSql() and FormatJson() wrappers instead
- resulting string has no length limit and uses fast concatenation
- any supplied TObject instance will be written as their class name
- 请改用FormatSql()和FormatJson()包装函数
- 生成的字符串没有长度限制,并使用快速连接
- 任何提供的TObject实例都将以其类名写入
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender :TObject);
SearchPhrase :RawUtf8;
begin //sql 文字替换
SearchPhrase:='abcde' ;
Edit2.Caption := mormot.core.json.FormatUtf8(' % MATCH ? ORDER BY rank DESC ', ['SearchTable'], [SearchPhrase]); SearchPhrase:='abcde' ;
Edit1.Caption := mormot.core.json.FormatUtf8(' % MATCH ? ORDER BY rank DESC ', ['SearchTable'], [123]);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender :TObject);
SearchPhrase :RawUtf8;
begin //json 文字替换
SearchPhrase:='abcde' ;
Edit2.Caption := mormot.core.json.FormatUtf8(' % MATCH ? ORDER BY rank DESC ', ['SearchTable'], [SearchPhrase],True); SearchPhrase:='abcde' ;
Edit1.Caption := mormot.core.json.FormatUtf8(' % MATCH ? ORDER BY rank DESC ', ['SearchTable'], [123],True);
SearchTable MATCH :('abcde'): ORDER BY rank DESC
SearchTable MATCH :(123): ORDER BY rank DESC
据说mormot 带上 :( ):
SearchTable MATCH 123 ORDER BY rank DESC
SearchTable MATCH "abcde" ORDER BY rank DESC
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