快速搭建REST API——json server


npm install json-server -g


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147       "desc": "什么情况啊",
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157     },
158     {
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160       "desc": "登录鉴权过程中需携带 token 访问 API",
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163       "participantIds": [],
164       "dueDate": "2017-07-03T16:00:00.000Z",
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170     },
171     {
172       "taskListId": "BkWpk7jGZb",
173       "desc": "增加统计报表功能",
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177       "dueDate": "2017-07-25T16:00:00.000Z",
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186       "desc": "首页 banner 增加 2px 的 margin",
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190         "BkkDvwee-"
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196       "createDate": "2017-05-24T06:12:59.718Z",
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198     },
199     {
200       "taskListId": "BkWpk7jGZb",
201       "desc": "库存管理 -- 出库操作 API",
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203       "ownerId": "BkkDvwee-",
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205         "37489e0c-df34-c261-71c4-ce75357e3035"
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213     },
214     {
215       "taskListId": "H1fTyXjMWW",
216       "desc": "用户可以签入签出设备",
217       "completed": true,
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219       "participantIds": [],
220       "dueDate": "2017-05-20T16:00:00.000Z",
221       "priority": 1,
222       "remark": "",
223       "reminder": "2017-05-20T16:00:00.000Z",
224       "createDate": "2017-05-24T06:16:24.575Z",
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226     },
227     {
228       "taskListId": "BkWpk7jGZb",
229       "desc": "什么情况啊?",
230       "completed": false,
231       "ownerId": "37489e0c-df34-c261-71c4-ce75357e3035",
232       "participantIds": [],
233       "dueDate": null,
234       "priority": 3,
235       "remark": "",
236       "reminder": null,
237       "createDate": "2017-06-15T12:03:36.290Z",
238       "id": 9
239     }
240   ],
241   "quotes": [
242     {
243       "id": "0",
244       "cn": "我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵我哪怕一举手一投足。",
245       "en": "I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.There are lots of shining silvery thread on my back,controlling all my action.",
246       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/0.jpg"
247     },
248     {
249       "id": "1",
250       "cn": "被击垮通常只是暂时的,但如果你放弃的话,就会使它成为永恒。(Marilyn vos Savant)",
251       "en": "Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.",
252       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/1.jpg"
253     },
254     {
255       "id": "2",
256       "cn": "不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的梦想。(莎士比亚)",
257       "en": "Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effect.",
258       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/2.jpg"
259     },
260     {
261       "id": "3",
262       "cn": "想有发现就要实验,这项实验需要时间。—《神盾局特工》",
263       "en": "Discovery requires experimentation, and this experiment will take time.",
264       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/3.jpg"
265     },
266     {
267       "id": "4",
268       "cn": "这世界并不会在意你的自尊,这世界希望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。",
269       "en": "The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.",
270       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/4.jpg"
271     },
272     {
273       "id": "5",
274       "cn": "当你最终放开了过去,更好的事就会到来。",
275       "en": "When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along.",
276       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/5.jpg"
277     },
278     {
279       "id": "6",
280       "cn": "我们学着放开过去伤害我们的人和事,学着只向前看。因为生活本来就是一往直前的。",
281       "en": "We learn to let go of things and people that hurt us in the past and just move on. For life is all about moving on.",
282       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/6.jpg"
283     },
284     {
285       "id": "7",
286       "cn": "绝不要因为怕辛苦而拒绝一个想法、梦想或是目标,成功的路上难免伴随辛苦。(Bob Proctor)",
287       "en": "Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it.",
288       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/7.jpg"
289     },
290     {
291       "id": "8",
292       "cn": "我们在人生中会作出许多选择,带着这些选择继续生活,才是人生中最难的一课。《妙笔生花》",
293       "en": "We all make our choices in life. The hard thing to do is live with them.",
294       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/8.jpg"
295     },
296     {
297       "id": "9",
298       "cn": "我总是对新的一天充满喜悦,这是一次新的尝试、一个新的开始,翘首以待,黎明之后或是惊喜。(约翰·博因顿·普里斯特利)",
299       "en": "I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.",
300       "pic": "/assets/img/quotes/9.jpg"
301     }
302   ]
303 }
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三:执行 “json-server mock/data.json” 显示如下效果



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