Unable To Open Database After ASM Upgrade From Release 11.1 To Release 11.2
After upgrade the ASM instance from release 11.1 to release 11.2 existing database is unable to start/open due to the next error:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 7 15:49:33 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file '+ORADATA_DBAT/dbat/spfiledbat.ora'
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +ORADATA_DBAT/dbat/spfiledbat.ora
ORA-15077: could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup
The ocrconfig_loc variable in the /var/opt/oracle/ocr.loc file was still pointing to previous the ASM 11gR1 Oracle Home:
It should point to the new 11.2 Grid Oracle Home:
Note: On Linux the ocr.loc file is located at: /etc/oracle/ocr.loc.
Please update the /var/opt/oracle/ocr.loc file with the next entries:
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